Commit b0f338da authored by cchou's avatar cchou
Browse files

shapefile2map codes ingested in PlotEquiMap.R

parent b1e76fda
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  • Author Developer

    Hi @nperez ,

    Thank you for kicking off this enhancement.

    I have tried to create a branch and modified the PlotEquiMap.R by adding the required transform part of codes that take the pathway of the shapefile folder, convert to the 'map' format and plot it.

    Here are some questions that I am not sure how to complete it or if there is a better way to do it. Please comment on it.

    • I have added a simple checkpoint at the front, but I have no idea how to check if the input_shapefile is a pathway in which the required files are provided. I have copied a sample shapefile into /esarchive/scratch/cchou/git/s2dv/shapefile_sample. Could you have a look at the files' types?
    • The added codes would require the following packages: sp, rgdal & maps which might not have been ready for PlotEquiMap.R, how could they be added?
    • The two parameters used in the readOGR and spTransform, i.e., RDD_ETRS89 and +proj=longlat, might not be correct for all cases, thus I have added two 'prints' during the execution showing the parameters used.
    • The input_shapefile can also be taken by PlotMostLikelyQuantileMap.R in my case. I did not see the function in this 's2dv' you created though...

    Please let me know If I can further help with it.

    Warm regards, Chung

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