1. 30 May, 2014 4 commits
    • David Gloe's avatar
      There was a problem when building from source where for example · 78fe8619
      David Gloe authored
      @bindir@ would resolve to ${prefix}/bin.
      This patch fixes it, based on http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf/manual/
      It also changes opt_modulefiles_slurm to opt_modulefiles_slurm.in but
      I couldn't figure out how to get git diff to show that.
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      Allocate step part of job's allocation · c8aaed1e
      Morris Jette authored
      If a job allocates whole nodes (with --core-spec or --exclusive
      option) and launches a step within that allocation all in a single
      command (the srun creates the allocation and step at the same time)
      and requests a specific CPU count (e.g. "-ntasks=# --cpus-per-task=#")
      then allocate the job step only the requested CPU count, which may
      be less than the job's allocation.
      Bug 843
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      Merge branch 'slurm-14.03' · 5d9dd85b
      Morris Jette authored
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      Speed up shutdown process · 12a7d67c
      Morris Jette authored
      If shutdown of the slurmctld daemon is in progress, then stop
      trying to schedule jobs or process reconfigure requests. These
      are the only operations that take a significant amount of time
      and only service to slow down the shutdown process. We want the
      daemon to stop processing incoming RPCs and save state as soon
      as possible.
  2. 29 May, 2014 14 commits
  3. 28 May, 2014 15 commits
  4. 27 May, 2014 5 commits
  5. 23 May, 2014 2 commits