Commit c4d28f67 authored by Lauriane Batté's avatar Lauriane Batté
Browse files

First Adamont functions adapted to CSTools

parent 11f66862
Pipeline #1402 passed with stage
in 6 minutes and 18 seconds
  • Hi @nperez and @lcaron,

    This is a first push of two of the functions I'll need for ADAMONT. I'll explain in more detail at the MEDSCOPE GA.

    I'm working from R functions that were written for quite specific data formats, I tried to generalize things as much as possible making a number of hypotheses on the input format (based on s2dverification usual formats). Let's see how much I manage to progress by next Wednesday... These versions are not final and there are still some improvements to do (not to mention getting everything to the right format). I didn't include the original R code I'm working on but will bring it along to Milano.


  • Hi Lauriane,

    I'm looking forward to learning about ADAMONT in the GA.

    See you in Milan!


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