CST_SaveExp.R 8.07 KB
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#'Save CSTools objects of class 's2dv_cube' containig experiment or oberved data in NCDF format
#'@author Perez-Zanon Nuria, \email{nuria.perez@bsc.es}
#'@description This function allows to divide and save a object of class 's2dv_cube' in a NetCDF files to allow be reloaded using \code{CST_Loa} function.
#'@param data an object of class \code{s2dv_cube}.
#'@param destination a character string containing the directory name in which to save the data diveded in separte folders for each experiment and variable and in separate NetCDF files for each start date. By default the function creates folders in the working directory called "CST_Data".
#'@seealso \code{\link{CST_Load}}
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#'@import s2dverification
#'@import ncdf4
#'@import abind
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#'data <- lonlat_data$exp
#'destination <- "./path/"
#'CST_SaveExp(data = data, destination = destination)
CST_SaveExp <- function(data, destination = "./CST_Data") {
  if (!is.character(destination) & length(destination) > 1) {
    stop("Parameter 'destination' must be a character string of one element ",
         "indicating the name of the file (including the folder if needed) ",
         "where the data will be saved.")
  if (!inherits(data, 's2dv_cube')) {
    stop("Parameter 'data' must be of the class 's2dv_cube', ",
         "as output by CSTools::CST_Load.")
dimname <- names(dim(data$data))
  if (any(dimname == "time")) {
    dimname[which(dimname == "time")] <- "ftime"
    names(dim(data$data))[which(dimname == "time")] <- "ftime"
  if (any(dimname == "memb")) {
    dimname[which(dimname == "memb")] <- "member"
    names(dim(data$data))[which(dimname == "memb")] <- "member"
  if (any(dimname == "ensemble")) {
    dimname[which(dimname == "ensemble")] <- "member"
    names(dim(data$data))[which(dimname == "ensemble")] <- "member"
  if (any(dimname == "longitude")) {
    dimname[which(dimname == "longitude")] <- "lon"
    names(dim(data$data))[which(dimname == "longitude")] <- "lon"
  if (any(dimname == "latitude")) {
    dimname[which(dimname == "latitude")] <- "lat"
    names(dim(data$data))[which(dimname == "latitude")] <- "lat"
names(dim(data$data)) <- dimname

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  if (is.null(dimname)) {
    stop("Element 'data' in parameter 'data' must have named dimensions.")
sdate_pos <- which(dimname == "sdate")

  if (length(sdate_pos) == 0) {
    stop("Element 'data' in parameter 'data' hasn't 'sdate' dimension.")
  } else if (length(sdate_pos) > 1) {
    stop("Element 'data' in parameter 'data' has more than one 'sdate'",
         " dimension.")
n_sdates <- dim(data$data)[sdate_pos] # number of files to create

dataset_pos <- which(dimname == "dataset" | dimname == "dat")
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dims <- dim(data$data)
  if (length(dataset_pos) == 0) {
    warning("Element 'data' in parameter 'data' hasn't 'dataset' dimension.",
            "All data is stored in the same 'dataset' folder.")
    data$data <- InsertDim(var = data$data, posdim = 1, lendim = 1)
    names(dim(data$data))[1] <- "dataset"
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    dimname <- c("dataset", dimname)
    dataset_pos = 1
  } else if (length(dataset_pos) > 1) {
    stop("Element 'data' in parameter 'data' has more than one 'dataset'",
         " dimension.")
n_datasets <- dim(data$data)[dataset_pos] # number of folder by dataset
# dataset names:
datasets <- names(data$Datasets)
  if (n_datasets > length(datasets)) {
    warning("Dimension 'dataset' in element 'data' from parameter 'data' ",
            "is greater than those listed in element 'Datasets' and the ",
            "first element is reused.")
    datasets <- c(datasets, rep(datasets[1], n_datasets - length(datasets)))
  } else if (n_datasets < length(datasets)) {
    warning("Dimension 'dataset' in element 'data' from parameter 'data', ",
            "is smaller than those listed in element 'Datasets' and only the",
            " first element will be used.")
    datasets <- datasets[1 : n_datasets]
# var names:
  if ('var' %in% dimname) {
    var_pos <- which(dimname == 'var')
      if (dims[var_pos] == 1) {
          data$data <- adrop(data$data, drop = var_pos)
          dimname <- names(dim(data$data))
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var_name <- data$Variable$varName
  if (length(var_name) != 1) {
    stop("One variable name must be included in element 'Variable$varName' ",
         "of parameter 'data'.") 
  if (!is.character(var_name)) {
    stop("Element 'Variable$varName' of parameter 'data' ",
         "must be a character string.")

