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  # Once we have the variable values, we can work out the indices
  # for the implicitly defined selectors.
  # Trnasforms a vector of indices v expressed in a world of 
  # length N from 1 to N, into a world of length M, from
  # 1 to M. Repeated adjacent indices are collapsed.
  transform_indices <- function(v, n, m) { 
    #unique2 turns e.g. 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 into 1 2 3 1
    unique2 <- function(v) {
      if (length(v) < 2) {
      } else {
        v[c(1, v[2:length(v)] - v[1:(length(v) - 1)]) != 0]
    unique2(round(((v - 1) / (n - 1)) * (m - 1))) + 1 # this rounding may generate 0s. what then?
  beta <- transform_extra_cells
  dims_to_crop <- vector('list')
  transformed_vars <- vector('list', length = length(dat))
  names(transformed_vars) <- dat_names
  transformed_vars_ordered <- transformed_vars
  transformed_vars_unorder_indices <- transformed_vars
  transformed_common_vars <- NULL
  transformed_common_vars_ordered <- NULL
  transformed_common_vars_unorder_indices <- NULL
  for (i in 1:length(dat)) {
    if (dataset_has_files[i]) {
      indices <- indices_of_first_files_with_data[[i]]
      if (!is.null(indices)) {
        if (largest_dims_length == FALSE | is.numeric(largest_dims_length)) {  #old code. use the 1st valid file to determine the dims
          file_path <-"[", c(list(array_of_files_to_load), as.list(indices_of_first_files_with_data[[i]])))
          # The following 5 lines should go several lines below, but were moved
          # here for better performance.
          # If any of the dimensions comes without defining variable, then we read
          # the data dimensions.
          data_dims <- NULL
          if (length(unlist(var_params[expected_inner_dims[[i]]])) < length(expected_inner_dims[[i]])) {
            file_to_open <- file_path
            data_dims <- file_dim_reader(file_to_open, NULL, selectors_of_first_files_with_data[[i]],
                                         lapply(dat[[i]][['selectors']][expected_inner_dims[[i]]], '[[', 1),
            # file_dim_reader returns dimension names as found in the file.
            # Need to translate accoridng to synonims:
            names(data_dims) <- replace_with_synonmins(data_dims, synonims)

          if (is.numeric(largest_dims_length)) { # largest_dims_length is a named vector
            # Check if the names fit the inner dimension names
            if (!all(names(largest_dims_length) %in% names(data_dims))) {
              #NOTE: stop or warning?
              stop("Parameter 'largest_dims_length' has inconsistent names with inner dimensions.")
            } else {
              match_ind <- match(names(largest_dims_length), names(data_dims))
              data_dims[match_ind] <- largest_dims_length
        } else { # largest_dims_length == TRUE
          data_dims <- find_largest_dims_length(
                         selectors_total_list[[i]], array_of_files_to_load,
                         selector_indices_save[[i]], dat[[i]], expected_inner_dims[[i]],
                         synonims, file_dim_reader)
          # file_dim_reader returns dimension names as found in the file.
          # Need to translate accoridng to synonims:
          names(data_dims) <- replace_with_synonmins(data_dims, synonims)
        } # end of if (largest_dims_length == TRUE)
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        # Transform the variables if needed and keep them apart.
        if (!is.null(transform) && (length(transform_vars) > 0)) {
          if (!all(transform_vars %in% c(names(picked_vars[[i]]), names(picked_common_vars)))) {
            stop("Could not find all the required variables in 'transform_vars' ",
                 "for the dataset '", dat[[i]][['name']], "'.")
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          vars_to_transform <- NULL
          # picked_vars[[i]]
          vars_to_transform <- generate_vars_to_transform(vars_to_transform, picked_vars[[i]], transform_vars, picked_vars_ordered[[i]])
          # picked_common_vars
          vars_to_transform <- generate_vars_to_transform(vars_to_transform, picked_common_vars, transform_vars, picked_common_vars_ordered)

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          # Transform the variables
          transformed_data <-, c(list(data_array = NULL,
                                                        variables = vars_to_transform,
                                                        file_selectors = selectors_of_first_files_with_data[[i]]),
          # Discard the common transformed variables if already transformed before
          if (!is.null(transformed_common_vars)) {
            common_ones <- which(names(picked_common_vars) %in% names(transformed_data$variables))
            if (length(common_ones) > 0) {
              transformed_data$variables <- transformed_data$variables[-common_ones]
          transformed_vars[[i]] <- list()
          transformed_vars_ordered[[i]] <- list()
          transformed_vars_unorder_indices[[i]] <- list()
          # Order the transformed variables if needed
          # 'var_to_read' should be 'transformed_var', but is kept to reuse the same code as above.
          for (var_to_read in names(transformed_data$variables)) {
            if (var_to_read %in% unlist(var_params)) {
              associated_dim_name <- names(var_params)[which(unlist(var_params) == var_to_read)]
              if ((associated_dim_name %in% names(dim_reorder_params)) && aiat) {
                ## Is this check really needed?
                if (length(dim(transformed_data$variables[[associated_dim_name]])) > 1) {
                  stop("Requested a '", associated_dim_name, "_reorder' for a dimension ",
                       "whose coordinate variable that has more than 1 dimension (after ",
                       "transform). This is not supported.")
                ordered_var_values <- dim_reorder_params[[associated_dim_name]](transformed_data$variables[[associated_dim_name]])
                attr(ordered_var_values, 'variables') <- attr(transformed_data$variables[[associated_dim_name]], 'variables')
                if (!all(c('x', 'ix') %in% names(ordered_var_values))) {
                  stop("All the dimension reorder functions must return a list with the components 'x' and 'ix'.")
