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publications:publications [2024/05/16 06:28]
publications:publications [2024/10/02 11:37] (current)
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 ===== Peer-reviewed papers ===== ===== Peer-reviewed papers =====
 +  - {{ :publications:xyepes_fgcs_2025.pdf |Cappello}}, F., M. Acosta, E. Agullo, H. Anzt, J. Calhoun, S. Di, L. Giraud, T. Grützmacher, S. Jin, K. Sano, K. Sato, A. Singh, D. Tao, J. Tian, T. Ueno, R. Underwood, F. Vivien, X. Yepes, Y. Kazutomo, B. Zhang (2025). Multifacets of lossy compression for scientific data in the Joint-Laboratory of Extreme Scale Computing. [[ | Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 163,]]. (OEMES) [CES]
 ====2024==== ====2024====
 +  - Acosta, M. C., S. Palomas, S. V. Paronuzzi Ticco, G. Utrera, J. Biercamp, P.-A. Bretonniere, R. Budich, M. Castrillo, A. Caubel, F. Doblas-Reyes, I. Epicoco, U. Fladrich, S. Joussaume, A. K. Gupta, B. Lawrence, P. Le Sager, G. Lister, M.-P. Moine, J.-C. Rioual, S. Valcke, N. Zadeh, and V. Balaji (2024). The computational and energy cost of simulation and storage for climate science: lessons from CMIP6. [[ 
 + | Geoscientific Model Development, 17, 3081–3098, 2024,]]. //Open Access// (OEMES (PID2020-116324RA-I00), ISENES (H2020-GA-824084)) [CES]
 +  - Achebak, H., Garatachea, R., Pay, MT., Jorba, O., Guevara, M., Pérez García-Pando, C., Ballester, J. (2024). Geographic sources of ozone air pollution and mortality burden in Europe.[[ | Nature Medicine,]]. //Open Access// (Plan Nacional del Ozono, VITALISE, H2020 ACTRIS IMP, AXA Research Fund and Red Temática ACTRIS España) [AC]
   - {{ |Alonso}}, G., C. Simionato, M. Dinápoli, R. Saurral and N. Bodnariuk (2024). Positive storm surges in the Río de la Plata estuary: forcings, long-term variability, trends and linkage with Southwestern Atlantic Continental Shelf dynamics. [[ | Natural Hazards, doi:1007/s11069-024-06402-w]]. [CVC]   - {{ |Alonso}}, G., C. Simionato, M. Dinápoli, R. Saurral and N. Bodnariuk (2024). Positive storm surges in the Río de la Plata estuary: forcings, long-term variability, trends and linkage with Southwestern Atlantic Continental Shelf dynamics. [[ | Natural Hazards, doi:1007/s11069-024-06402-w]]. [CVC]
 +  - {{ |Badagian}}, J., M. Barreiro and R. Saurral (2024). Evaluation of subseasonal precipitation forecasts in the Uruguay River Basin. [[ | International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.8634]] [CVC]
   - Baldissera Pacchetti, M., L. Coulter, S. Dessai, T.G. Shepherd, J. Sillmann and B. Van Den Hurk (2024). Varieties of approaches to constructing physical climate storylines: A review. [[|WIREs Climate Change, 15, e869, doi:10.1002/wcc.869]]. //Open Access// [ESS]   - Baldissera Pacchetti, M., L. Coulter, S. Dessai, T.G. Shepherd, J. Sillmann and B. Van Den Hurk (2024). Varieties of approaches to constructing physical climate storylines: A review. [[|WIREs Climate Change, 15, e869, doi:10.1002/wcc.869]]. //Open Access// [ESS]
   - Ballester J., K.R. van Daalen, Z. Chen, H. Achebak, J.M. Antó, X. Basagaña, J.M. Robine, F.R. Herrmann, C. Tonne, J.C. Semenza and R. Lowe (2024). The effect of temporal data aggregation to assess the impact of changing temperatures in Europe: an epidemiological modelling study. [[ | The Lancet Regional Health-Europe, 36, 100779, doi:10.1016/j.lanepe.2023.100779]]. //Open Access// [GHR]   - Ballester J., K.R. van Daalen, Z. Chen, H. Achebak, J.M. Antó, X. Basagaña, J.M. Robine, F.R. Herrmann, C. Tonne, J.C. Semenza and R. Lowe (2024). The effect of temporal data aggregation to assess the impact of changing temperatures in Europe: an epidemiological modelling study. [[ | The Lancet Regional Health-Europe, 36, 100779, doi:10.1016/j.lanepe.2023.100779]]. //Open Access// [GHR]
-  -  Bilbao, R., P. Ortega, D. Swingedouw, L. Hermanson, P. Athanasiadis, R. Eade, M. Devilliers, F.J. Doblas-Reyes, N. Dunstone, A.-C. Ho, W. Merryfield, J. Mignot, D. Nicolì, M. Samsó, R. Sospedra-Alfonso, X. Wu and S. Yeager (2023) Impact of volcanic eruptions on CMIP6 decadal predictions: A multi-model analysis. [[ | Earth System Dynamics Discussions, doi:10.5194/esd-2023-36]]. [CVC]+  - Balmaceda-Huarte, R., Olmo, ME., Bettolli, ML. (2024) Regional climate projections of daily extreme temperatures in Argentina applying statistical downscaling to CMIP5 and CMIP6 models. [[|Climate Dynamics]] [ESS] 
 +  - Barcellos, C., V. Matos, R. M. Lana, and R. Lowe (2024). Climate change, thermal anomalies, and the recent progression of dengue in Brazil. [[|Nature Scientific Reports 14, 5948.]]. //Open Access// [GHR] 
