Commit efcd853a authored by Michael Hinton's avatar Michael Hinton Committed by Alejandro Sanchez
Browse files

Fix both socket-[un]constrained GRES allocation issues.

Do not assume that these sock_gres_t pointers always exist:

If they don't, that means there are no current iteration socket `s`
constrained GRES and so the logic shouldn't allocate the current
iteration GRES `g`.

Analogously, do not assume that bits_any_sock sock_gres_t member pointer
is always valid. If it isn't, it means there are no socket-unconstrained
GRES available to satisfy the job request, so the logic should not
allocate the current iteration GRES `g`.

Otherwise, job/node struct members holding GRES allocation information
would end up being incorrect, leading to improper allocations and also
leading to errors logged in slurmctld log at deallocation time like:

error: gres/gpu: job <X> dealloc node <Y> GRES count underflow (0 < 1)

Bug 7827
parent b65d9ed2
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