                # Save the indices to reorder back the ordered variable values.
                # This will be used to define the first round indices.
                unorder <- sort(ordered_var_values$ix, index.return = TRUE)$ix
                if (var_to_read %in% names(picked_common_vars)) {
                  transformed_common_vars_ordered[[var_to_read]] <- ordered_var_values$x
                  transformed_common_vars_unorder_indices[[var_to_read]] <- unorder
                } else {
                  transformed_vars_ordered[[i]][[var_to_read]] <- ordered_var_values$x
                  transformed_vars_unorder_indices[[i]][[var_to_read]] <- unorder
          transformed_picked_vars <- which(names(picked_vars[[i]]) %in% names(transformed_data$variables))
          if (length(transformed_picked_vars) > 0) {
            transformed_picked_vars <- names(picked_vars[[i]])[transformed_picked_vars]
            transformed_vars[[i]][transformed_picked_vars] <- transformed_data$variables[transformed_picked_vars]
          if (is.null(transformed_common_vars)) {
            transformed_picked_common_vars <- which(names(picked_common_vars) %in% names(transformed_data$variables))
            if (length(transformed_picked_common_vars) > 0) {
              transformed_picked_common_vars <- names(picked_common_vars)[transformed_picked_common_vars]
              transformed_common_vars <- transformed_data$variables[transformed_picked_common_vars]
        # Once the variables are transformed, we compute the indices to be 
        # taken for each inner dimension.
        # In all cases, indices will have to be computed to know which data
        # values to take from the original data for each dimension (if a 
        # variable is specified for that dimension, it will be used to 
        # convert the provided selectors into indices). These indices are
        # referred to as 'first round of indices'.
        # The taken data will then be transformed if needed, together with
        # the dimension variable if specified, and, in that case, indices 
        # will have to be computed again to know which values to take from the 
        # transformed data. These are the 'second round of indices'. In the 
        # case there is no transformation, the second round of indices will
        # be all the available indices, i.e. from 1 to the number of taken
        # values with the first round of indices.
        for (inner_dim in expected_inner_dims[[i]]) {
          if (debug) {
          file_dim <- NULL
          if (inner_dim %in% unlist(inner_dims_across_files)) {
            file_dim <- names(inner_dims_across_files)[which(sapply(inner_dims_across_files, function(x) inner_dim %in% x))[1]]
            chunk_amount <- length(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[file_dim]][[1]])
            names(chunk_amount) <- file_dim
          } else {
            chunk_amount <- 1
          # In the special case that the selectors for a dimension are 'all', 'first', ...
          # and chunking (dividing in more than 1 chunk) is requested, the selectors are
          # replaced for equivalent indices.
          if ((any(dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]][[1]] %in% c('all', 'first', 'last'))) && 
              (chunks[[inner_dim]]['n_chunks'] != 1)) {
            selectors <- dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]][[1]]
            if (selectors == 'all') {
              selectors <- indices(1:(data_dims[[inner_dim]] * chunk_amount))
            } else if (selectors == 'first') {
              selectors <- indices(1)
            } else {
              selectors <- indices(data_dims[[inner_dim]] * chunk_amount)
            dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]][[1]] <- selectors
          # The selectors for the inner dimension are taken.
          selector_array <- dat[[i]][['selectors']][[inner_dim]][[1]]
          if (debug) {
            if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
              print(paste0("-> DEBUG MESSAGES FOR THE DATASET", i, " AND INNER DIMENSION '", inner_dim, "':"))
              print("-> STRUCTURE OF SELECTOR ARRAY:")
              print("-> PICKED VARS:")
              print("-> TRANSFORMED VARS:")
          if (is.null(dim(selector_array))) {
            dim(selector_array) <- length(selector_array)
          if (is.null(names(dim(selector_array)))) {
            if (length(dim(selector_array)) == 1) {
              names(dim(selector_array)) <- inner_dim
            } else {
              stop("Provided selector arrays must be provided with dimension ",
                   "names. Found an array of selectors without dimension names ",
                   "for the dimension '", inner_dim, "'.")
          selectors_are_indices <- FALSE
          if (!is.null(attr(selector_array, 'indices'))) {
            if (!is.logical(attr(selector_array, 'indices'))) {
              stop("The atribute 'indices' for the selectors for the dimension '", 
                   inner_dim, "' must be TRUE or FALSE.")
            selectors_are_indices <- attr(selector_array, 'indices')
          taken_chunks <- rep(FALSE, chunk_amount)
          selector_file_dims <- 1

          #NOTE: Change 'selector_file_dims' (from 1) if selector is an array with a file_dim dimname.
          #      I.e., If time = [sdate = 2, time = 4], selector_file_dims <- array(sdate = 2)
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          if (any(found_file_dims[[i]] %in% names(dim(selector_array)))) {
            selector_file_dims <- dim(selector_array)[which(names(dim(selector_array)) %in% found_file_dims[[i]])]
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2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 2363 2364 2365 2366 2367 2368 2369 2370 2371 2372 2373 2374 2375 2376 2377 2378 2379 2380 2381 2382 2383 2384 2385 2386 2387 2388 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 2438 2439 2440 2441 2442 2443 2444 2445 2446 2447 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 2453 2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 2466 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 2506 2507 2508 2509 2510 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596
          selector_inner_dims <- dim(selector_array)[which(!(names(dim(selector_array)) %in% found_file_dims[[i]]))]
          var_with_selectors <- NULL
          var_with_selectors_name <- var_params[[inner_dim]]
          var_ordered <- NULL
          var_unorder_indices <- NULL
          with_transform <- FALSE
          # If the selectors come with an associated variable
          if (!is.null(var_with_selectors_name)) {
            if ((var_with_selectors_name %in% transform_vars) && (!is.null(transform))) {
              with_transform <- TRUE
              if (!is.null(file_dim)) {
                stop("Requested a transformation over the dimension '", 
                     inner_dim, "', wich goes across files. This feature ", 
                     "is not supported. Either do the request without the ",
                     "transformation or request it over dimensions that do ",
                     "not go across files.")