 +  -  Bilbao, R., P. Ortega, D. Swingedouw, L. Hermanson, P. Athanasiadis, R. Eade, M. Devilliers, F.J. Doblas-Reyes, N. Dunstone, A.-C. Ho, W. Merryfield, J. Mignot, D. Nicolì, M. Samsó, R. Sospedra-Alfonso, X. Wu and S. Yeager (2024) Impact of volcanic eruptions on CMIP6 decadal predictions: A multi-model analysis. [[ | Earth System Dynamics, doi:10.5194/esd-15-501-2024]]. [CVC
 +  - {{:publications:cai_et_al_2024_views_on_climate_change_and_health.pdf|Cai, W.}}, J. Fanzo, J. Glaser, R. Lowe, A. M. Lusambili, and E. Marks (2024). Views on climate change and health. Nature Climate Change 14, 419–423. [GHR]
   - Calvo, L., M. Terrado, M. Pérez-Montoro, D.F. Vélez and F. Cucchietti (2024). Analysing environmental opinion using highly customisable visualisation tools to understand citizens’ attitudes and barriers. [[ | Nature Scientific Reports, doi:10.1038/s41598-024-54457-3]]. //Open Access// [ESS]   - Calvo, L., M. Terrado, M. Pérez-Montoro, D.F. Vélez and F. Cucchietti (2024). Analysing environmental opinion using highly customisable visualisation tools to understand citizens’ attitudes and barriers. [[ | Nature Scientific Reports, doi:10.1038/s41598-024-54457-3]]. //Open Access// [ESS]
 +  - Campana, P.E., B. Stridth, T. Hörndahl, S.-E. Svensson, S. Zainali, S. Ma Lu, T.E.K. Zidane, P. De Luca, S. Amaducci and M. Colauzzi (2024). Experimental results, integrated model validation, and economic aspects of agrivoltaic systems at northern latitudes. [[ | Journal of Cleaner Production, 437, 140235, doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.140235]]. //Open Access// [CVC]
 +  - Carvalho, B. M., C. Maia, O. Courtenay, A. Llabrés-Brustenga, M. Lotto Batista, G. Moirano, K. R. van Daalen, J. C. Semenza, R. Lowe. (2024). A climatic suitability indicator to support Leishmania infantum surveillance in Europe: A modelling study. The Lancet Regional Health - Europe, 43, 100971. [[|doi:10.1016/j.lanepe.2024.100971]] (IDAlert) [GHR]
 +  - Chatziparaschos, M., S. Myriokefalitakis, N. Kalivitis, N. Daskalakis, A. Nenes, M. Gonçalves Ageitos, M. Costa-Surós, C. Pérez García-Pando, M. Vrekoussis, and M. Kanakidou (2024). Assessing the global contribution of marine, terrestrial bioaerosols, and desert dust to ice-nucleating particle concentrations. [[| [preprint] EGUsphere,]]. //Open Access// (FORCeS, FRAGMENT, AXA Research Fund., STARS M. Costa-Surós (H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2016-754433)) [AC] 
   - Chen, Z.Y., H. Petetin, R.F.M. Turrubiates, H. Achebak, C. Pérez García-Pando and J. Ballester (2024). Population exposure to multiple air pollutants and its compound episodes in Europe. [[ | Nature Communications, 15, 2094, doi:10.1038/s41467-024-46103-3 ]]. //Open Access// (EARLY-ADAPT, AXA Chair,Plan Nacional del Ozono, 2021 SGR 01550, FRAGMENT, RyC Herve Petetin, MITIGATE) [AC]   - Chen, Z.Y., H. Petetin, R.F.M. Turrubiates, H. Achebak, C. Pérez García-Pando and J. Ballester (2024). Population exposure to multiple air pollutants and its compound episodes in Europe. [[ | Nature Communications, 15, 2094, doi:10.1038/s41467-024-46103-3 ]]. //Open Access// (EARLY-ADAPT, AXA Chair,Plan Nacional del Ozono, 2021 SGR 01550, FRAGMENT, RyC Herve Petetin, MITIGATE) [AC]
   - Chen, Z.Y., R.F.M. Turrubiates, H. Petetin, A. Lacima, C. Pérez García-Pando and J. Ballester (2024). Estimation of pan-European, daily total, fine-mode and coarse-mode Aerosol Optical Depth at 0.1° resolution to facilitate air quality assessments.[[ | Science of The Total Environment, 918, 170593, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.170593]]. //Open Access// (EARLY-ADAPT, AXA Chair, FRAGMENT, ACTRIS-IMP, RyC Herve Petetin, MITIGATE) [AC,ESS]   - Chen, Z.Y., R.F.M. Turrubiates, H. Petetin, A. Lacima, C. Pérez García-Pando and J. Ballester (2024). Estimation of pan-European, daily total, fine-mode and coarse-mode Aerosol Optical Depth at 0.1° resolution to facilitate air quality assessments.[[ | Science of The Total Environment, 918, 170593, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.170593]]. //Open Access// (EARLY-ADAPT, AXA Chair, FRAGMENT, ACTRIS-IMP, RyC Herve Petetin, MITIGATE) [AC,ESS]
 +  - Cuadrat, J. M., R. Serrano-Notivoli, M. Prohom, J. Cunillera, E. Tejedor, M. A. Saz, M. de Luis, A. Llabrés-Brustenga and JM. Soubeyroux (2024) Climate of the Pyrenees: Extremes indices and long-term trends, [[ | Science of The Total Environment, 933, 173052, ISSN 0048-9697, ]]
