• Alejandro Sanchez's avatar
    Fix regression in b894280a. · 07ce0773
    Alejandro Sanchez authored
    Code calls list_find_first to search in resv_list whether the requested
    name for the new reservation already exists. If it exists, resv_ptr is
    set with the pointer to the existing reservation. Then the code goto
    bad_parse label and xfreed that resv_ptr, thus corrupting the list data
    by freeing the existing reservation. This is fixed by only freeing memory on the
    new local resv_ptr instead of always freeing memory.  xfree is also not
    sufficient for freeing the memory, we needed to call _del_resv_rec() or we would
    leak the memory we had transferred from the resv_desc_ptr.  This also involved
    NULLing out the other variables freed after bad_parse, or you would get
    double frees.
    Bug 3558.
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