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% Please edit documentation in R/CST_RFTemp.R
\title{Temperature downscaling of a CSTools object using lapse rate
correction (reduced version)}
  xlim = NULL,
  ylim = NULL,
  lapse = 6.5,
  lon_dim = "lon",
  lat_dim = "lat",
  time_dim = NULL,
  nolapse = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE,
  compute_delta = FALSE,
  method = "bilinear",
  delta = NULL
\item{data}{Temperature array to downscale. The input array is expected to 
have at least two dimensions named "lon" and "lat" by default (these default 
names can be changed with the \code{lon_dim} and \code{lat_dim} parameters).}
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\item{lon}{Vector or array of longitudes.}
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\item{lat}{Vector or array of latitudes.}
\item{oro}{Array containing fine-scale orography (in m). The destination 
downscaling area must be contained in the orography field.}
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\item{lonoro}{Vector or array of longitudes corresponding to the fine orography.}

\item{latoro}{Vector or array of latitudes corresponding to the fine orography.}

\item{xlim}{Vector with longitude bounds for downscaling; the full input field 
is downscaled if `xlim` and `ylim` are not specified.}
\item{ylim}{Vector with latitude bounds for downscaling.}
\item{lapse}{Float with environmental lapse rate.}
\item{lon_dim}{String with name of longitude dimension.}
\item{lat_dim}{String with name of latitude dimension.}
\item{time_dim}{A vector of character string indicating the name of temporal 
dimension. By default, it is set to NULL and it considers "ftime", "sdate" 
and "time" as temporal dimensions.}
\item{nolapse}{Logical, if true `oro` is interpreted as a fine-scale 
climatology and used directly for bias correction.}
\item{verbose}{Logical if to print diagnostic output.}
\item{compute_delta}{Logical if true returns only a delta to be used for
out-of-sample forecasts.}

\item{method}{String indicating the method used for interpolation:
"nearest" (nearest neighbours followed by smoothing with a circular
uniform weights kernel), "bilinear" (bilinear interpolation)
The two methods provide similar results, but nearest is slightly better
provided that the fine-scale grid is correctly centered as a subdivision
of the large-scale grid.}
\item{delta}{Matrix containing a delta to be applied to the downscaled
input data. The grid of this matrix is supposed to be same as that of
the required output field.}
CST_RFTemp() returns a downscaled CSTools object.

RFTemp() returns a list containing the fine-scale
longitudes, latitudes and the downscaled fields.
This function implements a simple lapse rate correction of a
temperature field (a multidimensional array) as input.
The input lon grid must be increasing (but can be modulo 360).
The input lat grid can be irregularly spaced (e.g. a Gaussian grid)
The output grid can be irregularly spaced in lon and/or lat.
# Generate simple synthetic data and downscale by factor 4
t <- rnorm(7 * 6 * 4 * 3) * 10 + 273.15 + 10
dim(t) <- c(sdate = 3, ftime = 4, lat = 6, lon = 7)
lon <- seq(3, 9, 1)
lat <- seq(42, 47, 1)
o <- runif(29 * 29) * 3000
dim(o) <- c(lat = 29, lon = 29)
lono <- seq(3, 10, 0.25)
lato <- seq(41, 48, 0.25)
res <- RFTemp(t, lon, lat, o, lono, lato, xlim = c(4, 8), ylim = c(43, 46),
Method described in ERA4CS MEDSCOPE milestone M3.2: 
High-quality climate prediction data available to WP4
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and in H2020 ECOPOTENTIAL Deliverable No. 8.1:
High resolution (1-10 km) climate, land use and ocean change scenarios
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Jost von Hardenberg - ISAC-CNR, \email{j.vonhardenberg@isac.cnr.it}