   - Crochemore, L., S. Materia, E. Delpiazzo, S. Bagli, A. Borrelli, F. Bosello, E. Contreras, F. Dalla Valle, S. Gualdi, J. Herrero, F. Larosa, R. Lopez, V. Luzzi, P. Mazzoli, A. Montani, I. Moreno, V. Pavan, I. Pechlivanidis, F. Tomei, G. Villani, C. Photiadou, M.J. Polo and Mysiak, J. (2024). A framework for joint verification and evaluation of seasonal climate services across socio-economic sectors.[[ | Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-23-0026.1]]. [CVC]   - Crochemore, L., S. Materia, E. Delpiazzo, S. Bagli, A. Borrelli, F. Bosello, E. Contreras, F. Dalla Valle, S. Gualdi, J. Herrero, F. Larosa, R. Lopez, V. Luzzi, P. Mazzoli, A. Montani, I. Moreno, V. Pavan, I. Pechlivanidis, F. Tomei, G. Villani, C. Photiadou, M.J. Polo and Mysiak, J. (2024). A framework for joint verification and evaluation of seasonal climate services across socio-economic sectors.[[ | Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-23-0026.1]]. [CVC]
-  - Dunn, R. J. H., N. Herold, L. V. Alexander, M. G. Donat, R. Allan, M. Badoret al. (2024). Observed global changes in sector-relevant climate extremes indices—An extension to HadEX3. [[ | Earth and Space Science, 11, e2023EA003279.]]. //Open Access// (LANDMARC) [CVC]+  - {{:publications:diná |Dinápoli}}, M., C. Simionato, G. Alonso, N. Bodnariuk, and R. Saurral (2024). Negative storm surges in the Río de la Plata Estuary: mechanisms, variability, trends and linkage with the Continental Shelf dynamics.[[ | Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2024.108844]]. [CVC] 
 +  - De Luca, P., M. Braam, T.D. Komacek and A. Hochman (2024). The impact of Ozone on Earth-like exoplanet climate dynamics: the case of Proxima Centauri b. [[ | Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, stae1199, doi:10.1093/mnras/stae1199]]. //Open Access// [CVC] 
 +  - Ding, J., R. van der A, H. Eskes, E. Dammers, M. Shephard, R. Wichink Kruit, M. Guevara and L. Tarrason (2024). Ammonia emission estimates using CrIS satellite observations over Europe. [[ | Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24, 10583–10599, doi:10.5194/acp-24-10583-2024]]. //Open Access// [AC] 
 +  - Donat, M. G., R. Mahmood, P. Cos, P. Ortega, F. Doblas-Reyes (2024), Improving the forecast quality of near-term climate projections by constraining internal variability based on decadal predictions and observations. [[ | Environmental Research: Climate, 3, 035013.]] //Open Access// (ASPECT, EXPECT, PRECEDE, PATHFINDER, SGR2021_CVC) [CVC] 
 +  - Dunn, R.J.H., N. Herold, L.V. Alexander, M.G. Donat, R. Allan, M. Bador et al. (2024). Observed global changes in sector-relevant climate extremes indices—An extension to HadEX3. [[ | Earth and Space Science, 11, e2023EA003279, doi:10.1029/2023EA003279]]. //Open Access// (LANDMARC) [CVC] 
 +  - Dupont, S., M. Klose, M. R. Irvine, C. González-Flórez, A. Alastuey, J.-M. Bonnefond, P. Dagsson-Waldhauserova, A. Gonzalez-Romero, T. Hussein, E. Lamaud, H. Meyer, A. Panta, X. Querol, K. Schepanski, S. Vergara Palacio, A. Wieser, J. Yus-Díez, K. Kandler and C. Pérez García-Pando (2024). Impact of dust source patchiness on the existence of a constant dust flux layer during aeolian erosion events. [[|Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 129, e2023JD040657, doi:10.1029/2023JD040657]]. //Open Access// (FRAGMENT) [AC]
   - {{ :publications:duzenli_et_al_2024-wrf-hydro.pdf |Duzenli}}, E., I. Yucel and M.T. Yilmaz (2024). Evaluation of the fully coupled WRF and WRF-Hydro modelling system initiated with satellite-based soil moisture data. [[ | Hydrological Sciences Journal, doi:10.1080/02626667.2024.2331838]]. [ESS]   - {{ :publications:duzenli_et_al_2024-wrf-hydro.pdf |Duzenli}}, E., I. Yucel and M.T. Yilmaz (2024). Evaluation of the fully coupled WRF and WRF-Hydro modelling system initiated with satellite-based soil moisture data. [[ | Hydrological Sciences Journal, doi:10.1080/02626667.2024.2331838]]. [ESS]
 +  - Eskes, H., A. Tsikerdekis, M. Ades, M. Alexe, A.C. Benedictow, Y. Bennouna, L. Blake, I. Bouarar, S. Chabrillat, R. Engelen, Q. Errera, J. Flemming, S. Garrigues, J. Griesfeller, V. Huijnen, L. Ilić, A. Inness, J. Kapsomenakis, Z. Kipling, B. Langerock, A. Mortier, M. Parrington, I. Pison, M. Pitkänen, S. Remy, A. Richter, A. Schoenhardt, M. Schulz, V. Thouret, T. Warneke, C. Zerefos and V.-H. Peuch (2024). Technical note: Evaluation of the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service Cy48R1 upgrade of June 2023. [[ | Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24, 9475–9514, doi:10.5194/acp-24-9475-2024]]. //Open Access// (CAMS2_82) [AC]