            if (debug) {
              if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
                print("-> NAMES OF THE VARIABLES TO BE TRANSFORMED:")
            if (var_with_selectors_name %in% names(picked_vars[[i]])) {
              var_with_selectors <- picked_vars[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]]
              var_ordered <- picked_vars_ordered[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]]
              var_unorder_indices <- picked_vars_unorder_indices[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]]
            } else if (var_with_selectors_name %in% names(picked_common_vars)) {
              var_with_selectors <- picked_common_vars[[var_with_selectors_name]]
              var_ordered <- picked_common_vars_ordered[[var_with_selectors_name]]
              var_unorder_indices <- picked_common_vars_unorder_indices[[var_with_selectors_name]]
            n <- prod(dim(var_with_selectors))
            if (is.null(var_unorder_indices)) {
              var_unorder_indices <- 1:n
            if (with_transform) {
              if (var_with_selectors_name %in% names(transformed_vars[[i]])) {
                m <- prod(dim(transformed_vars[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]]))
                if (aiat) {
                  var_with_selectors <- transformed_vars[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]]
                  var_ordered <- transformed_vars_ordered[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]]
                  var_unorder_indices <- transformed_vars_unorder_indices[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]]
              } else if (var_with_selectors_name %in% names(transformed_common_vars)) {
                m <- prod(dim(transformed_common_vars[[var_with_selectors_name]]))
                if (aiat) {
                  var_with_selectors <- transformed_common_vars[[var_with_selectors_name]]
                  var_ordered <- transformed_common_vars_ordered[[var_with_selectors_name]]
                  var_unorder_indices <- transformed_common_vars_unorder_indices[[var_with_selectors_name]]
              if (is.null(var_unorder_indices)) {
                var_unorder_indices <- 1:m
            if (debug) {
              if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
                print("-> SIZE OF ORIGINAL VARIABLE:")
                print("-> SIZE OF TRANSFORMED VARIABLE:")
                if (with_transform) print(m)
                print("-> STRUCTURE OF ORDERED VAR:")
                print("-> UNORDER INDICES:")
            var_dims <- dim(var_with_selectors)
            var_file_dims <- 1
            if (any(names(var_dims) %in% found_file_dims[[i]])) {
              if (with_transform) {
                stop("Requested transformation for inner dimension '", 
                     inner_dim, "' but provided selectors for such dimension ",
                     "over one or more file dimensions. This is not ",
                     "supported. Either request no transformation for the ",
                     "dimension '", inner_dim, "' or specify the ",
                     "selectors for this dimension without the file dimensions.")
              var_file_dims <- var_dims[which(names(var_dims) %in% found_file_dims[[i]])]
              var_dims <- var_dims[-which(names(var_dims) %in% found_file_dims[[i]])]
            ##            # Keep the selectors if they correspond to a variable that will be transformed.
            ##            if (with_transform) {
            ##              if (var_with_selectors_name %in% names(picked_vars[[i]])) {
            ##                transformed_var_with_selectors <- transformed_vars[[i]][[var_with_selectors_name]]
            ##              } else if (var_with_selectors_name %in% names(picked_common_vars)) {
            ##                transformed_var_with_selectors <- transformed_common_vars[[var_with_selectors_name]]
            ##              }
            ##              transformed_var_dims <- dim(transformed_var_with_selectors)
            ##              transformed_var_file_dims <- 1
            ##              if (any(names(transformed_var_dims) %in% found_file_dims[[i]])) {
            ##                transformed_var_file_dims <- transformed_var_dims[which(names(transformed_var_dims) %in% found_file_dims[[i]])]
            ##                transformed_var_dims <- tranasformed_var_dims[-which(names(transformed_var_dims) %in% found_file_dims[[i]])]
            ##              }
            ##if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
            ##              m <- prod(transformed_var_dims)
            ##            }
            # Work out var file dims and inner dims.
            if (inner_dim %in% unlist(inner_dims_across_files)) {
              #TODO: if (chunk_amount != number of chunks in selector_file_dims), crash
              if (length(var_dims) > 1) {
                stop("Specified a '", inner_dim, "_var' for the dimension '", 
                     inner_dim, "', which goes across files (across '", file_dim, 
                     "'). The specified variable, '", var_with_selectors_name, "', has more ",
                     "than one dimension and can not be used as selector variable. ",
                     "Select another variable or fix it in the files.")
