• Rémi Palancher's avatar
    avoid delay on commit for PMI task at rank 0 · fcc11e22
    Rémi Palancher authored
    Intel MPI, on MPI jobs initialisation through PMI, uses to call PMI_KVS_Put()
    many many times from task at rank 0, and each on these call is followed by
    PMI_KVS_Commit(). Slurm implementation of PMI_KVS_Commit() imposes a delay
    to avoid DDOS on original srun. This delay is proportional to the total number.
    It could be up to 3 secs for large jobs for ex. with 7168 tasks. Therefore,
    when Intel MPI calls PMI_KVS_Commit() 475 times (mesured on a test case) from
    task at rank 0, 28 minutes are spent in delay function.
    All other tasks in the job are waiting for a PMI_Barrier. Therefore, there is
    no risk for a DDOS from this single task 0. The patch alters the delaying time
    calculation to make sure task at rank 0 will does not be delayed. All other
    tasks are globally spreaded in the same time range as before.
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