• Brian Christiansen's avatar
    Fix case where the primary and backup dbds would both be performing rollup. · b2eb504b
    Brian Christiansen authored
    If the backup dbd happened to be doing rollup at the time the primary resumed
    both the primary and the backup would be doing rollups and causing contention on
    the database tables. The backup would wait for the rollup handler to finish
    before giving up control.
    The fix is to cancel the rollup_handler and let the backup begin to shutdown so
    that it will close an existing connections and then re-exec itself. The re-exec
    helps because the rollup handler spawns a thread for each cluster to rollup and
    just cancelling the rollup handler doesn't cancel the spawned threads from the
    rollup handler. This cleans up the dbd and locks. The re-exec only happens in
    the backup if the primary resumed and a rollup was happening.
    Bug 1988
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