Hi @aho,
This merge request contains a first version to Collect() results from cluster. It would be good to discuss about the warnings and cleaning it should contain. For now, I have run a use case (https://earth.bsc.es/gitlab/es/startR/-/blob/master/inst/doc/usecase/ex2_8_calibration.R) and tested it worked:
Work station:
res <- Compute(wf,
chunks = list(latitude = 2, longitude = 2),
threads_load = 2,
threads_compute = 4,
cluster = list(queue_host = "nord3",
queue_type = 'slurm',
cores_per_job = 2,
temp_dir = '/gpfs/scratch/bsc32/bsc32339/startR_hpc/',
polling_period = 10,
job_wallclock = '01:00:00',
max_jobs = 4,
bidirectional = FALSE),
ecflow_suite_dir = "/esarchive/scratch/nperez/ecflow",
wait = FALSE) # your path!
saveRDS(res, file = '/esarchive/scratch/nperez/test_collect.Rds')
res <- readRDS('/esarchive/scratch/nperez/test_collect.Rds')
result <- Collect(res, wait = TRUE, remove = F)