• Morris Jette's avatar
    task/cgroup: Fix for task layout logic when disabled resources. · 6c14b969
    Morris Jette authored
    Specifically add the HWLOC_TOPOLOGY_FLAG_WHOLE_SYSTEM flag when
    loading configuration from HWLOC library. Previous logic in
    task/cgroup did not do this, which was different behaviour from
    how slurmd gets configuration information. Here's the HWLOC
    Detect the whole system, ignore reservations and offline settings.
    Gather all resources, even if some were disabled by the administrator.
    For instance, ignore Linux Cpusets and gather all processors and memory
    nodes, and ignore the fact that some resources may be offline.
    Without this flag, I was rarely observing a bad core count, which
    resulted in the logic layout out tasks wrong and generating an error:
    task/cgroup: task[0] infinite loop broken while trying to provision compute elements using cyclic
    bug 2502
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