Hi @vagudets, @nperez, @nmilders,
I have implemented the option to use the effective number of degrees of freedom (N.eff
) to account for time series autocorrelation when assessing the statistical significance of the Skill Scores (MSSS
) with RandomWalktest
: implemented in the atomic function, and included the parameter's documentation and checks. N.eff
can be FALSE
(default, the length of the time series will be used for the test, so the autocorrelation will not be accounted for), a number (that will be used in all the cases), or an array with the same dimensions as skill_A
except time_dim
. (I used FALSE instead of NA to avoid confusion with other functions like DiffCorr
, where NA means that N.eff
are computed automatically with Eno
). If test.type == two.sided.approx
, N.eff
cannot be used, and a warning will arise. In cases with extremely high autocorrelation, N.eff
might be lower than the difference of times that one forecast is better than the other, so binom.test
fails (it does not make sense that, when flipping a coin 20 times, it shows one side more than 20 times). In such cases, such a difference in times is replaced with N.eff
(Núria's idea, to be confirmed with Paco).
: implemented in the big and atomic functions, and included the parameter's documentation and checks. N.eff
can be NA
(default, N.eff
is automatically computed with Eno
(the length of the time series will be used for the test, so the autocorrelation will not be accounted for), a number (that will be used in all the cases), or an array with the same dimensions as skill_A
except time_dim
Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback. I have made some basic checks (see below), but Nadia has kindly volunteered to test these developments with real data.
Thank you!
.Eno <- s2dv:::.Eno
.RPS <- s2dv:::.RPS
.CRPS <- s2dv:::.CRPS
.GetProbs <- s2dv:::.GetProbs
gitlab <- '/esarchive/scratch/cdelgado/gitlab/s2dv/R/'
scores_A <- array(data = rnorm(1000), c(year = 50, lat = 2, lon = 3))
scores_B <- array(data = rnorm(1000), c(year = 50, lat = 2, lon = 3))
exp <- array(rnorm(1000), dim = c(year = 50, lat = 2, lon = 3, member = 10))
obs <- array(rnorm(1000), dim = c(year = 50, lat = 2, lon = 3))
N.eff <- array(10, dim = c(lat = 2, lon = 3))
## RandomWalkTest
rw_s2dv <- s2dv::RandomWalkTest(skill_A = scores_A, skill_B = scores_B, time_dim = 'year', pval = T, sign = T, test.type = 'two.sided')
rw_F <- RandomWalkTest(skill_A = scores_A, skill_B = scores_B, time_dim = 'year', pval = T, sign = T, test.type = 'two.sided', N.eff = FALSE)
rw_10 <- RandomWalkTest(skill_A = scores_A, skill_B = scores_B, time_dim = 'year', pval = T, sign = T, test.type = 'two.sided', N.eff = 10)
rw_array <- RandomWalkTest(skill_A = scores_A, skill_B = scores_B, time_dim = 'year', pval = T, sign = T, test.type = 'two.sided', N.eff = N.eff)
identical(rw_s2dv,rw_F) # TRUE
identical(rw_s2dv,rw_10) # FALSE
identical(rw_array,rw_10) # TRUE
msss_s2dv <- s2dv::MSSS(exp = exp, obs = obs, time_dim = 'year', memb_dim = 'member', pval = T, sig_method = 'Random Walk', sig_method.type = 'two.sided')
msss_F <- MSSS(exp = exp, obs = obs, time_dim = 'year', memb_dim = 'member', pval = T, sig_method = 'Random Walk', sig_method.type = 'two.sided', N.eff = FALSE)
