1. 04 May, 2017 1 commit
    • Tim Wickberg's avatar
      Add verify_lock() function. · d3062e61
      Tim Wickberg authored
      Allows for annotations such as
      xassert(verify_lock(CONFIG_LOCK, READ_LOCK));
      to ensure that the calling thread has the correct locks in
      place to head off potential race conditions / corruption.
  2. 03 May, 2017 17 commits
  3. 02 May, 2017 4 commits
  4. 01 May, 2017 5 commits
  5. 30 Apr, 2017 1 commit
  6. 28 Apr, 2017 6 commits
  7. 27 Apr, 2017 4 commits
  8. 26 Apr, 2017 2 commits