1. 05 May, 2017 4 commits
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      Make sview federation aware · 28e34b39
      Morris Jette authored
      Work is incomplete, but for now we get all jobs in federation and highlight
        the local nodes associated with each job.
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      give get node/partition calls federation support · 38932c0e
      Morris Jette authored
      Add "cluster_name" field to node_info_t and partition_info_t data structure.
          It is filled in only when the cluster is part of a federation and
          SHOW_GLOBAL flag used.
      Functions slurm_load_node() slurm_load_partitions() modified to show all
          nodes/partitions in a federation when the SHOW_GLOBAL flag is used.
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      Merge branch 'slurm-17.02' · 4f489044
      Morris Jette authored
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      Make capmc command more general · cdb7ac2c
      Morris Jette authored
      In order to test with larger systems, modify capmc script to generate
        output with arbitrary start and end NID values
  2. 04 May, 2017 11 commits
  3. 03 May, 2017 18 commits
  4. 02 May, 2017 4 commits
  5. 01 May, 2017 3 commits