# startR v2.0.4 (Release date: )
- Bugfix for metadata retrieving when there are more than one dataset and one of them is missing.
- Bugfix for metadata_dims along non-dat dim.
- Bugfix for wildcard reading when parameter 'path_glob_permissive' is used.
- /dev/shm automatic cleaning on Compute(). Solve the error 'No space left on device' which happened when the jobs are aborted.
# startR v2.0.1 (Release date: 2020-09-10)
- /dev/shm automatic cleaning on Compute()
- Bugfix for the function .chunk(). Its name was chunk() before v2.0.0, and there are two parts
were not renamed to .chunk() in v2.0.0.
- Bugfix for metadata in the condition that reorder or transform is applied and 'return_vars' is NULL.
- Bugfix for the parameter 'metadata_dims'. It did not work correctly for the cases other than
'1 data set, 1 variable'. For 1 data set case, all the variables should be listed under $common in
the attributes; for more than 1 data set case, the variables should be listed under each $dat.
- Bugfix for the missing first file case. It showed an error before when the first file is not found but now it works.
- Bugfix for the parameter 'path_glob_permissive' of Start().
# startR v2.0.0 (Release date: 2020-08-06)
- Adopt Roxygen2 documentation format
- Remove Subset() to avoid duplicated function. Use ClimProjDiags::Subset instead.
- Bugfix for requiring the repetitive values from a single file when using
'merge_across_dims' and 'split_multiselected_dims'. The value positions were not
correct before.
- Specify the time zone to be 'UTC' regarding time attributes retrieval. The time zone
was not specified before and it caused problems when the time crosses daylight saving.
- Bugfix for longitude transformation when the required grid point across the borders. The bug apprears at v1.0.0 and v1.0.1.
- Add one new parameter 'merge_across_dims_narm' in Start(). If it is TRUE,
the additional NAs in the across dimension will be removed. It is useful when
a continuous time series is required, or parameter 'split_multiselected_dims' is
TRUE and expected dimensions are supposed to have no NAs.
- Bugfix for the possible mixed dimension problem when 'split_multiselected_dims' and
'merge_across_dims' are both used.
- Bugfix for global longitude across the borders.
- Bugfix for longitude transformation when across the borders.
- Bugfix for transform_extra_cells when across the borders.
- Bugfix for un-reorder longitude transformation crop.
- Bugfixes of lat and lon assigned by 'values' in Start(). In v0.1.4 it is incorrect when assigned from big to small values.
- Compatiblity break: Develop longitude and latitude reorder convention.
The reordering functions (i.e., Sort() and CircularSort()) are well-functioning now.
- Bugfixes of transform in Start(). Change the default value of param 'extra_cells' to 2. (issue37)
- Bugfixes of chunk function in Utils.R (issue23)
- Bugfixes of paramter 'split_multiselected_dims' in ByChunk.R
- Bugfixes for chunking at dimensions which are assigned with list in Start() (issue38)
- Documentation improvement
# startR v0.1.3 (Release date: 2019-08-05)
- Add parameter 'use_attributes' in Step().
- Add paramter 'CDO_module' in Compute(cluster = list()). It is mandatory for using functions which depend on cdo (e.g., s2dverification::CDORemap) in operation.