Composite.R 3.12 KB
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Composite <- function(var, occurrences, lag=0, tflag=FALSE, nameout=NULL) {
  # Composites a 3-d field var(x,y,time) according to the indices of
  # mode/cluster occurrences in time and computes the pvalues (t-test). 
  # Args :
  #   var         : 3-dimensional tensor (x, y, time) containing the variable to composite.
  #   occurrences : 1-dimensional array for the occurrence time series of mode(s)/cluster(s) 
  #                 (*1) when one wants to composite all modes, e.g., all K=3 clusters then
  #                 for example occurrences could look like: 1 1 2 3 2 3 1 3 3 2 3 2 2 3 2,
  #                 (*2) otherwise for compositing only the 2nd mode or cluster of the above 
  #                 example occurrences should look like 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1.
  #   lag         : Lag time step (an integer), e.g., for lag=2 composite will use +2
  #                 occurrences (i.e., shifted 2 time steps forward). Deafult is lag=0.
  #   tflag       : For using the effective sample size (TRUE) or the total sample size 
  #                 (FALSE that is the default) for the number of degrees of freedom.  
  #   nameout     : Name of the .sav output file (NULL is the default).
  # Return :
  #   $Composite : 3-d tensor (x, y, k) containing the composites k=1,..,K for case (*1)
  #                or only k=1 for any specific cluster, i.e., case (*2).
  #   $Pvalue    : 3-d tensor (x, y, k) containing the pvalue of the 
  #                composites obtained through a t-test that accounts for the serial
  #                dependence of the data with the same structure as Composite.  
  # History:
  #   0.1  #  2014-08  (N.S. Fuckar,  #  Original code

  if ( dim(var)[3]!=length(occurrences) ) { stop("temporal dimension of var is not equal to length of occurrences") }

  K         <- max(occurrences)
  composite <- array(dim = c(dim(var)[1:2], K))
  tvalue    <- array(dim = dim(var)[1:2])
  dof       <- array(dim = dim(var)[1:2])
  pvalue    <- array(dim = c(dim(var)[1:2], K))

  if ( tflag==TRUE ) { n_tot <- Eno(var, posdim=3) }
  else { n_tot <- length(occurrences) }

  mean_tot <- Mean1Dim(var, posdim=3, narm=TRUE)
  stdv_tot <- apply(var, c(1,2), sd, na.rm=TRUE) 

  for (k in 1:K) {
    indices <- which(occurrences==k)+lag

    if ( length(toberemoved) > 0 ) { indices=indices[-toberemoved] }

    if ( tflag==TRUE ) { n_k <- Eno(var[,,indices], posdim=3) }
    else { n_k <- length(indices) }

    composite[,,k] <- Mean1Dim(var[,,indices], posdim=3, narm=TRUE)
    stdv_k         <- apply(var[,,indices], c(1,2), sd, na.rm=TRUE)
    tvalue[,]   <- (mean_tot - composite[,,k])/sqrt(stdv_tot^2/n_tot + stdv_k^2/n_k)
    dof[,]      <- (stdv_tot^2/n_tot + stdv_k^2/n_k)^2/((stdv_tot^2/n_tot)^2/(n_tot - 1) +  (stdv_k^2/n_k)^2/(n_k - 1))
    pvalue[,,k] <- 2*pt(-abs(tvalue[,]), df=dof[,])

  if ( is.null(nameout)==FALSE ) { 
    output <- list(Composite=composite, Pvalue=pvalue)   
  #  Outputs
  # ~~~~~~~~~
  invisible(list(Composite = composite, Pvalue = pvalue)) 