1. 22 Jul, 2011 11 commits
  2. 21 Jul, 2011 2 commits
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      man2html patch corrects links · 94e41119
      Morris Jette authored
      I've found a minor problem in the script that converts man pages into
      html. The current script produces two incorrect links on every html man
      page. Patch from Rod Schultz, Bull.
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      Restore node configuration information on slurmctld restart · f729d72b
      Morris Jette authored
      Restore node configuration information (CPUs, memory, etc.) for powered
      down when slurmctld daemon restarts rather than waiting for the node to be
      restored to service and getting the information from the node (NOTE: Only
      relevent if FastSchedule=0).
  3. 20 Jul, 2011 3 commits
  4. 19 Jul, 2011 4 commits
  5. 18 Jul, 2011 14 commits
  6. 15 Jul, 2011 4 commits
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      srun wrapper for aprun (cray) enhancements · 4c3b919e
      Morris Jette authored
      If the srun wrapper is executed when there is no job allocation, then
      create an allocation using salloc and call the srun wrapper again so
      that we can configure memory limits in aprun's execute line. Without
      this change, aprun would lack the memory allocation information and
      the task launch would fail if the job were allocated less than the
      full node.
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      Revent duplicate arguments to aprun · 9ee69034
      Morris Jette authored
      Prevent duplicate arguments to aprun from the srun.pl wrapper.
      This could happen if the command line included "--alps" arguments
      plus other arguments generated by the normal srun options. For example:
      srun -t 5 --alps="-t300" a.out
      specifies the job time limit in two places.
    • Danny Auble's avatar
      CRAY - set up tasks correct in srun wrapper · 49df8948
      Danny Auble authored
    • Danny Auble's avatar
      CRAY - fix typo · a67ef0ec
      Danny Auble authored
  7. 14 Jul, 2011 2 commits
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      Set environment variables with job memory limtis · dbd292c7
      Morris Jette authored
      Set SLURM_MEM_PER_CPU or SLURM_MEM_PER_NODE environment variables for both
      interactive (salloc) and batch jobs if the job has a memory limit. For Cray
      systems also set CRAY_AUTO_APRUN_OPTIONS environment variable with the
      memory limit.
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      Enhance srun.pl man page · bec4d8f3
      Morris Jette authored
      Clarify in the srun (aprun wrapper) which options apply to an existing
      job allocation or new allocation and which are not applicable to Cray