            ## TODO HERE::
            #- indices_of_first_files_with_data may change, because array is now extended
            var_full_dims <- dim(var_with_selectors)
            if (!(inner_dim %in% names(var_full_dims))) {
              stop("Could not find the dimension '", inner_dim, "' in ",
                   "the file. Either change the dimension name in ",
                   "your request, adjust the parameter ",
                   "'dim_names_in_files' or fix the dimension name in ",
                   "the file.\n", file_path)
          } else if (((is.numeric(selector_array) || is.list(selector_array)) && selectors_are_indices) ||
                     (is.character(selector_array) && (length(selector_array) == 1) &&
                      (selector_array %in% c('all', 'first', 'last')) &&
                      !is.null(file_dim_reader))) {
            #### TODO HERE::
            ###- indices_of_first_files_with_data may change, because array is now extended
            # Lines moved above for better performance.
            ##data_dims <- file_dim_reader(file_path, NULL, selectors_of_first_files_with_data[[i]],
            ##                             lapply(dat[[i]][['selectors']][expected_inner_dims[[i]]], '[[', 1))
            if (!(inner_dim %in% names(data_dims))) {
              stop("Could not find the dimension '", inner_dim, "' in ",
                   "the file. Either change the dimension name in ",
                   "your request, adjust the parameter ",
                   "'dim_names_in_files' or fix the dimension name in ",
                   "the file.\n", file_path)
          } else {
            stop(paste0("Can not translate the provided selectors for '", inner_dim, 
                        "' to numeric indices. Provide numeric indices and a ",
                        "'file_dim_reader' function, or a '", inner_dim, 
                        "_var' in order to calculate the indices."))
          # At this point, if no selector variable was provided, the variable 
          # data_dims has been populated. If a selector variable was provided,
          # the variables var_dims, var_file_dims and var_full_dims have been 
          # populated instead.
          fri <- first_round_indices <- NULL
          sri <- second_round_indices <- NULL
          # This variable will keep the indices needed to crop the transformed 
          # variable (the one that has been transformed without being subset 
          # with the first round indices).
          tvi <- tranaformed_variable_indices <- NULL
          ordered_fri <- NULL
          ordered_sri <- NULL
          if ((length(selector_array) == 1) && is.character(selector_array) &&
              (selector_array %in% c('all', 'first', 'last')) &&
              (chunks[[inner_dim]]['n_chunks'] == 1)) {
            if (is.null(var_with_selectors_name)) {
              fri <- vector('list', length = chunk_amount)
              dim(fri) <- c(chunk_amount)
              sri <- vector('list', length = chunk_amount)
              dim(sri) <- c(chunk_amount)
              if (selector_array == 'all') {
                fri[] <- replicate(chunk_amount, list(1:(data_dims[inner_dim])))
                taken_chunks <- rep(TRUE, chunk_amount)
                #sri <- NULL
              } else if (selector_array == 'first') {
                fri[[1]] <- 1
                taken_chunks[1] <- TRUE
                #sri <- NULL
              } else if (selector_array == 'last') {
                fri[[chunk_amount]] <- data_dims[inner_dim]
                taken_chunks[length(taken_chunks)] <- TRUE
                #sri <- NULL
            } else {
              if ((!is.null(file_dim)) && !(file_dim %in% names(var_file_dims))) {
                stop("The variable '", var_with_selectors_name, "' must also be ",
                     "requested for the file dimension '", file_dim, "' in ",
                     "this configuration.")
              fri <- vector('list', length = prod(var_file_dims))
              dim(fri) <- var_file_dims
              ordered_fri <- fri
              sri <- vector('list', length = prod(var_file_dims))
              dim(sri) <- var_file_dims
              ordered_sri <- sri
              if (selector_array == 'all') {
                # TODO: Populate ordered_fri
                ordered_fri[] <- replicate(prod(var_file_dims), list(1:n))
                fri[] <- replicate(prod(var_file_dims), list(var_unorder_indices[1:n]))
                taken_chunks <- rep(TRUE, chunk_amount)
                if (!with_transform) {
                  #fri[] <- replicate(prod(var_file_dims), list(1:n))
                  #taken_chunks <- rep(TRUE, chunk_amount)
                  #sri <- NULL
                } else {
                  ordered_sri[] <- replicate(prod(var_file_dims), list(1:m))
                  sri[] <- replicate(prod(var_file_dims), list(1:m))
                  ## var_file_dims instead??
                  #if (!aiat) {
                  #fri[] <- replicate(prod(var_file_dims), list(1:n))
                  #taken_chunks <- rep(TRUE, chunk_amount)
                  #sri[] <- replicate(prod(transformed_var_file_dims), list(1:m))
                  #} else {
                  #fri[] <- replicate(prod(var_file_dims), list(1:n))
                  #taken_chunks <- rep(TRUE, chunk_amount)
                  #sri[] <- replicate(prod(transformed_var_file_dims), list(1:m))
                  tvi <- 1:m
              } else if (selector_array == 'first') {
                taken_chunks[1] <- TRUE
                if (!with_transform) {
                  ordered_fri[[1]] <- 1
                  fri[[1]] <- var_unorder_indices[1]
                  #taken_chunks[1] <- TRUE
                  #sri <- NULL
                } else {
                  if (!aiat) {
                    ordered_fri[[1]] <- 1
                    fri[[1]] <- var_unorder_indices[1]
                    # TODO: TO BE IMPROVED
                    #taken_chunks[1] <- TRUE
                    ordered_sri[[1]] <- 1:ceiling(m / n)
                    sri[[1]] <- 1:ceiling(m / n)
                    tvi <- 1:ceiling(m / n)
                  } else {
                    ordered_fri[[1]] <- 1:ceiling(m / n)
                    fri[[1]] <- var_unorder_indices[1:ceiling(m / n)]
                    #taken_chunks[1] <- TRUE
                    ordered_sri[[1]] <- 1
                    sri[[1]] <- 1
                    tvi <- 1
              } else if (selector_array == 'last') {
                taken_chunks[length(taken_chunks)] <- TRUE
                if (!with_transform) {
                  ordered_fri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- n
                  fri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- var_unorder_indices[n]
                  #taken_chunks[length(taken_chunks)] <- TRUE
                  #sri <- NULL
                } else {
                  if (!aiat) {
                    ordered_fri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- prod(var_dims)
                    fri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- var_unorder_indices[prod(var_dims)]
                    #taken_chunks[length(taken_chunks)] <- TRUE
                    ordered_sri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- 1:ceiling(m / n)
                    sri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- 1:ceiling(m / n)
                    tvi <- 1:ceiling(m / n)
                  } else {
                    ordered_fri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- (n - ceiling(m / n) + 1):n
                    fri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- var_unorder_indices[(n - ceiling(m / n) + 1):n]
