Hi @aho,
I have a new functionality for PlotEquiMap that can take a shapefile of the region of interest, convert to a 'map' variable and the boundary lines of the region can be plotted in the figure.
- 3 new parameters are input_shapefile, lwd_shapefile, col_shapefile which indicate the pathway of the shapefile folder, the line width of the boundary and its color respectively.
- 2 new dependencies to rgdal and sp libraries: rgdal::readOGR and sp::SpatialPolygons2map
- The pipelines fail because a module rgdal is required (see https://earth.bsc.es/wiki/doku.php?id=tools:Rtools&s[]=Rtools).
- A sample shapefile (i.e., Douro Valley in the northern Portugal) has been added in the data folder for testing.
Thank you and please let me know if anything is unclear.