• Marshall Garey's avatar
    Ensure x11 is setup before launching a job step · 71df4fae
    Marshall Garey authored
    srun waits for the prolog to finish before launching a job step.
    In _is_prolog_finished(), slurmctld checks the state reason:
    	if (job_ptr) {
    		is_running = (job_ptr->state_reason != WAIT_PROLOG);
    But if the job is updated during the job prolog, then _update_job() will
    change the state_reason, and then slurmctld will tell srun that the
    prolog is completed even if it isn't. If srun launches a job step before
    the extern sets up x11, then the job step won't have x11 information. To
    fix this, don't change state_reason in _update_job() if it equals
    Bug 7525
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