Commit 55a43a90 authored by Christopher J. Morrone's avatar Christopher J. Morrone
Browse files

- Add new commands "slaunch", "salloc", and "sbatch".

- SlurmdPidFile, SlurmdLogFile, and SlurmdSpoolDir may each contain a
  "%h" and/or a "%n", which will be replaced by the hostname or NodeName,
- Add new xstring.c xstrsubstitute() function.
- launch_tasks_response_msg_t structure now contains a task_ids array
- Remove SLURM_DIST_UNKNOWN from enum task_dist_states
- job_desc_msg_t now lists a seperate addresses for the 
- Expand the job step context concept used previously for task "spawn"
  for poe.  The step context is now also used for nomal step launch.
  New SLURM API function slurm_step_launch() and associated support
- Fix spaghetti header #includes relating to global_srun.[ch]
- Fix slurmctld segfault when slaunch --relative is used
parent 94e863de
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