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master_students:master_students [2023/10/13 06:29]
pcamps [Master students]
master_students:master_students [2024/09/19 14:47] (current)
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 Before a master student arrives, a master project should be written describing  Before a master student arrives, a master project should be written describing 
-the general objectives, scientific questions, tools to be used during the project.+the general objectives, scientific questions, and tools to be used during the project.
 A workplan should also be prepared describing the documentation to be read, the A workplan should also be prepared describing the documentation to be read, the
-exact analyses to be performed, i.e. step by step instructions for the master +exact analyses to be performed, i.e.step by step instructions for the master 
 student. student.
 ===== Master students ===== ===== Master students =====
 +=== Arnau Garcia Mesa ===
 +Advisors: Camille Mouchel Vallon & Hervé Petetin \\
 +Title: Explicit modeling of the secondary organic aerosol (SOA)
 +formation potential of Barcelona \\
 +Duration: July 2024 - March 2025 \\
 +=== Ada Barrantes Cepas ===
 +Advisors: Cristina Carnerero & Jan Mateu Armengol \\
 +Title: The role of gap-filling observational data in air quality data fusion methods: a case study with CALIOPE PM2.5 \\
 +Duration: February 2024 - July 2024 \\
 +Final report: {{ :master_students:Barrantes_Ada_TFM.pdf | TFM}}\\
 +=== Andreu Julian Izquierdo ===
 +Advisors: Cristina Carnerero & Jan Mateu Armengol \\
 +Title: Indoor Air Pollution Estimates at a City-wide Scale in Barcelona \\
 +Duration: February 2024 - July 2024 \\
 +Final report: {{ :master_students:tfm_andreu_julian.pdf | TFM}}\\
 +=== Carl Ian Wallgren ===
 +Advisors: Albert Soret & Verónica Torralba \\
 +Title: Forecasting Country-Level Electricity Demand Using Temperature Data and a Clustering Approach in Constructing Sub-Country Level
 +Prediction Models \\
 +Duration: February 2024 - July 2024 \\
 +Final report: {{ :master_students:report_tfm_ian_wallgren.pdf | TFM}}\\
 +=== Christian Guzman Ruiz ===
 +Advisors: Mario César Acosta Cobos & Oriol Jorba \\
 +Title: Accelerating Atmospheric Models using GPUs \\
 +Duration: February 2019 - June 2019 \\
 +Final report: {{ :master_students:report_tfm_christian_guzman_ruiz.pdf | TFM}}\\
 +=== Carles Tena Medina ===
 +Advisors: Alberto Garcı́a Villoria, Marc Guevara Vilardell, M{{ :master_students:report_tfm_christian_guzman_ruiz.pdf |}}ario César Acosta Cobos \\
 +Title: Implementation and evaluation of a parallelization strategy for the HERMESv3 atmospheric emission modeling system \\
 +Duration: September 2018 - June 2020 \\
 +Final report: {{:master_students:tfm_carles_tena.pdf|Carles Tena TFM}} \\
 === Sara Moreno Montes === === Sara Moreno Montes ===
Line 21: Line 59:
 Final report: {{ :master_students:jcg_master-thesis.pdf | JCG_Master-Thesis.pdf}}\\ Final report: {{ :master_students:jcg_master-thesis.pdf | JCG_Master-Thesis.pdf}}\\
 +=== Gerard Marcet Carbonell ===
 +Advisors: Markus G. Donat & Carlos Delgado Torres \\
 +Title: Understanding recent changes in the Northern Hemisphere summer circulation and its relation to ocean temperature variations \\
 +Duration: 15/February 2024 - 31/July 2024 \\
 +Final report: {{ :master_students:marcetcarbonellgerard_mscthesis.pdf | GMC_Master-Thesis.pdf}}\\
 === Guillermo López Basurco === === Guillermo López Basurco ===
Line 41: Line 84:
 === Albert Martínez Botí === === Albert Martínez Botí ===
-Advisors: Albert Soret \\+Advisors:  \\
 Title: \\ Title: \\
 Duration: 1/July 2020 - 28/January 2022 \\ Duration: 1/July 2020 - 28/January 2022 \\
Line 69: Line 112:
 Duration: March 2019 - January 2020\\ Duration: March 2019 - January 2020\\
 Final report: {{Ferran_master_thesis.pdf}}\\ Final report: {{Ferran_master_thesis.pdf}}\\
-=== Christian Guzmán === 
-Advisors: Mario Acosta & Oriol Jorba \\ 
-Title: \\ 
-Duration: \\ 
-Final report: \\ 
 === Carlos Delgado Torres === === Carlos Delgado Torres ===
Line 140: Line 177:
 Advisor: Amanda Duarte \\ Advisor: Amanda Duarte \\
 Co-Advisor: Lluís Palma \\ Co-Advisor: Lluís Palma \\
-Title: [To be assigned] \\ +Title: Probabilisitic Seasonal Forecasts with Conditional Variational Autoencoders \\ 
-Duration: 16/June 2023 - 16/February 2023 \\ +Duration: 16/June 2023 - 16/July 2024 \\ 
-Final report: \\+Final report: {{ :master_students:probabilistic_seasonal_forecasts_with_conditional_variational_autoencoders.pdf| Probabilisitic Seasonal Forecasts with Conditional Variational Autoencoders.pdf}}\\ 
 +=== Manuel Giménez de Castro Marciani ===
 +Advisor: Miguel Catrillo Melguizo \\
 +Co-advisor: Mario Cesar Acosta Cobos \\
 +Tutor: Gladys Miriam Utrera Iglesias \\
 +Title: Evaluating the Impact of Task Aggregation in Workflows with Shared Resources Environments \\
 +Duration: 1/July 2022 - 20/October 2023 \\
 +Final Report: {{ :master_students:tfm_manuel_g_marciani.pdf | Evaluating the Impact of Task Aggregation in Workflows with Shared Resources Environments}} \\
 +=== Sergi Palomas Martinez ===
 +Advisor: Mario C. Acosta \\
 +Co-advisor: Etienne Tourigny \\
 +Tutor: Carlos Álvarez \\
 +Title: Automatic load-balance method for coupled Earth System Models \\
 +Duration: 1/January 2022 - 10/June 2022 \\
 +Final Report: {{ :master_students:tfm_sergi_palomas_auto-lb.pdf | Automatic load-balance method for coupled Earth System Models}} \\
master_students/master_students.1697178578.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/10/13 06:29 by pcamps