Transform + chunk doesn't work depending on the spatial range
The transform + chunk works for one dataset but not two datasets sometimes (e.g., the script in #29 (comment 127495)). In this script, if chunk = list(latitude = 2)
, for example, it works well. But if chunk = list(longitude = 2)
, the length of longitude of exp and obs is not the same, so it fails.
lons.min <- 0
lons.max <- 40
lats.min <- 0
lats.max <- 40
exp <- Start(dat = '/esarchive/exp/ecmwf/system5_m1/monthly_mean/$var$_f6h/$var$_$sdate$.nc',
var = 'tas',
sdate = paste0(2000:2010,'0101'),
ensemble = 'all',
time = indices(1),
latitude = values(list(lats.min, lats.max)),
longitude = values(list(lons.min, lons.max)),
transform = CDORemapper,
transform_params = list(grid = 'r360x181',
method = 'con', crop = c(lons.min,lons.max,lats.min,lats.max)),
transform_vars = c('latitude', 'longitude'),
synonims = list(latitude=c('lat','latitude'),longitude=c('longitude','lon')),
return_vars = list(latitude = 'dat',
longitude = 'dat',
retrieve= F)
obs <- Start(dat = '/esarchive/recon/ecmwf/era5/monthly_mean/$var$_f1h/$var$_$sdate$.nc',
var = 'tas',
sdate = paste0(2000:2010,'02'),
time = indices(1),
latitude = values(list(lats.min, lats.max)),
longitude = values(list(lons.min, lons.max)),
transform = CDORemapper,
transform_params = list(grid = 'r360x181',
method = 'con', crop = c(lons.min,lons.max,lats.min,lats.max)),
transform_vars = c('latitude', 'longitude'),
synonims = list(latitude=c('lat','latitude'),longitude=c('longitude','lon')),
return_vars = list(latitude = 'dat',
longitude = 'dat',
merge_across_dims = TRUE,
retrieve= F)
# Define function (applied on the essential 'target' dimensions)
compute_scores <- function(exp, obs) {
my.FairRpss <- veriApply("FairRpss", fcst=exp, obs=obs,
prob=my.prob, tdim=1, ensdim=2, na.rm=TRUE)[[1]]
dim(my.FairRpss) <- c(score = length(my.FairRpss))
step <- Step(compute_scores,
target_dims = list(exp=c('sdate','ensemble'),
output_dims = list(my.FairRpss = 'score'),
use_libraries = c('easyVerification',
# workflow of operations
wf <- AddStep(list(exp, obs), step)
# works
res1 <- Compute(wf, chunks = list(latitude = 2))
# doesn't work
res2 <- Compute(wf, chunks = list(longitude = 2))
For res2, the dimensions of the chunked data are as below. The longitude is 11 in exp while 10 in obs.
dat var sdate ensemble time latitude longitude
1 1 11 25 1 21 11
dat var sdate time latitude longitude
1 1 11 1 21 10
But for res1, the latitude is both 9.