# 1) create paths DONE
# 2) create folders DONE
# 3) select data DONE
# 4) create files
known_dim_names <- c("var", "lat", "latitude", "lon", "longitude", "time", "ftime",
                     "sdate", "dataset", "dat", "nlevel", "levels")
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dims_var <- NULL
list_pos <- 1

  if (any(dimname == 'longitude') | any(dimname == 'lon')) {
    dim_lon <- ncdim_def(name = 'lon', units = 'degrees',
                         vals = as.vector(data$lon), longname = 'longitude')
    dims_var[[list_pos]] <- dim_lon
    list_pos <- list_pos + 1
    if (any(dimname == 'latitude') | any(dimname == 'lat')) {
    dim_lat <- ncdim_def(name = 'lat', units = 'degrees_north',
                         vals = as.vector(data$lat), longname = 'latitude')
    dims_var[[list_pos]] <- dim_lat
    list_pos <- list_pos + 1
  if (any(!(dimname %in% known_dim_names))) {
    dims_member <- dimname[!(dimname %in% known_dim_names)]
    if (length(dims_member) > 1) {
      stop("Ask for saving realizations or further dimensions to the mantainer.")
    } else {
      dim_memb <- ncdim_def(name = 'ensemble', units = "adim",
                          vals = 1 : dim(data$data)[which(dimname == 'member')],
                          longname = 'ensemble', create_dimvar = TRUE)
    dims_var[[list_pos]] <- dim_memb
    list_pos <- list_pos + 1

  # Lead-time depends on the start date
  nlt <- length(data$Dates$start)/n_sdates

  if (any(dimname == 'level') | any(dimname =='level')) {
    stop("Ask for saving 3Dim fields to the mantainer.")

  for (i in 1 : n_datasets) {
    path <- file.path(destination, datasets[i], var_name)
    dir.create(path, recursive = TRUE)
    startdate <- gsub("-", "", data$Datasets[[i]]$InitializationDates[[1]])
    file_name <- paste0(var_name, "_", startdate, ".nc")
    full_filename <- file.path(path, file_name)

    data_dataset <- Subset(data$data, along = which(dimname == 'dataset'), indices = i)
    standard_order <- c("lon", "lat", "member", "ftime")
    change_names <- c("lon", "lat", "ensemble", "ftime")
      for (j in 1 : n_sdates) {
        n_data <- s2dverification::Subset(data_dataset,
                                          along = which(dimname == 'sdate'),
                                          indices = j, drop = TRUE)
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        pos_standard_order <- match( standard_order, names(dim(n_data)))
        n_data <- aperm(n_data, pos_standard_order)

        names(dim(n_data)) <- change_names           

    # Lead-time depends on the start date
    # The correct time should be selected from $Dates$start
    time_values <- as.Date(substr(data$Dates$start[(j * nlt - nlt + 1):(j * nlt)],
                           1, 10))
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    if (any(dimname == 'time') | any(dimname == 'ftime')) {
        dim_time <- ncdim_def(name = 'time', units = 'days since 1970-01-01',
                              vals = as.numeric(time_values),
                              longname = 'time', unlim = TRUE)
          if (i == 1 & j == 1) {
             dims_var[[list_pos]] <- dim_time
             list_pos <- list_pos + 1
    if (!is.character(attributes(data$Variable)$units)) {
        units = attributes(data$Variable)$variable$units
    } else {
        units = attributes(data$Variable)$units
        datanc  <- ncvar_def(name = var_name,
                             units = units,
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                             dim = dims_var, missval = -99999)
        file_nc <- nc_create(full_filename[j], datanc)
        ncvar_put(file_nc, datanc, n_data)
        ncatt_put(file_nc, datanc, 'coordinates', attr(data$lon, 'cdo_grid_name'))
        ncatt_put(file_nc, datanc, 'projection', attr(data$lon, 'projection'))