 +  - Finch, E., M. Lotto Batista, T. Alcayna, S. A. Lee and R. Lowe (2023). Early warning systems for vector-borne diseases: engagement, methods and implementation. [[| Book Chapter in Planetary Health Approaches to Understand and Control Vector-Borne Diseases, 347–386. Wageningen Academic.]]. //Open Access// [GHR]
 +  - Gittings, J.A., G., Dall’Olmo, W., Tang, J., Llort, F., Jebri, E., Livanou, F., Nencioli, S., Darmaraki, I., Theodorou, R.J.W., Brewin, M., Srokosz, N., Cassar, R.E., Raitsos (2024). An exceptional phytoplankton bloom in the southeast Madagascar Sea driven by African dust deposition. PNAS Nexus 3, pgae386. [[|PNAS Nexus 3, pgae386, doi:10.1093/pnasnexus/pgae386]] //Open Access// (PYROPLANKTON) [CVC]
 +  - González-Romero, A., C. González-Flórez, A. Panta, J. Yus-Díez, P. Córdoba, A. Alastuey, N. Moreno, K. Kandler, M. Klose, R.N. Clark, B.L. Ehlmann, R.N. Greenberger, A.M. Keebler, P. Brodrick, R.O. Green, X. Querol and C. Pérez García-Pando (2024). Probing Iceland's dust-emitting sediments: particle size distribution, mineralogy, cohesion, Fe mode of occurrence, and reflectance spectra signatures. [[|Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24, 6883–6910, doi:10.5194/acp-24-6883-2024]]. // Open Acces // (FRAGMENT, AXA Chair) [AC]
 +  - González-Romero, A., C. González-Flórez, A. Panta, J. Yus-Díez, P. Córdoba, A. Alastuey, N. Moreno, M. Hernández-Chiriboga, K. Kandler, M. Klose, R.N. Clark, B.L. Ehlmann, R.N. Greenberger, A.M. Keebler, P. Brodrick, R.O. Green, P. Ginoux, X. Querol and C. Pérez García-Pando (2024). Characterization of the particle size distribution, mineralogy, and Fe mode of occurrence of dust-emitting sediments from the Mojave Desert, California, USA.|Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24, 9155–9176, doi:10.5194/acp-24-9155-2024]]. // Open Acces // (FRAGMENT, AXA Chair) [AC]
   - Guevara, M., S. Enciso, C. Tena, O. Jorba, S. Dellaert, H. Denier van der Gon and C. Pérez García-Pando (2024). A global catalogue of CO2 emissions and co-emitted species from power plants, including high-resolution vertical and temporal profiles, [[ | Earth System Science Data, 16, 337–373, doi:10.5194/essd-16-337-2024]]. //Open Access// (CoCO2) [AC]   - Guevara, M., S. Enciso, C. Tena, O. Jorba, S. Dellaert, H. Denier van der Gon and C. Pérez García-Pando (2024). A global catalogue of CO2 emissions and co-emitted species from power plants, including high-resolution vertical and temporal profiles, [[ | Earth System Science Data, 16, 337–373, doi:10.5194/essd-16-337-2024]]. //Open Access// (CoCO2) [AC]
 +  - Guzman Ruiz C., M. Acosta, O. Jorba, E. Cesar Galobardes, M. Dawson, G. Oyarzun, C. Pérez García-Pando and K. Serradell (2024). Optimized thread-block arrangement in a GPU implementation of a linear solver for atmospheric chemistry mechanisms. [[|Computer Physics Communications, 302, 109240, doi:10.5194/essd-16-337-2024]]. [CES]
 +  - Hazeleger, W., J.P.M. Aerts, P. Bauer, M.F.P. Bierkens, G. Camps-Valls, M.M. Dekker, F.J. Doblas-Reyes, V. Eyring, C. Finkenauer, A. Grundner, S. Hachinger, D.M. Hall, T. Hartmann, F. Iglesias-Suarez, M. Janssens, E.R. Jones, T. Kölling, M. Lees, S. Lhermitte, R.V. van Nieuwpoort, A.-K. Pahker, O.J. Pellicer-Valero, F.P. Pijpers, A. Siibak, J. Spitzer, B. Stevens, V.V. Vasconcelos and F.C. Vossepoel (2024). Digital twins of the Earth with and for humans. [[|Communications Earth and Environment, 5, 463, doi:10.1038/s43247-024-01626-x]]. //Open Access// [GES]
   - Hieronymus, J., M. Hieronymus, M. Gröger, J. Schwinger, R. Bernadello, E. Tourigny, V. Sicardi, I. Ruvalcaba Baroni, and K. Wyser (2024). Net primary production annual maxima in the North Atlantic projected to shift in the 21st century, [[ | Biogeosciences, 21, 2189–2206, doi:10.5194/bg-21-2189-2024]]. //Open Access// (NetNPPAO) [CVC]   - Hieronymus, J., M. Hieronymus, M. Gröger, J. Schwinger, R. Bernadello, E. Tourigny, V. Sicardi, I. Ruvalcaba Baroni, and K. Wyser (2024). Net primary production annual maxima in the North Atlantic projected to shift in the 21st century, [[ | Biogeosciences, 21, 2189–2206, doi:10.5194/bg-21-2189-2024]]. //Open Access// (NetNPPAO) [CVC]
 +  - Hoek Spaans, R., Drumond, B., van Daalen, K. R., Rorato Vitor, A. C., Derbyshire, A., Da Silva, A., Martins Lana, R., Santos Vega, M., Carrasco-Escobar, G., Sobral Escada, M.I., Codeço, C., Lowe, R. (2024). Ethical considerations related to drone use for environment and health research: A scoping review protocol. [[ | Plos ONE, 19, e0287270. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0287270 ]] //Open Access// (HARMONIZE) [GHR]
