1. 08 Apr, 2014 4 commits
  2. 07 Apr, 2014 4 commits
  3. 05 Apr, 2014 1 commit
  4. 04 Apr, 2014 3 commits
  5. 03 Apr, 2014 8 commits
    • Danny Auble's avatar
      Fix issue where associations weren't correct if backup takes control and · 9368ff2d
      Danny Auble authored
      new associations were added since it was started.
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      Permit root to raise hard limits · 9293cbf2
      Morris Jette authored
      Permit user root to propagate resource limits higher than the hard limit
      slurmd has on that compute node has (i.e. raise both current and maximum
      bug 674674674674674674
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      Add more backfill configuration parameters · b55f27f3
      Morris Jette authored
      Added SchedulerParameters options of bf_yield_interval and bf_yield_sleep
      to control how frequently and for how long the backfill scheduler will
      relinquish its locks.
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      launch/poe - fix network value · 7814a004
      Morris Jette authored
      if an job step's network value is set by poe, either by directly
      executing poe or srun launching poe, that value was not being
      propagated to the job step creation RPC and the network was not
      being set up for the proper protocol (e.g. mpi, lapi, pami, etc.).
      The previous logic would only work if the srun execute line
      explicitly set the protocol using the --network option.
    • David Bigagli's avatar
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      Defer scheduling for many batch jobs · 57fa06bb
      Morris Jette authored
      Permit multiple batch job submissions to be made for each run of the
      scheduler logic if the job submissions occur at the nearly same time.
      bug 616
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      launch/poe - fix network value · 01fecf4d
      Morris Jette authored
      if an job step's network value is set by poe, either by directly
      executing poe or srun launching poe, that value was not being
      propagated to the job step creation RPC and the network was not
      being set up for the proper protocol (e.g. mpi, lapi, pami, etc.).
      The previous logic would only work if the srun execute line
      explicitly set the protocol using the --network option.
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      Defer scheduling for many batch jobs · dd4aa1c3
      Morris Jette authored
      Permit multiple batch job submissions to be made for each run of the
      scheduler logic if the job submissions occur at the nearly same time.
      bug 616
  6. 02 Apr, 2014 5 commits
  7. 31 Mar, 2014 3 commits
    • Morris Jette's avatar
      Improve qsub wrapper support for env vars · 975b0fdb
      Morris Jette authored
      Address the following issues:
      1A. Notes when the -V option is given and
      1B. if -v option without -V then include sbatch option of "--export=none"
      2A. Does not try to export environment variables by explicitly setting them in the user's environment before invoking sbatch, but instead
      2B. Pass specified env vars using the sbatch --export option
      3A. Recognize when qsub -v option given with key name, but no value
      3B. Find the appropriate value for the specified key name and export that pair.
      4. Update documentation
    • David Bigagli's avatar
    • Marcin Stolarek's avatar
      prempt/partition_prio fix · a0ba1865
      Marcin Stolarek authored
      Prevent preemption of jobs in partition where PreemptMode=off
  8. 28 Mar, 2014 6 commits
  9. 27 Mar, 2014 3 commits
  10. 26 Mar, 2014 2 commits
  11. 25 Mar, 2014 1 commit