- 21 Mar, 2014 2 commits
Morris Jette authored
David Bigagli authored
- 20 Mar, 2014 3 commits
Hongjia Cao authored
Danny Auble authored
than you really have.
Danny Auble authored
doesn't get chopped off.
- 19 Mar, 2014 2 commits
David Bigagli authored
Gennaro Oliva authored
a minus sign for options was intended.
- 18 Mar, 2014 4 commits
David Bigagli authored
Danny Auble authored
Danny Auble authored
Some of these were resulting in the state of a job not being updated correctly to tools like sview.
Danny Auble authored
in waiting reason ReqNodeNotAvail.
- 17 Mar, 2014 4 commits
David Bigagli authored
David Bigagli authored
David Bigagli authored
protocol version to be SLURM_2_5_PROTOCOL_VERSION which is the minimum supported version.
Danny Auble authored
- 16 Mar, 2014 3 commits
Morris Jette authored
Previously if the sbatch --export=NONE option was used then several Slurm environment variables were not propagated from the sbatch command (SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR, SLURM_SUBMIT_HOST, SLURM_JOB_NAME, etc.)
Morris Jette authored
Scheduler enhancements for reservations: When a job needs to run in reservation, but can not due to busy resources, then do not block all jobs in that partition from being scheduled, but only the jobs in that reservation.
Morris Jette authored
Reset a node's CpuLoad value at least once each SlurmdTimeout seconds. Previously the value would not be reset unless communications with the slurmd did not happen for at least 1/3 of the SlurmdTimeout value. That means nodes that were actively running and terminating jobs would not get the CpuLoad value reset in a timely fashion. Added a CpuLoad reset timer to prevent this.
- 15 Mar, 2014 3 commits
Morris Jette authored
Add logic to sleep and retry if slurm.conf can't be read. Without this, the slurmd daemons may die and when the SlurmdTimeout is reached, the nodes will be marked DOWN and their jobs will be killed. In the long term, it would be good to exit only if the read files on program startup, and the daemons keep running with old configuration on reconfiguration, but I don't have time to do that work now.
Morris Jette authored
Fix invalid memory reference if script returns error message for user. Previous code failed to set static variable to NULL resulting in xfree of memory previously freed elsewhere.
Morris Jette authored
Add support for job array options in the qsub command, in #PBS options for sbatch scripts and set the appropriate environment variables in the spank_pbs plugin (PBS_ARRAY_ID and PBS_ARRAY_INDEX). Note that Torque uses the "-t" option and PBS Pro uses the "-J" option.
- 14 Mar, 2014 4 commits
Danny Auble authored
Danny Auble authored
Danny Auble authored
Danny Auble authored
slurm.conf. Rebooting daemons after adding nodes to the slurm.conf is highly recommended.
- 13 Mar, 2014 5 commits
Danny Auble authored
Danny Auble authored
Morris Jette authored
Add a job flag to indicate when the EpilogSlurmctld us running and don't purge the job record until it completes. This lets the EpilogSlurmctld requeue the job and otherwise manage it. bugs 635 and 636
Morris Jette authored
Morris Jette authored
bug 640
- 11 Mar, 2014 3 commits
David Bigagli authored
application environment the PMI2 library will connect the the PMI2 server (slurmstepd) instead of using the provided PMI_FD socket.
Danny Auble authored
Danny Auble authored
- 10 Mar, 2014 2 commits
Morris Jette authored
Cache results for major performance improvement. bug 636
David Bigagli authored
- 08 Mar, 2014 2 commits
Morris Jette authored
If a job request explicitly requests a GRES count of zero and that is not the last GRES in the slurm internal data structures, the job request will be rejected. bug 633
Danny Auble authored
Perhaps should also look into doing this for nodeinfo and libstate
- 07 Mar, 2014 3 commits
Danny Auble authored
Danny Auble authored
Danny Auble authored
this would cause pmd's to hang.