   - {{:library:kim_et_al_2024.pdf |Kim}}, W., Y. Ruprich-Robert, A. Zhao, S. Yeager and J. Robson (2024). North Atlantic response to observed North Atlantic Oscillation surface heat flux in three climate models. [[ | Journal of Climate, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-23-0301.1]]. [CVC]   - {{:library:kim_et_al_2024.pdf |Kim}}, W., Y. Ruprich-Robert, A. Zhao, S. Yeager and J. Robson (2024). North Atlantic response to observed North Atlantic Oscillation surface heat flux in three climate models. [[ | Journal of Climate, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-23-0301.1]]. [CVC]
 +  - Klepac, P., J. L. Hsieh, C. L. Ducker, M. Assoum, M. Booth, I. Byrne, S. Dodson, D. L. Martin, C. M. R. Turner, K. R. van Daalen, B. Abela, J. Akamboe, F. Alves, S. J. Brooker, K. Ciceri-Reynolds, J. Cole, A. Desjardins, C. Drakeley, D. S. Ediriweera, N. M. Ferguson, A. F. Gabrielli, J. Gahiru, S. Jain, M. R. John, E. Juma, P. Kanayson, K. Deribe, J. D. King, A. M. Kipingu, S. Kiware, J. Kolaczinski, W. J. Kulei, T. L. Laizer, V. Lal, R. Lowe, J. S. Maige, S. Mayer, L. McIver, J. F. Mosser, R. S. Nicholls, C. Nunes-Alves, J. Panjwani, N. Parameswaran, K. Polson, H.-S. Radoykova, A. Ramani, L. J. Reimer, Z. M. Reynolds, I. Ribeiro, A. Robba, K. H. Sanikullah, D. R. M. Smith, G. S. G. Shirima, J. P. Shotts, R. Tidman, L. Tribe, J. Turner, S. Vaz Nery, R. Velayudhan, S. Warusavithana, H. S. Wheeler, A. Yajima, A. R. Abdilleh, B. Hounkpatin, D. Wangmo, C. J. M. Whitty, D. Campbell-Lendrum, T. D. Hollingsworth, A. W. Solomon, and I. S. Fall (2024). Climate change, malaria and neglected tropical diseases: a scoping review. [[|Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, trae026.]]. //Open Access// [GHR]
 +  - Lagos, M., P., Mendoza, D., Campos and R., Rondanelli (2024). Trends in Seasonal Precipitation Extremes and associated Temperatures along continental Chile [[ | Climate Dynamics, ]] //Open Access// [ESS]
 +  - Li, L., N.M. Mahowald, M. Gonçalves Ageitos, V. Obiso, R.L. Miller, C. Pérez García-Pando, C. Di Biaggio, P. Formenti, P.G. Brodrick, R.N. Clark, R.O. Green, R. Kokaly, G. Swayze and D.R. Thompson (2024). Improved constraints on hematite refractive index for estimating climatic effects of dust aerosols.[[ | Communications Earth & Environment, 5:295, doi:10.1038/s43247-024-01441-4 ]]. // Open Access// (FRAGMENT, AXA Chair, FORCeS) [AC]
 +  - Leo, S., Michael R. Crusoe, Laura Rodríguez-Navas, Raül Sirvent, Alexander Kanitz, Paul De Geest, Rudolf Wittner, Luca Pireddu, Daniel Garijo, José M. Fernández, Iacopo Colonnelli, Matej Gallo, Tazro Ohta, Hirotaka Suetake, Salvador Capella-Gutierrez, Renske de Wit, Bruno P. Kinoshita, Stian Soiland-Reyes (2024). Recording provenance of workflow runs with RO-Crate. [[ | PLoS ONE, 19(9): e0309210,]]. //Open Access// [CES]
   - Leung, D.M., J.F. Kok, L. Li, N.M. Mahowald, D.M. Lawrence, S. Tilmes, E. Kluzek, M. Klose and C. Pérez García-Pando (2024). A new process-based and scale-aware desert dust emission scheme for global climate models – Part II: Evaluation in the Community Earth System Model version 2 (CESM2). [[ | Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24, 2287–2318, doi:10.5194/acp-24-2287-2024 ]]. //Open Access// (FRAGMENT, AXA Chair) [AC]   - Leung, D.M., J.F. Kok, L. Li, N.M. Mahowald, D.M. Lawrence, S. Tilmes, E. Kluzek, M. Klose and C. Pérez García-Pando (2024). A new process-based and scale-aware desert dust emission scheme for global climate models – Part II: Evaluation in the Community Earth System Model version 2 (CESM2). [[ | Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24, 2287–2318, doi:10.5194/acp-24-2287-2024 ]]. //Open Access// (FRAGMENT, AXA Chair) [AC]
 +  - {{:publications:1-s2.0-S0048969724049416-main.pdf |Mahowald}}, N., Ginoux, P., Okin, G.s., Kok, J., Albani, S., Balkanski, Y., Chin, M., Bergametti, G.., Eck, T.F., Pérez García-Pando, C., Gkikas, A., Gonçalves Ageitos, M., Kim, D., Klose, M., LeGrand, S., Li, L., Marticorena, B., Miller, R., Ryder, C., Zender, C., Yu, Y. (2024). Letter to the Editor regarding Chappell et al., 2023, “Satellites reveal Earth's seasonally shifting dust emission sources”. [[ | Science of The Total Environment, 2024, 174792, dot: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174792 ]]. [AC]
