• John Thiltges's avatar
    Fix for slurmstepd setfault · db0fe22e
    John Thiltges authored
    With slurm-15.08.10, we're seeing occasional segfaults in slurmstepd. The logs point to the following line: slurm-15.08.10/src/slurmd/slurmstepd/mgr.c:2612
    On that line, _get_primary_group() is accessing the results of getpwnam_r():
        *gid = pwd0->pw_gid;
    If getpwnam_r() cannot find a matching password record, it will set the result (pwd0) to NULL, but still return 0. When the pointer is accessed, it will cause a segfault.
    Checking the result variable (pwd0) to determine success should fix the issue.
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