Commit 8a963473 authored by Dmitri Gribenko's avatar Dmitri Gribenko Committed by Morris Jette
Browse files

Cosmetic changes ti init.d scripts


Please find attached a patch with two fixes for init.d scripts:

* correct comments (full path to slurm binaries was not correct in comments);

* improve the output of 'service [slurm|slurmdbd] reconfig'.  It used
to garble the console because of the missing 'echo' after 'killproc'.
'[OK]' was displayed on the same line as the shell prompt in CentOS
6.4.  Now it looks correctly:

[root@head ~]# service slurm reconfig
Reloading slurmctld daemon configuration:                  [  OK  ]
[root@head ~]#

Please review and apply.

parent e478ee80
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