msss_NA <- MSSS(exp = exp, obs = obs, time_dim = 'year', memb_dim = 'member', pval = T, sig_method = 'Random Walk', sig_method.type = 'two.sided', N.eff = NA)
msss_10 <- MSSS(exp = exp, obs = obs, time_dim = 'year', memb_dim = 'member', pval = T, sig_method = 'Random Walk', sig_method.type = 'two.sided', N.eff = 10)
msss_array <- MSSS(exp = exp, obs = obs, time_dim = 'year', memb_dim = 'member', pval = T, sig_method = 'Random Walk', sig_method.type = 'two.sided', N.eff = N.eff)
identical(msss_s2dv,msss_F) # TRUE
identical(msss_10,msss_F) # FALSE
identical(msss_10,msss_array) # TRUE
rmsss_s2dv <- s2dv::RMSSS(exp = exp, obs = obs, time_dim = 'year', memb_dim = 'member', pval = T, sig_method = 'Random Walk', sig_method.type = 'two.sided')
rmsss_F <- RMSSS(exp = exp, obs = obs, time_dim = 'year', memb_dim = 'member', pval = T, sig_method = 'Random Walk', sig_method.type = 'two.sided', N.eff = FALSE)
rmsss_NA <- RMSSS(exp = exp, obs = obs, time_dim = 'year', memb_dim = 'member', pval = T, sig_method = 'Random Walk', sig_method.type = 'two.sided', N.eff = NA)
rmsss_10 <- RMSSS(exp = exp, obs = obs, time_dim = 'year', memb_dim = 'member', pval = T, sig_method = 'Random Walk', sig_method.type = 'two.sided', N.eff = 10)
rmsss_array <- RMSSS(exp = exp, obs = obs, time_dim = 'year', memb_dim = 'member', pval = T, sig_method = 'Random Walk', sig_method.type = 'two.sided', N.eff = N.eff)
identical(rmsss_s2dv,rmsss_F) # TRUE
identical(rmsss_10,rmsss_F) # FALSE
identical(rmsss_10,rmsss_array) # TRUE
rpss_s2dv <- s2dv::RPSS(exp = exp, obs = obs, time_dim = 'year', memb_dim = 'member', sig_method.type = 'two.sided', alpha = 0.05)
rpss_F <- RPSS(exp = exp, obs = obs, time_dim = 'year', memb_dim = 'member', sig_method.type = 'two.sided', alpha = 0.05, N.eff = FALSE)
rpss_NA <- RPSS(exp = exp, obs = obs, time_dim = 'year', memb_dim = 'member', sig_method.type = 'two.sided', alpha = 0.05, N.eff = NA)
rpss_10 <- RPSS(exp = exp, obs = obs, time_dim = 'year', memb_dim = 'member', sig_method.type = 'two.sided', alpha = 0.05, N.eff = 10)
rpss_array <- RPSS(exp = exp, obs = obs, time_dim = 'year', memb_dim = 'member', sig_method.type = 'two.sided', alpha = 0.05, N.eff = N.eff)
identical(rpss_s2dv,rpss_F) # TRUE
identical(rpss_10,rpss_F) # FALSE
identical(rpss_10,rpss_array) # TRUE
crpss_s2dv <- s2dv::CRPSS(exp = exp, obs = obs, time_dim = 'year', memb_dim = 'member', sig_method.type = 'two.sided', alpha = 0.05)
crpss_F <- CRPSS(exp = exp, obs = obs, time_dim = 'year', memb_dim = 'member', sig_method.type = 'two.sided', alpha = 0.05, N.eff = FALSE)
crpss_NA <- CRPSS(exp = exp, obs = obs, time_dim = 'year', memb_dim = 'member', sig_method.type = 'two.sided', alpha = 0.05, N.eff = NA)
crpss_10 <- CRPSS(exp = exp, obs = obs, time_dim = 'year', memb_dim = 'member', sig_method.type = 'two.sided', alpha = 0.05, N.eff = 10)
crpss_array <- CRPSS(exp = exp, obs = obs, time_dim = 'year', memb_dim = 'member', sig_method.type = 'two.sided', alpha = 0.05, N.eff = N.eff)
identical(crpss_s2dv,crpss_F) # TRUE
identical(crpss_10,crpss_F) # FALSE
identical(crpss_10,crpss_array) # TRUE