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# Hands-on 3: Load data by startR

## Goal
Use startR to load the data used in CSTools [RainFARM vignette](https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/external/cstools/-/blob/master/vignettes/RainFARM_vignette.Rmd). Learn how to adjust data while loading data.

## 0. Load required packages

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# Clean the session
rm(list = ls())

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## 1. Load data from data repository (esarchive/)

**Data description**:  
This sample data set contains a small cutout of gridded seasonal precipitation 
forecast data from the Copernicus Climate Change ECMWF-System 5 forecast system.
Specifically, for the 'prlr' (precipitation) variable, for the first 6 forecast 
ensemble members, daily values, for all 31 days in March following the forecast 
starting dates in November of years 2010 to 2012, for a small 4x4 pixel cutout in 
a region in the North-Western Italian Alps (44N-47N, 6E-9E). The data resolution is 1 degree.

Use the above information to define the variable, start dates, longitude and latitude.

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  # Use this one if on workstation or nord3 (have access to /esarchive)
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  repos <- "/esarchive/exp/ecmwf/system5c3s/daily_mean/$var$_s0-24h/$var$_$sdate$.nc"
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  # Use this one if on Marenostrum4 and log in with PATC2021 account
  repos <- paste0('/gpfs/scratch/nct01/nct01127/d3_R_handson/esarchive/',

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  var <- ___<fill>___
  sdate <- paste0(___<fill>___, '1101')
  lon.min <- ___<fill>___
  lon.max <- ___<fill>___
  lat.min <- ___<fill>___
  lat.max <- ___<fill>___

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Calculate the forecast time step by package "lubridate". Desired days: the whole March (leap year ignored).
Check the usage of the following functions by type `?<func_name>` or check official website https://lubridate.tidyverse.org/reference/.
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  ## Check which year is leap year
  ## Find the first time step we want
  ftime_s <- as.integer(ymd("2011-03-01", tz = "UTC") - ymd("2010-11-01", tz = "UTC")) + 1
  ftime <- ftime_s:(ftime_s + 30)

Use Start() to load the data.

  data <- Start(dat = repos,
                var = var,
                sdate = sdate,
                ensemble = indices(___<fill>___),
                time = ftime,
                latitude = values(list(lat.min, lat.max)),
                latitude_reorder = Sort(),
                longitude = values(list(lon.min, lon.max)),
                longitude_reorder = CircularSort(0, 360),
                synonims = list(latitude = c('lat', 'latitude'),
                                longitude = c('lon', 'longitude')),
                return_vars = list(time = 'sdate',
                                   longitude = NULL, latitude = NULL),
                retrieve = TRUE)

## 2. Compare with CSTools lonlat_prec

Load CSTools data `lonlat_prec`.

  stored_data <- CSTools::lonlat_prec

### Dimensions


### Dates

  data_time_attr <- attr(data, 'Variables')$common$time

### Latitude and Longitude

  data_lat_attr <- attr(data, 'Variables')$common$latitude

  data_lon_attr <- attr(data, 'Variables')$common$longitude

## 3. Adjust Start() call to get more consistent result with lonlat_prec

You should already see that the output of Start() `data` does have the same values 
as `lonlat_prec`, but there are some differences. For example, the "member" and "time" 
dimensions have different names; latitude vector order is different.

1. We can use parameter `synonims` to change the dimension name freely.
In Start(), change `ensemble` to `member` and `time` to `ftime`, and define their synonims.

2. Sort() in startR is a wrapper function of base function sort(). You can find it in Start()
call above, `latitude_reorder = Sort()`. Type `?sort` in R console to find how to change 
latitude to descending order.

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3. To switch `member` and `sdate` dimension order, simply switch the order in Start() call.

# Write a new Start() call based on the previous script
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  data <- Start(...)
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