                    #taken_chunks[length(taken_chunks)] <- TRUE
                    ordered_sri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- 1
                    sri[[prod(var_file_dims)]] <- 1
                    tvi <- 1
            # If the selectors are not 'all', 'first', 'last', ...
          } else {
            if (!is.null(var_with_selectors_name)) {
              unmatching_file_dims <- which(!(names(var_file_dims) %in% names(selector_file_dims)))
              if ((length(unmatching_file_dims) > 0)) {
                raise_error <- FALSE
                if (is.null(file_dim)) {
                  raise_error <- TRUE
                } else {
                  if (!((length(unmatching_file_dims) == 1) && 
                        (names(var_file_dims)[unmatching_file_dims] == file_dim) &&
                        (inner_dim %in% names(selector_inner_dims)))) {
                    raise_error <- TRUE
                if (raise_error) {
                  stop("Provided selectors for the dimension '", inner_dim, "' must have as many ",
                       "file dimensions as the variable the dimension is defined along, '", 
                       var_with_selectors_name, "', with the exceptions of the file pattern dimension ('",
                       found_pattern_dim, "') and any depended file dimension (if specified as ",
                       "depended dimension in parameter 'inner_dims_across_files' and the ",
                       "depending file dimension is present in the provided selector array).")
              if (any(names(selector_file_dims) %in% names(dim(var_with_selectors)))) {
                if (any(dim(var_with_selectors)[names(selector_file_dims)] != selector_file_dims)) {
                  stop("Size of selector file dimensions must mach size of requested ",
                       "variable dimensions.")
            ## TODO: If var dimensions are not in the same order as selector dimensions, reorder
            if (is.null(names(selector_file_dims))) {
              if (is.null(file_dim)) {
                fri_dims <- 1
              } else {
                fri_dims <- chunk_amount
                names(fri_dims) <- file_dim
            } else {
              fri_dim_names <- names(selector_file_dims)
              if (!is.null(file_dim)) {
                fri_dim_names <- c(fri_dim_names, file_dim)
              fri_dim_names <- found_file_dims[[i]][which(found_file_dims[[i]] %in% fri_dim_names)]
              fri_dims <- rep(NA, length(fri_dim_names))
              names(fri_dims) <- fri_dim_names
              fri_dims[names(selector_file_dims)] <- selector_file_dims
              if (!is.null(file_dim)) {
                fri_dims[file_dim] <- chunk_amount
            fri <- vector('list', length = prod(fri_dims))
            dim(fri) <- fri_dims
            sri <- vector('list', length = prod(fri_dims))
            dim(sri) <- fri_dims
            selector_file_dim_array <- array(1:prod(selector_file_dims), dim = selector_file_dims)
            selector_store_position <- fri_dims
            for (j in 1:prod(dim(selector_file_dim_array))) {
              selector_indices_to_take <- which(selector_file_dim_array == j, arr.ind = TRUE)[1, ]
              names(selector_indices_to_take) <- names(selector_file_dims)
              selector_store_position[names(selector_indices_to_take)] <- selector_indices_to_take
              sub_array_of_selectors <- Subset(selector_array, names(selector_indices_to_take),
                                               as.list(selector_indices_to_take), drop = 'selected')
              if (debug) {
                if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
                  print("-> STRUCTURE OF A SUB ARRAY:")
                  print("-> STRUCTURE OF THE VARIABLE WITH SELECTORS:")
              if (selectors_are_indices) {
                sub_array_of_values <- NULL
                #} else if (!is.null(var_ordered)) {
                #  sub_array_of_values <- var_ordered
              } else {
                if (length(var_file_dims) > 0) {
                  var_indices_to_take <- selector_indices_to_take[which(names(selector_indices_to_take) %in% names(var_file_dims))]
                  sub_array_of_values <- Subset(var_with_selectors, names(var_indices_to_take),
                                                as.list(var_indices_to_take), drop = 'selected')
                } else {
                  sub_array_of_values <- var_with_selectors
              if (debug) {
                if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
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              if ((!is.null(file_dim) && (file_dim %in% names(selector_file_dims))) || is.null(file_dim)) {
                if (length(sub_array_of_selectors) > 0) {
                  if (debug) {
                    if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
                  if (selectors_are_indices) {
                    if (!is.null(var_with_selectors_name)) {
                      max_allowed <- ifelse(aiat, m, n)
                    } else {
                      max_allowed <- data_dims[inner_dim]
                    if (any(na.omit(unlist(sub_array_of_selectors)) > max_allowed) ||
                        any(na.omit(unlist(sub_array_of_selectors)) < 1)) {
                      stop("Provided indices out of range for dimension '", inner_dim, "' ", 
                           "for dataset '", dat[[i]][['name']], "' (accepted range: 1 to ", 
                           max_allowed, ").")
