Hi @aho
I have just pushed the changes I have for the GetProbs function. It now includes two new parameters: 'abs_thresholds' and 'prob_dim'.
Could you help me to test it whenever you have time?
It seems to work with the example:
res <- GetProbs(data = data, time_dim = 'sdate', memb_dim = 'ensemble',
indices_for_quantiles = 4:17)
And you can also see my sample data in "/esarchive/scratch/nperez/sample_full_cross.RDS" to run the test:
test <- GetProbs(ano_hcst_ev, time_dim = 'loop', prob_thresholds = NULL,
prob_dim = 'probs', indices_for_quantiles = NULL,
memb_dim = 'member', abs_thresholds = lims_ano_hcst_tr)
Could I keep adding other functions developments to this branch?
Thanks for your help!!
FYI @cdelgado