FitAutocor.Rd 1.2 KB
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\title{Fits an AR1 Autocorrelation Function Using Dichotomy}
FitAutocor(estacf, window = c(-1, 1), prec = 0.01)
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aho committed
\item{estacf}{First guess for the autocorrelation function.}

\item{window}{Interval in which the autocorrelation at lag 1 should be found.}

\item{prec}{Precision to which the autocorrelation function at lag 1 is to be estimated.}
Best estimate of the autocorrelation at lag 1.
This function fits the theoretical autocorrelation function of an AR1 to 
the first guess of the estimated autocorrelation function estacf containing 
any number of lags. The fitting relies on a dichotomial minimisation of the 
mean square differences between both autocorrelation functions. It returns 
the autocorrelation at lag 1 of the fitted AR1 process.
series <- GenSeries(1000, 0.35, 2, 1)
estacf <- acf(series[951:1000], plot = FALSE)$acf
alpha <-  FitAutocor(estacf, c(-1, 1), 0.01)
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aho committed
0.1  -  2012-02  (V. Guemas)  -  Original code\cr
1.0  -  2013-09  (N. Manubens)  -  Formatting to CRAN