                  # The selector_checker will return either a vector of indices or a list
                  # with the first and last desired indices.
                  #NOTE: goes_across_prime_meridian may be TRUE only if the selector is list
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                  goes_across_prime_meridian <- FALSE
                  is_circular_dim <- FALSE
                  # If selectors are indices and _reorder = CircularSort() is used, change
                  # is_circular_dim to TRUE.
                  if (!is.null(var_ordered) & selectors_are_indices &
                      !is.null(dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]])) {
                    if ('circular' %in% names(attributes(dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]]))) {
                          is_circular_dim <- attr(dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]], "circular")

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                  if (!is.null(var_ordered) && !selectors_are_indices) {
                    if (!is.null(dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]])) {
                      if (is.list(sub_array_of_selectors)) {
                        ## NOTE: The check of 'goes_across_prime_meridian' is moved forward to here.
                        if ('circular' %in% names(attributes(dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]]))) {
                          is_circular_dim <- attr(dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]], "circular")
                        if (is_circular_dim) {
                          # NOTE: Use CircularSort() to put the values in the assigned range, and get the order.
                          # For example, [-10, 20] in CircularSort(0, 360) is [350, 20]. The $ix list is [2, 1].
                          # 'goes_across_prime_meridian' means the selector range across the border. For example,
                          # CircularSort(-180, 180) with selector [170, 190] -> goes_across_prime_meridian = TRUE.
                          # dim_reorder_params is a list of Reorder function, i.e.,
                          # Sort() or CircularSort().
                          tmp <- dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]](unlist(sub_array_of_selectors))$ix
                          goes_across_prime_meridian <-  tmp[1] > tmp[2]
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                        # HERE change to the same code as below (under 'else'). Not sure why originally 
                        #it uses additional lines, which make reorder not work.
                        sub_array_of_selectors <- as.list(dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]](unlist(sub_array_of_selectors))$x)
                        #sub_array_reordered <- dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]](unlist(sub_array_of_selectors))
                        #sub_array_unorder <- sort(sub_array_reordered$ix, index.return = TRUE)$ix
                        #sub_array_of_selectors <- as.list(sub_array_reordered$x[sub_array_unorder])
                        # Add warning if the boundary is out of range
                        if (min(unlist(sub_array_of_selectors)) < range(var_ordered)[1]) { 
                          show_out_of_range_warning(inner_dim, range = range(var_ordered), 
                                                    bound = 'lower')
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                        if (max(unlist(sub_array_of_selectors)) > range(var_ordered)[2]) {
                          show_out_of_range_warning(inner_dim, range = range(var_ordered),                                                     bound = 'upper')
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                      } else {
                        sub_array_of_selectors <- dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]](sub_array_of_selectors)$x
                    # NOTE: The ideal solution for selecting indices in goes_across_prime_meridian case
                    # is modified SelectorCheckor.R. But now SelectorCheckor doesn't know the info of
                    #goes_across_prime_meridian, so I do the adjustion after calling SelectorCheckor().
                    sub_array_of_indices <- selector_checker(sub_array_of_selectors, var_ordered,
                                                             tolerance = if (aiat) {
                                                             } else {
                    if (goes_across_prime_meridian & sub_array_of_indices[[1]] < sub_array_of_indices[[2]]) {
                      if (!(sub_array_of_selectors[[1]] %in% var_ordered)){
                        sub_array_of_indices[[1]] <- sub_array_of_indices[[1]] - 1
                      if (!(sub_array_of_selectors[[2]] %in% var_ordered)){
                        sub_array_of_indices[[2]] <- sub_array_of_indices[[2]] + 1
                    #NOTE: the possible case?
                    if (goes_across_prime_meridian & sub_array_of_indices[[1]] > sub_array_of_indices[[2]]) {
                      stop("The case is goes_across_prime_meridian but no adjustion for the indices!")
                    if (any( {
                      stop(paste0("The selectors of ", inner_dim,
                                  " are out of range [", min(var_ordered),
                                  ", ", max(var_ordered), "]."))
                  } else {
                    # Add warning if the boundary is out of range
                    if (is.list(sub_array_of_selectors)) {
                      if (min(unlist(sub_array_of_selectors)) < min(sub_array_of_values)) {
                         show_out_of_range_warning(inner_dim, range = range(sub_array_of_values),
                                                   bound = 'lower')
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                      if (max(unlist(sub_array_of_selectors)) > max(sub_array_of_values)) {
                         show_out_of_range_warning(inner_dim, range = range(sub_array_of_values),
                                                   bound = 'upper')
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#TODO: sub_array_of_values here is NULL if selectors are indices.
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                    sub_array_of_indices <- selector_checker(sub_array_of_selectors, sub_array_of_values,
                                                             tolerance = if (aiat) {
                                                             } else {
                    if (any( {
                      stop(paste0("The selectors of ", inner_dim,
                                  " are out of range [", min(sub_array_of_values),
                                  ", ", max(sub_array_of_values), "]."))
                  ## This 'if' runs in both Start() and Compute(). In Start(), it doesn't have any effect (no chunk).
                  ## In Compute(), it creates the indices for each chunk. For example, if 'sub_array_of_indices'
                  ## is c(5:10) and chunked into 2, 'sub_array_of_indices' becomes c(5:7) for chunk = 1, c(8:10)
                  ## for chunk = 2. If 'sub_array_of_indices' is list(55, 62) and chunked into 2, it becomes
                  ## list(55, 58) for chunk = 1 and list(59, 62) for chunk = 2. 
                  ## TODO: The list can be turned into vector here? So afterward no need to judge if it is list 
                  ## or vector.
                  if (chunks[[inner_dim]]["n_chunks"] > 1) {
                    if (!is.list(sub_array_of_indices)) {
                      sub_array_of_indices <- 
                    } else {
                      tmp <- 
                                      chunks[[inner_dim]]["chunk"], chunks[[inner_dim]]["n_chunks"],
                      vect <- sub_array_of_indices[[1]]:sub_array_of_indices[[2]]
                      sub_array_of_indices[[1]] <- vect[tmp[1]]
                      sub_array_of_indices[[2]] <- vect[tmp[length(tmp)]]
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                  # The sub_array_of_indices now contains numeric indices of the values to be taken by each chunk.

