Commit 137dffa8 authored by Yiannis Georgiou's avatar Yiannis Georgiou Committed by Morris Jette
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Energy RAPL updates

1)updated scontrol show node to report "n/s" (not supported) for energy/power values in case  acct_gather_energy/rapl is configured and nodes do not support RAPL Previously, these values were reported as zero. The scontrol man page has been also updated to explain this.

2)updated sstat / sacct to report no value for ConsumedEnergy in case acct_gather_energy/rapl is configured, a job/step is allocated and at least one node does not support RAPL. Previously for this case, sstat and sacct reported a partial value for ConsumedEnergy.

3)updated the logging mechanism so that If acct_gather_energy/rapl is configured and a job/step is allocated any nodes that do not support RAPL, a single debug entry is made in the log file.  Previously, multiple repeating error messages were sent to the console and the log file.
parent 7dfc6d87
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