Commit d6952e1c authored by Moe Jette's avatar Moe Jette
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minor tweak in slurm.conf man page:

The man page for slurm.conf, select/cons_res parameter SelectTypeParameters, values CR_Socket and CR_Socket_Memory states the following:

"Note that jobs requesting one CPU will only be given access to that one CPU"

I think this statement is incorrect, or at least very misleading to users. A job requesting one CPU will only be allocated one CPU, but unless task/affinity is enabled or some other CPU binding mechanism is used, the job can access all of the CPUs on the node.  That is, a task that is distributed to the node can run on any of the CPUs on the node, not just on the one CPU that was allocated to its job. I propose the following patch to replace "given access to" with "allocated".

Martin Perry
parent 6abee0d1
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