"--enable-debug" to run the daemons in debug mode (more validity
checking and writes core files, useful for getting things
"--prefix=" to specify a directory into which the slurm files are
to be installed
"--with-authd" to use authd for authentication, defaults to no
"--with-elan" to support a Quadics Elan3 interconnect, defaults
to IP interconnect
"--with-slurm-conf=" to specify the directory into which the
slurm.conf file is placed
"--with-totalview" to support the Etnus TotalView debugger
You will need to construct a valid configuration file for your machine.
To run on a single host, you can probably use the file in
"etc/slurm.conf.localhost" with minimal modifications.
For a cluster, you should build something based upon "etc/".
Be sure to update "SlurmUser", "JobCredentialPrivateKey" and
"JobCredentialPublicCertificate". There are usable keys in
"src/slurmd/private.key" and "src/slurmd/public.cert". New keys
can be built using the following commands:
"openssl genrsa -out <name of private key> 1024"
"openssl rsa -in <name of private key> -pubout -out <name of public key>"
See "doc/man/man5/slurm.conf.5" for help in building this.
Initiate "slurmctld" on the control machine (it can run without root
permissions, see SlurmUser in slurm.conf). For testing purposes you
probably want to use several options: "-D" keep in foreground, "-c"
clear state from previous executions, and possibly "-v" for verbose
messages (more v's for more verbosity). For example:
"slurmctld -D -c -vvvvv" (specify pathname as needed).
Initiate "slurmd" on each compute server (it needs to run as root for
production, but can run as a normal user for testing - it will report
errors on the initgroups, seteuid, and setegid functions if not run
as root, but if everything is run as the same user most functionality
is OK). For testing purposes you probably want to use several options:
"-D" keep in foreground, "-c" clear state from previous executions,
and possibly "-v" for verbose messages (more v's for more verbosity).
For example "slurmd -D -c -vvvvv". If using pdsh (parallel distributed
shell) to initiate slurmd on every node, the execute line would be
"pdsh -a "slurmd -D -c -vvvvv"" (specify pathname as needed).
Run jobs using the "srun" command.
Get system status using "sinfo" and "squeue".
Terminate jobs using "scancel".
Get and set system configuration information using "scontrol".
Man pages for all of these daemons and commands are available.
There DejaGnu scripts to exercise various APIs and tools.
You should have autoconf version 2.52 or higher (see "autoconf -V").
There is no authentication of communications between commands and
daemons without the the authd daemon in operation. For more
information, see "".
Most functionality is in place and working.
Performance is good (under 5 seconds to run 1900 tasks of "/bin/hostname"
over 950 nodes).
Fault-tolerance is good.
Support for additional hardware and software is planned in future releases
(IA64, RedHat 8.1, Myrinet, IBM Blue Gene).
Support for job suspend/resume and checkpoint/restart is planned for
future releases.
Send feedback to Morris Jette <> or Mark Grondona