 +  - Martín-Gómez, V., B. Rodríguez-Fonseca, I. Polo and M. Martín-Rey (2024). Observed global mean state changes modulating the collective influence of the tropical Atlantic and Indian Oceans on ENSO. [[|Journal of Climate, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-23-0450.1]].(ReSPoNSe) [CVC]
 +  - {{ |Meis}}, M., M. Sued, R. Saurral and P. Menéndez (2024). A novel statistically-based approach to regionalize extreme precipitation events using temperature data. [[ | Natural Hazards, doi:10.1007/s11069-024-06805-9.]] [CVC] 
   - Meroni, M., P. Vojonovic, M. Zampieri, S. Materia, F. Rembold, O. Kipkogei and A. Toreti (2024). Increasing the prospective capacity of global crop and rangeland monitoring with phenology tailored seasonal precipitation forecasts. [[ | Climate Services, 33, 100434, doi:10.1016/j.cliser.2023.100434]]. //Open Access// (FocusAFRICA) [CVC]   - Meroni, M., P. Vojonovic, M. Zampieri, S. Materia, F. Rembold, O. Kipkogei and A. Toreti (2024). Increasing the prospective capacity of global crop and rangeland monitoring with phenology tailored seasonal precipitation forecasts. [[ | Climate Services, 33, 100434, doi:10.1016/j.cliser.2023.100434]]. //Open Access// (FocusAFRICA) [CVC]
   - Mohino, E., P.-A. Monerie, J. Mignot, M. Diakhaté, M. Donat, C.D. Roberts and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2024). Impact of Atlantic multidecadal variability on rainfall intensity distribution and timing of the West African monsoon. [[|Earth System Dynamics, 15, 15–40, doi:10.5194/esd-15-15-2024]]. //Open Access// [CVC,GES]   - Mohino, E., P.-A. Monerie, J. Mignot, M. Diakhaté, M. Donat, C.D. Roberts and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2024). Impact of Atlantic multidecadal variability on rainfall intensity distribution and timing of the West African monsoon. [[|Earth System Dynamics, 15, 15–40, doi:10.5194/esd-15-15-2024]]. //Open Access// [CVC,GES]
 +  - Montoro-Mendoza, A., C. Calvo-Sancho, J.J. González-Alemán, J. Díaz-Fernández, P. Bolgiani, M. Sastre, E. Moreno-Chamarro and M.L. Martín (2024). Environments conductive to tropical transitions in the North Atlantic: Anthropogenic climate change influence study. [[|Atmospheric Research, p.107609, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2024.107609]]. //Open Access// [CVC]
 +  - Moreno-Chamarro, E., T. Arsouze, M. Acosta, P.-A. Bretonnière, M. Castrillo, E. Ferrer, A. Frigola, D. Kuznetsova, E. Martin-Martinez, P. Ortega, and S. Palomas (in review, 2024). The very-high resolution configuration of the EC-Earth global model for HighResMIP. [[|Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss. [preprint], doi:10.5194/gmd-2024-119]]. //Open Access// [CES, CVC]
   - Navarro-Barboza, H., M. Pandolfi, M. Guevara, S. Enciso, C. Tena, M. Via, J. Yus-Díez, C. Reche, N. Pérez, A. Alastuey, X. Querol and O. Jorba (2024). Uncertainties in source allocation of carbonaceous aerosols in a Mediterranean region. [[ | Environment International, 183, 108252, doi:10.1016/j.envint.2023.108252]]. //Open Access// (BROWNING, RI-URBANs) [AC]   - Navarro-Barboza, H., M. Pandolfi, M. Guevara, S. Enciso, C. Tena, M. Via, J. Yus-Díez, C. Reche, N. Pérez, A. Alastuey, X. Querol and O. Jorba (2024). Uncertainties in source allocation of carbonaceous aerosols in a Mediterranean region. [[ | Environment International, 183, 108252, doi:10.1016/j.envint.2023.108252]]. //Open Access// (BROWNING, RI-URBANs) [AC]
   - Obiso, V., M. Gonçalves Ageitos, C. Pérez García-Pando, J.P. Perlwitz, G.L. Schuster, S. E. Bauer, C. Di Biagio, P. Formenti, K. Tsigaridis and R.L. Miller (2024). Observationally constrained regional variations of shortwave absorption by iron oxides emphasize the cooling effect of dust. [[|Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24, 5337–5367, doi:10.5194/acp-24-5337-2024]]. //Open Access// (FRAGMENT, AXA Chair, FORCeS, HEAVY, BIOTA) [AC]   - Obiso, V., M. Gonçalves Ageitos, C. Pérez García-Pando, J.P. Perlwitz, G.L. Schuster, S. E. Bauer, C. Di Biagio, P. Formenti, K. Tsigaridis and R.L. Miller (2024). Observationally constrained regional variations of shortwave absorption by iron oxides emphasize the cooling effect of dust. [[|Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24, 5337–5367, doi:10.5194/acp-24-5337-2024]]. //Open Access// (FRAGMENT, AXA Chair, FORCeS, HEAVY, BIOTA) [AC]
