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\title{Computing scores of predictability using two dynamical proxies 
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based on dynamical systems theory.}
Predictability(dim, theta, ncores = NULL)
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\item{dim}{An array of N named dimensions containing the local dimension as 
the output of CST_ProxiesAttractor or ProxiesAttractor.}
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\item{theta}{An array of N named dimensions containing the inverse of the 
persistence 'theta' as the output of CST_ProxiesAttractor or 
\item{ncores}{The number of cores to use in parallel computation.}
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A list of length 2:
\item\code{pred.dim} {a list of two lists 'qdim' and 'pos.d'. The 'qdim' list
contains values of local dimension 'dim' divided by terciles: 
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d1: lower tercile (high predictability), 
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d2: middle tercile, 
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d3: higher tercile (low predictability)
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The 'pos.d' list contains the position of each tercile in parameter 'dim'}

\item\code{pred.theta} {a list of two lists 'qtheta' and 'pos.t'. 
The 'qtheta' list contains values of the inverse of persistence 'theta' 
divided by terciles: 
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th1: lower tercile (high predictability), 
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th2: middle tercile, 
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th3: higher tercile (low predictability)
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The 'pos.t' list contains the position of each tercile in parameter 'theta'}

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dyn_scores values from 0 to 1. A dyn_score of 1 indicates the highest
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This function divides in terciles the two dynamical proxies 
computed with CST_ProxiesAttractor or ProxiesAttractor. These terciles will
be used to measure the predictability of the system in dyn_scores. When the
local dimension 'dim' is small and the inverse of persistence 'theta' is 
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small the predictability is high, and viceversa.
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# Creating an example of matrix dat(time,grids):
m <- matrix(rnorm(2000) * 10, nrow = 50, ncol = 40)
names(dim(m)) <- c('time', 'grid')
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# imposing a threshold
 quanti <-  0.90
# computing dyn_scores from parameters dim and theta of the attractor
attractor <- ProxiesAttractor(dat = m, quanti = 0.60)
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predyn <- Predictability(dim = attractor$dim, theta = attractor$theta)
Faranda, D., Alvarez-Castro, M.C., Messori, G., Rodriguez, D., 
and Yiou, P. (2019). The hammam effect or how a warm ocean enhances large 
scale atmospheric predictability.Nature Communications, 10(1), 1316. 
DOI = "

Faranda, D., Gabriele Messori and Pascal Yiou. (2017).
Dynamical proxies of North Atlantic predictability and extremes. 
Scientific Reports, 7-41278, 2017.
Carmen Alvarez-Castro, \email{}

Maria M. Chaves-Montero, \email{}

Veronica Torralba, \email{}

Davide Faranda, \email{}