Commit 9cd8d95d authored by Matthieu Hautreux's avatar Matthieu Hautreux Committed by Danny Auble
Browse files

In order to understand the hashing logic of slurm and see where was the

limitation in terms of scalability, I did some tests with cluster sizes
varying from 64 to 64k nodes. I saw the same kind of performance issues
that you saw with large sizes (more than a few thousands nodes).

Looking at the code, I noticed that the hash table of the node records
was not built before the construction of the topology information in
slurmctld ! Making sure that the hash table is present really reduces
the built time.

This patch ensures that and enable to get sub-second built time
for topology information in scenarios that were used to require a
minute before.

I think that using this patch, the load time of slurm confs is less
parent 50a235a3
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