• Moe Jette's avatar
    01_Cray-scontrol-warning-node-update.diff · f8ca2840
    Moe Jette authored
    scontrol: warn user that base node state can not be changed on Cray
    The base node state (UP, DOWN, ALLOCATED, ...) is handled by ALPS and inferred
    from reading the output of ALPS inventory requests.
    To avoid inconsistencies, it is not possible for a user to alter this node state.
    This patch adds a warning to scontrol if a user wants to change node state through
    palu> scontrol update NodeName=nid00171 State=DOWN
    State=DOWN can not be changed through slurm: use native Cray tools such as e.g. xtprocadmin(8)
    The 'meta' states such as DRAIN can still be changed.
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