                  # 'sub_sub_array_of_values' is for sri chunking. If this inner dim is chunked,
                  # the sri has to follow the chunking of fri. Therefore, we save the original 
                  # value of this chunk here for later use. We'll find the corresponding 
                  # transformed value within 'sub_sub_array_of_values' and chunk sri.
                  if (with_transform) {
                    if (!is.null(var_ordered)) {  #var_ordered
                      if (is.list(sub_array_of_indices)) {
                        sub_sub_array_of_values <-
                      } else {
                        sub_sub_array_of_values <- var_ordered[sub_array_of_indices]
                    } else {  # sub_array_of_values
                      # Not sure if 'vars_to_transform' is correct to use.
                      if (is.null(sub_array_of_values)) {  # selectors are indices
                        if (is.list(sub_array_of_indices)) {
                          sub_sub_array_of_values <-
                        } else {
                          sub_sub_array_of_values <- vars_to_transform[[var_with_selectors_name]][sub_array_of_indices]
                      } else {  # selectors are values
                        if (is.list(sub_array_of_indices)) {
                          sub_sub_array_of_values <-
                        } else {
                          sub_sub_array_of_values <- sub_array_of_values[sub_array_of_indices]

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                  if (debug) {
                    if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
                      print("-> TRANSFORMATION REQUESTED?")
                      print("-> BETA:")
                  if (with_transform) {
                    # If there is a transformation and selector values are provided, these
                    # selectors will be processed in the same way either if aiat = TRUE or
                    # aiat = FALSE.
                    ## TODO: If sub_array_of_selectors was integer and aiat then... do what's commented 50 lines below.
                    ##       otherwise, do what's coded.
                    if (debug) {
                      if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
                        print("-> SELECTORS REQUESTED BEFORE TRANSFORM.")
                    # Generate sub_array_of_fri 
                    sub_array_of_fri <- generate_sub_array_of_fri(
                      with_transform, goes_across_prime_meridian, sub_array_of_indices, n, beta, 

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                    subset_vars_to_transform <- vars_to_transform
                    if (!is.null(var_ordered)) {
                      #NOTE: If var_ordered is common_vars, it doesn't have attributes and it is a vector.
                      #      Turn it into array and add dimension name.
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                      if (!is.array(var_ordered)) {
                        var_ordered <- as.array(var_ordered)
                        names(dim(var_ordered)) <- inner_dim
                      subset_vars_to_transform[[var_with_selectors_name]] <- Subset(var_ordered, inner_dim, sub_array_of_fri)
                    } else {
                      if (!selectors_are_indices) {  # selectors are values
                      #NOTE: It should be redundant because without reordering the var should remain array
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                      ## But just stay same with above...
                      if (!is.array(sub_array_of_values)) {
                        sub_array_of_values <- as.array(sub_array_of_values)
                        names(dim(sub_array_of_values)) <- inner_dim
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                      subset_vars_to_transform[[var_with_selectors_name]] <- Subset(sub_array_of_values, inner_dim, sub_array_of_fri)

                      } else {  # selectors are indices
                      subset_vars_to_transform[[var_with_selectors_name]] <-
                               inner_dim, sub_array_of_fri)
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                    # Change the order of longitude crop if no reorder + from big to small.
                    # cdo -sellonlatbox, the lon is west, east (while lat can be north 
                    # to south or opposite)
                    # Before changing crop, first we need to find the name of longitude. 
                    # NOTE: The potential bug here (also the bug for CDORemapper): the lon name
                    #       is limited (only the ones listed in .KnownLonNames() are available.
                    known_lon_names <- startR:::.KnownLonNames()
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                    lon_name <- names(subset_vars_to_transform)[which(names(subset_vars_to_transform) %in% known_lon_names)[1]]
                    # NOTE: The cases not considered: (1) if lon reorder(decreasing = T)
                    #       It doesn't make sense, but if someone uses it, here should
                    #       occur error. (2) crop = TRUE/FALSE
                    if ('crop' %in% names(transform_params) & var_with_selectors_name == lon_name & is.null(dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]])) {
                      if (is.numeric(class(transform_params$crop))) {
                        if (transform_params$crop[1] > transform_params$crop[2]) {
                          tmp <- transform_params$crop[1]
                          transform_params$crop[1] <- transform_params$crop[2]
                          transform_params$crop[2] <- tmp
                    transformed_subset_var <-, c(list(data_array = NULL,
                                                                        variables = subset_vars_to_transform,
                                                                        file_selectors = selectors_of_first_files_with_data[[i]]),
                    # Sorting the transformed variable and working out the indices again after transform.
                    if (!is.null(dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]])) {
                      transformed_subset_var_reorder <- dim_reorder_params[[inner_dim]](transformed_subset_var)
                      transformed_subset_var <- transformed_subset_var_reorder$x
                      #NOTE: The fix here solves the mis-ordered lon when across_meridian. 
