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# Usecase scripts

In this document, you can link to the example scripts for various demands. For the beginners, it is highly recommended to read the [practical guide](inst/doc/ carefully first. You can find basic scripts and the configuration for different machines there.

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1. **Retrieve data (use `Start()` only)** 
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   1. [Interpolation in Start()](inst/doc/usecase/ex1_1_tranform.R)  
      Do the interpolation within Start(), and compare with Load() result. When the Start() parameter `transform_extra_cells = 2`, the two results will be the same.  

   2. [Load experimental and observational data with same dimension structure](inst/doc/usecase/ex1_2_exp_obs_attr.R)  
      This script tells you how to load experimental and observational data in a 
   consistent way, facilating the following comparison. In this case, experimental 
   data is one file per year, each file contains 12 months (time = 12). However, 
   observational data is one file per month, each file contains only one time step.
   You can learn how to select all the required year and month for observation, and 
   twist the dimensions to make them consistent with experiment.  
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      The highlight paramters used in this usecase are: **'*_across'**, 
   **'merge_across_dims'**, and **'split_multiselected_dims'**.  
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   3. [Use experimental data attribute to load in oberservational data](inst/doc/usecase/ex1_3_attr_loadin.R)  
      Like ex1_2, it shows how to retrieve the experimental data and observational data 
in a comparable structure. It also shows how to use parameters `xxx_tolerance`, `xxx_across`, `merge_across_dims`, `merge_across_dims_narm`, and `split_multiselected_dims`.  
It is recommended reading ex1_2 first since there is more explanation.
   4. [Checking impact of start date order in the number of members](inst/doc/usecase/ex1_4_variable_nmember.R)  
      Mixing start dates of different months can lead to load different number of members, check the code provided and the [FAQ 10](/inst/doc/

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   5. [Use reorder functions to get desired lat/lon region](inst/doc/usecase/ex1_5_latlon_reorder.R)  
      This script shows you how to use reorder function (`Sort()`, `CircularSort()`) to 
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get the desired longitude and latitude region. See [FAQ How-to-#11](inst/doc/
for more explanation.

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   6. [Loading gridpoint data](inst/doc/usecase/ex1_6_gridpoint_data.R)  
      **Start** can be used to load single point data by providing a vector of longitudes and latitudes. This use case also ilustrates how to reformat it to get a 'gridpoint' dimension.

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   7. [Use split and merge parameters together](inst/doc/usecase/ex1_7_split_merge.R)  
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      This usecase shows the things to be noticed when the parameters 'split_multiselected_dims' and 'merge_across_dims' are both used. 
The problem may occur when the dimension number of the splitted selector is more than two. If you are not familiar with the usage of these parameters, please see usecases ex1_2 and ex1_3 first, which are less complicated. You can also go to FAQ How-to-#17 for more explanation.
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   8. [Loading tas and tos from Decadal Predictions performed with the EC-Earth model](inst/doc/usecase/ex1_8_tasandtos.R)  
       Some climate indices needs to be computed loading 'tas' (air temperature at 2m) over land and 'tos' (ocean surface temperature) over sea. Using **startR**, you can load these data in a unique **Start** call or with multiple calls separately for each variable.
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   9. [Use glob expression * to define the path](inst/doc/usecase/ex1_9_path_glob_permissive.R)  
       This script shows you how to use glob expression '*' and the parameter 'path_glob_permissive' of Start().
You can also find information in [FAQ How-to-18](inst/doc/

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   10. [Use 'metadata_dims' to retrieve complete variable metadata](inst/doc/usecase/ex1_10_metadata_dims.R)  
       This script tells you how to use the parameter 'metadata_dims' in Start() to get the complete variable metadata. 
You will see four difference cases and learn the rules.
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You can find more explanation in FAQ [How-to-20](inst/doc/
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   11. [Three methods to load experimental files with different member and version](inst/doc/usecase/ex1_11_expid_member_version.R)  
       This script shows three ways to load the data with different expid - member - version combination. It is useful for climate prediction of multiple experiments.

   12. [Load and plot data in rotated coordintaes](inst/doc/usecase/ex1_12_rotated_coordinates.R)
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       This script shows how to load and plot data in rotated coordinates using **Monarch-dust** simulations.
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       <img src="inst/doc/figures/Rotated_Coordinates.png" width="400" /> 
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   13. [Use value array as selector to express dependency](inst/doc/usecase/ex1_13_implicit_dependency.R)
       This script shows how to use a value array as the inner dimension selector to express
dependency on a file dimension. By this means, we do not need to specify the *_across
parameter and Start() can recognize this dependecy relationship.

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   14. [Specify the dependency between file dimensions](inst/doc/usecase/ex1_14_file_dependency.R)
       This script shows how to define the dependency between file dimensions. Note that ex1_13 is for 
the dependency between one inner dimension and one file dimension (i.e., the usage of *_across), while 
this use case is for two file dimensions (i.e., the usage of *_depends).
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2. **Execute computation (use `Compute()`)**
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   1. [Function working on time dimension](inst/doc/usecase/ex2_1_timedim.R)  
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   2. [Function using attributes of the data](inst/doc/usecase/ex2_2_attr.R)  
      Using attributes is only available in startR_v0.1.3 or above.
   3. [Use function CDORemap for interpolation](inst/doc/usecase/ex2_3_cdo.R)  
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      Using parameter `CDO_module` is only available in startR_v0.1.3 or above. Interpolate data by using `s2dv::CDORemap` in the workflow. 
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   4. [Use two functions in workflow](inst/doc/usecase/ex2_4_two_func.R)  
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   6. [Use external parameters in atomic function](inst/doc/usecase/ex2_6_ext_param_func.R)  
   7. [Calculate the ensemble-adjusted Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS)](inst/doc/usecase/ex2_7_seasonal_forecast_crps.R)  
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      Use `SpecsVerification::EnsCrps` to calculate the ensemble-adjusted Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS) for ECWMF experimental data, and do ensemble mean. Use `s2dv::PlotEquiMap` to plot the CRPS map.  
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   8. [Use CSTools Calibration function](inst/doc/usecase/ex2_8_calibration.R)  
      Use ``, the interior function of `CSTools::CST_Calibration`, to do the bias adjustment for ECMWF experimental monthly mean data. 
   9. [Use a mask to apply different methods to different gridpoints](inst/doc/usecase/ex2_9_mask.R)  
      If you need to apply your analysis in a few gridpoints, you may want to consider use case 1.6, but if you need to load a lot of grid points, maybe this a better solution.
   10. [Apply an existing mask on data](inst/doc/usecase/ex2_10_existing_mask.R)  
      This use case shows you how to apply the existing mask file on your data.
If you need to create the mask file on your own, go to ex2_9_mask.R.
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   11. [Two datasets with different length of target dimensions](inst/doc/usecase/ex2_11_two_dat_inconsistent_target_dim.R)
      This use case uses experimental and the corresponding observational data to calculate 
the temporal mean and spatial weighted mean. Notice that the spatial resolutions of the two 
datasets are different, but it still works because lat and lon are target dimensions.
   12. [Transform and chunk over spatial dimensions](inst/doc/usecase/ex2_12_transform_and_chunk.R)  
      This use case provides an example of transforming and chunking 
latitude and longitude dimensions. If all other dimensions are used as target dimensions in the operation, 
it would be good to have the option of chunking the spatial dimensions.    
   13. [Interpolate irregular grid in the workflow](inst/doc/usecase/ex2_13_irregular_regrid.R)  
      This script shows how to load irregular grid data by Start(), then regrid it
by s2dv::CDORemap in the workflow. It is a solution before Start() can deal with irregular regridding directly.