• Morris Jette's avatar
    Fix for srun abort on SIGSTOP+SIGCONT · 1ed38f26
    Morris Jette authored
    Avoid possibly aborting srun that gets simultaneous SIGSTOP+SIGCONT while
        creating the job step. The result is that the signal hanlder gets a
        argument (the signal received) of zero.
    Here's a log, window 1:
    $ srun hostname
    srun: Job step creation temporarily disabled, retrying
    srun: I Got signal 18
    srun: I Got signal 18
    srun: I Got signal 18
    srun: I Got signal 18
    srun: I Got signal 18
    srun: I Got signal 18
    srun: I Got signal 18
    srun: I Got signal 18
    srun: I Got signal 18
    srun: I Got signal 18
    srun: I Got signal 18
    srun: I Got signal 18
    srun: I Got signal 0
    srun: Cancelled pending job step
    Window 2:
    $  kill -STOP 18696 ; kill -CONT 18696
    $  kill -STOP 18696 ; kill -CONT 18696
    $  kill -STOP 18696 ; kill -CONT 18696
    bug 2494
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