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Kai Keller committed

The inputs in this branch are collected as follows:

## Nemo

### Namelists

- copied namelist_cfg and namelist_ice_cfg from '/scratch/project_465000454/pool/data/IFS/inputs_de_48r1/nemo_namelists/eORCA12/sea_ice_corrected'

### Initial conditions

- copied the ice and oce restart files from '/pfs/lustrep3/scratch/project_465000454/pool/data/IFS/inputs_de_48r1/ocean-spin-ups/eORCA12/ospinup-1985-1989-restarts'
  - ''
  - ''

## IFS

### Initial conditions

- copied the initial conditions from '/scratch/project_465000454/pool/data/IFS/HISTORICAL_1990/inputs/tco1279l137'
  - only 1990 inputs

### Over land climatologies 

- copied from '/pfs/lustrep3/scratch/project_465000454/bjimenez/inputs_bjimenez/inputs_ifs_c48r1/tco1279l137/ifsINIT/modified_ICMCL_tco1279'
  - ICMCL_1279_1990_extra
  - ICMCL_1279_1991_extra

# comments

Only hard copies, no symbolic links
Kai Keller's avatar
Kai Keller committed

# How to use the repository
1. clone the repository  
git clone -b experiment/coupled-spinup-1990-development-configuration \<path\>
2. Get the data from dvc  
dvc checkout