-  -  Oliveira, K., M. Guevara, O. Jorba, H. Petetin, D. Bowdalo, C. Tena, G. Montané Pinto, F. López and C. Pérez García-Pando (2024). On the uncertainty of anthropogenic aromatic VOC emissions: evaluation and sensitivity analysis. [[| [preprint] EGUsphere, doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-3145]]. //Open Access// (Plan Nacional del Ozono, BROWNING, VITALISE, Red Temática ACTRIS España, AXA Research Fund and FRAGMENT) [AC] +  -  Oliveira, K., M. Guevara, O. Jorba, H. Petetin, D. Bowdalo, C. Tena, G. Montané Pinto, F. López and C. Pérez García-Pando (2024). On the uncertainty of anthropogenic aromatic volatile organic compound emissions: model evaluation and sensitivity analysis. [[| [Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24, 7137–7177, doi:10.5194/acp-24-7137-2024]]. //Open Access// (Plan Nacional del Ozono, BROWNING, VITALISE, Red Temática ACTRIS España, AXA Research Fund and FRAGMENT) [AC]  
 +  - Olmo, ME., Cos, P., Muñoz ÁG., Altava-Ortiz, V., Barrera-Escoda, A., Campos, D., Soret, A., Doblas-Reyes, F. (2024) Cross-time scale analysis of year-round atmospheric circulation patterns and their impacts on rainfall and temperatures in the Iberian Peninsula. [[|Journal of Climate, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-23-0735.1]]. //Open Access// (CLIMCAT) [ESS] 
 +  - Pérez-Zanón, N., V. Agudetse, E. Baulenas, P.A. Bretonnière, C. Delgado-Torres, N. González-Reviriego, A. Manrique-Suñén, A. Nicodemou, M. Olid, Ll. Palma, M. Terrado, B. Basile, F. Carteni, A. Dente, C. Ezquerra, F. Oldani, M. Otero, F. Santos-Alves, M. Torres, J. Valente, A. Soret (2024) Lessons learned from the co-development of operational climate forecast services for vineyards management. [[|Clim. Serv. 26, 100513, doi:10.1016/j.cliser.2024.100513]] //Open Access// (vitiGEOSS, ASPECT) [ESS]
   - Ponti, L., Gutierrez, A.P., Giannakopoulos, C., Varotsos, K.V., López-Nevado, J., López-Feria, S., Rivas-González, F.W., Caboni, F., Stocchino, F., Rosati, A., Marchionni, D., Cure, J.R., Rodríguez, D., Terrado, M., De Felice, M., Dell'Aquila, A., Calmanti, S., Arjona, R. and M. Sanderson (2024). Prospective regional analysis of olive and olive fly in Andalusia under climate change using physiologically based demographic modeling powered by cloud computing. [[ | Climate Services 34, 100455, doi:10.1016/j.cliser.2024.100455]]. //Open access// (MED-GOLD) [ESS]   - Ponti, L., Gutierrez, A.P., Giannakopoulos, C., Varotsos, K.V., López-Nevado, J., López-Feria, S., Rivas-González, F.W., Caboni, F., Stocchino, F., Rosati, A., Marchionni, D., Cure, J.R., Rodríguez, D., Terrado, M., De Felice, M., Dell'Aquila, A., Calmanti, S., Arjona, R. and M. Sanderson (2024). Prospective regional analysis of olive and olive fly in Andalusia under climate change using physiologically based demographic modeling powered by cloud computing. [[ | Climate Services 34, 100455, doi:10.1016/j.cliser.2024.100455]]. //Open access// (MED-GOLD) [ESS]
   - {{:publications:Ramon_etal_QJ_2024.pdf |Ramon}}, J., L. Lledó, C.A.T. Ferro and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2024). Uncertainties in the observational reference: implications in skill assessment and model ranking of seasonal predictions. [[|Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, doi:10.1002/qj.4628]]. (BOREAS) [ESS,GES]   - {{:publications:Ramon_etal_QJ_2024.pdf |Ramon}}, J., L. Lledó, C.A.T. Ferro and F.J. Doblas-Reyes (2024). Uncertainties in the observational reference: implications in skill assessment and model ranking of seasonal predictions. [[|Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, doi:10.1002/qj.4628]]. (BOREAS) [ESS,GES]
-  - Soulie, A., C. Granier, S. Darras, N. Zilbermann, T. Doumbia, M. Guevara, J.-P. Jalkanen, S. Keita, C. Liousse, M. Crippa, D. Guizzardi, R. Hoesly and S. Smith (2024). Global anthropogenic emissions (CAMS-GLOB-ANT) for the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service simulations of air quality forecasts and reanalyses. [[ | Earth System Science Data, 16, 2261–2279, doi:10.5194/essd-16-2261-2024]]. (CAMS2_61) [AC]+  - Sebastianelli, A., D. Spiller, R. Carmo, J. Wheeler, A. Nowakowski, L. V. Jacobson, D. Kim, H. Barlevi, Z. E. Cordero, F. J. Colón-González, R. Lowe, S. L. Ullo, and R. Schneider (2024). A reproducible ensemble machine learning approach to forecast dengue outbreaks. [[|Nature Scientific Reports 14, 3807.]]. //Open Access// [GHR] 
 +  - Song, Q., P. Ginoux, M. Gonçalves Ageitos, R.L. Miller, V. Obiso and C. Pérez García-Pando (2024). Modeling impacts of dust mineralogy on fast climate response. [[ | Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24, 7421-7446, doi:10.5194/acp-24-7421-2024]]. //Open Access// (FRAGMENT, FORCeS, EMIT, AXA, AC Research Group) [AC]. 