                      transformed_subset_var_unorder <- transformed_subset_var_reorder$ix
                      #                      transformed_subset_var_unorder <- sort(transformed_subset_var_reorder$ix, index.return = TRUE)$ix
                    } else {
                      transformed_subset_var_unorder <- 1:length(transformed_subset_var)
                    if (!selectors_are_indices) {  # selectors are values
                      sub_array_of_sri <- selector_checker(
                        sub_array_of_selectors, transformed_subset_var,
                        tolerance = if (aiat) {
                          } else {
                    } else {  # selectors are indices
                      # Need to transfer to values first, then use the values to get the new
                      # indices in transformed_subset_var.
                      ori_values <- vars_to_transform[[var_with_selectors_name]][sub_array_of_selectors]
                      sub_array_of_sri <- selector_checker(
                        ori_values, transformed_subset_var,
                        tolerance = if (aiat) {
                          } else {
                      sub_array_of_sri <- unique(sub_array_of_sri)
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                    # Check if selectors fall out of the range of the transform grid
                    # It may happen when original lon is [-180, 180] while want to regrid to
                    # [0, 360], and lon selector = [-20, -10].
                    if (any( {
                      stop(paste0("The selectors of ",
                                  inner_dim, " are out of range of transform grid '",
                                  transform_params$grid, "'. Use parameter '",
                                  inner_dim, "_reorder' or change ", inner_dim,
                                  " selectors."))
                    if (goes_across_prime_meridian) {
                      if (sub_array_of_sri[[1]] == sub_array_of_sri[[2]]) {
                        # global longitude
                        sub_array_of_sri <- c(1:length(transformed_subset_var))
                      } else {
                        # the common case, i.e., non-global
#                        # NOTE: Because sub_array_of_sri order is exchanged due to 
#                        # previous development, here [[1]] and [[2]] should exchange
#                        sub_array_of_sri <- c(1:sub_array_of_sri[[1]],
#                                              sub_array_of_sri[[2]]:length(transformed_subset_var))
                        #NOTE: the old code above is not suitable for all the possible cases.
                        #      If sub_array_of_selectors is not exactly the value in transformed_subset_var, sub_array_of_sri[[1]] will be larger than sub_array_of_sri[[2]].
                        #      Though here is not global case, we already have transformed_subset_var cropped as the desired region, so it is okay to use the whole length. Not sure if it will cause other problems...
                        sub_array_of_sri <- 1:length(transformed_subset_var)
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                    } else if (is.list(sub_array_of_sri)) {
                      sub_array_of_sri <- sub_array_of_sri[[1]]:sub_array_of_sri[[2]]
                    ordered_sri <- sub_array_of_sri
                    sub_array_of_sri <- transformed_subset_var_unorder[sub_array_of_sri]

                    # Chunk sub_array_of_sri if this inner_dim needs to be chunked
                    if (chunks[[inner_dim]]["n_chunks"] > 1) {
                      tmp <- which(transformed_subset_var >= min(sub_sub_array_of_values) &
                                   transformed_subset_var <= max(sub_sub_array_of_values))
                      sub_array_of_sri <- sub_array_of_sri[tmp]

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                    # In this case, the tvi are not defined and the 'transformed_subset_var'
                    # will be taken instead of the var transformed before in the code.
                    if (debug) {
                      if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
                        print("-> FIRST INDEX:")
#                        print(first_index)
                        print("NOTE: Check function generate_sub_array_of_fri() in zzz.R")
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                        print("-> LAST INDEX:")
#                        print(last_index)
                        print("NOTE: Check function generate_sub_array_of_fri() in zzz.R")
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                        print("-> STRUCTURE OF FIRST ROUND INDICES:")
                        print("-> STRUCTURE OF SECOND ROUND INDICES:")
                        print("-> STRUCTURE OF TRANSFORMED VARIABLE INDICES:")
                    ###                    # If the selectors are expressed after transformation
                    ###                    } else {
                    ###if (debug) {
                    ###if (inner_dim %in% dims_to_check) {
                    ###print("-> SELECTORS REQUESTED AFTER TRANSFORM.")
                    ###                      if (goes_across_prime_meridian) {
                    ###                        sub_array_of_indices <- c(sub_array_of_indices[[1]]:m,
                    ###                                                    1:sub_array_of_indices[[2]])
                    ###                      }
                    ###                      first_index <- min(unlist(sub_array_of_indices))
                    ###                      last_index <- max(unlist(sub_array_of_indices))
                    ###                      first_index_before_transform <- max(transform_indices(first_index, m, n) - beta, 1)
                    ###                      last_index_before_transform <- min(transform_indices(last_index, m, n) + beta, n)
                    ###                      sub_array_of_fri <- first_index_before_transform:last_index_before_transform
                    ###                      n_of_extra_cells <- round(beta / n * m)
                    ###                      if (is.list(sub_array_of_indices) && (length(sub_array_of_indices) > 1)) {
                    ###                        sub_array_of_sri <- 1:(last_index - first_index + 1) 
                    ###                        if (is.null(tvi)) {
                    ###                          tvi <- sub_array_of_sri + first_index - 1
                    ###                        }
                    ###                      } else {
                    ###                        sub_array_of_sri <- sub_array_of_indices - first_index + 1
                    ###                        if (is.null(tvi)) {
                    ###                          tvi <- sub_array_of_indices
                    ###                        }
                    ###                      }
                    ###                      sub_array_of_sri <- sub_array_of_sri + n_of_extra_cells
                    sri <-'[[<-', c(list(x = sri), as.list(selector_store_position),
                                             list(value = sub_array_of_sri)))

                  } else {  # !with_transform
                    sub_array_of_fri <- generate_sub_array_of_fri(