• Matthieu Hautreux's avatar
    Fix segv in slurmctld for job step with relative option · 9bb178c3
    Matthieu Hautreux authored
    Here is the way to reproduce it :
    [root@cuzco27 georgioy]# salloc -n64 -N4 --exclusive
    salloc: Granted job allocation 8
    [root@cuzco27 georgioy]#srun -r 0 -n 30 -N 2 sleep 300&
    [root@cuzco27 georgioy]#srun -r 1 -n 40 -N 3 sleep 300&
    [root@cuzco27 georgioy]# srun: error: slurm_receive_msg: Zero Bytes were transmitted or received
    srun: error: Unable to create job step: Zero Bytes were transmitted or received
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