Commit 1d90cd35 authored by Janne Blomqvist's avatar Janne Blomqvist Committed by Morris Jette
Browse files

Avoid broken-down time in multifactor priority plugins

we recently saw an issue where on a couple clusters the age priority of almost all jobs had been zeroed. Restarting slurmctld did "solve" the issue, though I'm not really sure why it occured in the first place. One suspicion is that it was due to the recent DST transition (occured on Oct 28th over here), and that this somehow wedged the calculation of the age priority.

Looking at the code, I couldn't really find any obvious fault, but anyway, by avoiding the usage of broken-down time (which includes DST information) in the calculation of the start_time this sort of bug could at least be avoided.

The attached patch implements the above for the priority multifactor plugins.
parent bf141e80
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