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Package: s2dverification
Title: Set of Common Tools for Model Diagnostics
Nicolau Manubens's avatar
Nicolau Manubens committed
Version: 2.4.2
Date: 2015-08-13
Nicolau Manubens's avatar
Nicolau Manubens committed
Author: Virginie Guemas <>, Nicolau Manubens Gil <>, Louis-Philippe Caron <>, Verónica Torralba <>, Isabel Andreu-Burillo <>, Fabian Lienert <>, Javier Garcia-Serrano <>, Ludovic Auger <>, Chloé Prodhomme <>, Martin Ménégoz <> 
Nicolau Manubens's avatar
Nicolau Manubens committed
Maintainer: Nicolau Manubens <> 
Virginie Guemas's avatar
Virginie Guemas committed
Description: Set of tools to assess the performance of a model through the computation of typical prediction scores against one or more observational datasets or reanalyses (a reanalysis being a physical extrapolation of observations that relies on the equations from a model, not a pure observational dataset). 
Depends: R (>= 2.14.1), methods, maps
Imports: ncdf4, GEOmap, geomapdata, mapproj, abind, parallel, bigmemory, SpecsVerification, plyr
SystemRequirements: ls, rm, nco, cdo