• Danny Auble's avatar
    Handle situation where a slurmctld tries to communicate with slurmdbd more... · af7b4531
    Danny Auble authored
    Handle situation where a slurmctld tries to communicate with slurmdbd more than once at the same time.
    What can happen here is the slurmdbd/slurmctld connection gets hung up
    somehow.  If the slurmctld is restarted a new connection is made along
    side the old connection.  When the old connection gets unwedged the old
    connection will clear out the registration of the slurmctld making it so
    no updates are sent to that slurmctld.
    What this does is checks for old connections when a registration message
    comes in.  If we find one we print error set the rem_port = 0 and
    remove it from the list.  This makes it so when it gets unwedged we just
    close the socket instead of remove the registration.
    Bug 5213
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