 +  - Soulie, A., C. Granier, S. Darras, N. Zilbermann, T. Doumbia, M. Guevara, J.-P. Jalkanen, S. Keita, C. Liousse, M. Crippa, D. Guizzardi, R. Hoesly and S. Smith (2024). Global anthropogenic emissions (CAMS-GLOB-ANT) for the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service simulations of air quality forecasts and reanalyses. [[ | Earth System Science Data, 16, 2261–2279, doi:10.5194/essd-16-2261-2024]]. //Open Access// (CAMS2_61) [AC
 +  - Suetake, H., Tomoya Tanjo, Manabu Ishii, Bruno de Paula Kinoshita, Takeshi Fujino, Tsuyoshi Hachiya, Yuichi Kodama, Takatomo Fujisawa, Osamu Ogasawara, Atsushi Shimizu, Masanori Arita, Tsukasa Fukusato, Takeo Igarashi, Tazro Ohta, (2024). Sapporo: A workflow execution service that encourages the reuse of workflows in various languages in bioinformatics [version 2; peer review: 2 approved with reservations]. [[|F1000Research,]]. //Open Access// [CES]
   - Terrado, M., N. Pérez-Zanón, D. Bojovic, N. González-Reviriego, G. Versteeg, S. Octenjak, A. Martínez-Botí and T. Joona (2024). Climate change adaptation stories: Co-creating climate services with reindeer herders in Finland. [[| Science of the Total Environment, 908, 168520, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168520]]. //Pre-print available: // (ArcticXchange) [ESS]   - Terrado, M., N. Pérez-Zanón, D. Bojovic, N. González-Reviriego, G. Versteeg, S. Octenjak, A. Martínez-Botí and T. Joona (2024). Climate change adaptation stories: Co-creating climate services with reindeer herders in Finland. [[| Science of the Total Environment, 908, 168520, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168520]]. //Pre-print available: // (ArcticXchange) [ESS]
 +  - Thomas, M.A., K. Wyser, S. Wang, M. Chatziparaschos, P. Georgakaki, M. Costa-Surós, M. Gonçalves Ageitos, M. Kanakidou, C. Pérez García-Pando, A. Nenes, T. van Noije, P. Le Sager, and A. Devasthale (2024). Recent improvements and maximum covariance analysis of aerosol and cloud properties in the EC-Earth3-AerChem model. [[ | Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 6903–6927.]]. //Open Access// (FORCeS, FRAGMENT, AXA Research Fund., STARS M. Costa-Surós (H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2016-754433)) [AC]   
   - Thompson, D.R, R.O. Green, C. Bradley, P.G. Brodrick, N. Mahowald, E. Ben Dor, M. Bennett, M. Bernas, N. Carmon, K.D Chadwick, R.N. Clark, R.W. Coleman, E. Cox, E. Diaz, M.L. Eastwood, R. Eckert, B.L. Ehlmann, P. Ginoux, M. Gonçalves Ageitos, K. Grant, L. Guanter, D.H. Pearlshtien, M. Helmlinger, H. Herzog, T. Hoefen, Y. Huang, A. Keebler, O. Kalashnikova, D. Keymeulen, R. Kokaly, M. Klose, L. Li, S.R. Lundeen, J. Meyer, E. Middleton, R.L. Miller, P. Mouroulis, B. Oaida, V. Obiso, F. Ochoa, W. Olson-Duvall, G.S. Okin, T.H. Painter, C. Pérez García-Pando, R. Pollock, V. Realmuto, L. Shaw, P. Sullivan, G. Swayze, E. Thingvold, A.K. Thorpe, S. Vannan, C. Villarreal, C. Ung, D.W. Wilson and S. Zandbergen (2024). On-orbit calibration and performance of the EMIT imaging spectrometer. [[ | Remote Sensing of Environment, 303, 113986, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2023.113986]]. //Open Access// (FRAGMENT and AXA Chair) [AC]   - Thompson, D.R, R.O. Green, C. Bradley, P.G. Brodrick, N. Mahowald, E. Ben Dor, M. Bennett, M. Bernas, N. Carmon, K.D Chadwick, R.N. Clark, R.W. Coleman, E. Cox, E. Diaz, M.L. Eastwood, R. Eckert, B.L. Ehlmann, P. Ginoux, M. Gonçalves Ageitos, K. Grant, L. Guanter, D.H. Pearlshtien, M. Helmlinger, H. Herzog, T. Hoefen, Y. Huang, A. Keebler, O. Kalashnikova, D. Keymeulen, R. Kokaly, M. Klose, L. Li, S.R. Lundeen, J. Meyer, E. Middleton, R.L. Miller, P. Mouroulis, B. Oaida, V. Obiso, F. Ochoa, W. Olson-Duvall, G.S. Okin, T.H. Painter, C. Pérez García-Pando, R. Pollock, V. Realmuto, L. Shaw, P. Sullivan, G. Swayze, E. Thingvold, A.K. Thorpe, S. Vannan, C. Villarreal, C. Ung, D.W. Wilson and S. Zandbergen (2024). On-orbit calibration and performance of the EMIT imaging spectrometer. [[ | Remote Sensing of Environment, 303, 113986, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2023.113986]]. //Open Access// (FRAGMENT and AXA Chair) [AC]
   - Thunis, P., J. Kuenen, E. Pisoni, B. Bessagnet, M. Banja, L. Gawuc, K. Szymankiewicz, D. Guizardi, M. Crippa, S. Lopez-Aparicio, M. Guevara, A. De Meij, S. Schindlbacher and A. Clappier (2024). Emission ensemble approach to improve the development of multi-scale emission inventories. [[ | Geoscientific Model Development, 17, 3631–3643, doi:10.5194/gmd-17-3631-2024]]. //Open Access// (FAIRMODE) [AC]   - Thunis, P., J. Kuenen, E. Pisoni, B. Bessagnet, M. Banja, L. Gawuc, K. Szymankiewicz, D. Guizardi, M. Crippa, S. Lopez-Aparicio, M. Guevara, A. De Meij, S. Schindlbacher and A. Clappier (2024). Emission ensemble approach to improve the development of multi-scale emission inventories. [[ | Geoscientific Model Development, 17, 3631–3643, doi:10.5194/gmd-17-3631-2024]]. //Open Access// (FAIRMODE) [AC]
   - Urraca, R., G. Janssens-Maenhout, N. Álamos, N., L. Berna-Peña, M. Crippa, S. Darras, S. Dellaert, H. Denier van der Gon, M. Dowell, N. Gobron, C. Granier, G. Grassi, M. Guevara, D. Guizzardi, K. Gurney, N. Huneeus, S. Keita, J. Kuenen, A. Lopez-Noreña, E. Puliafito, G. Roest, S. Rossi, A. Soulie, and A. Visschedijk (2024). CoCO2-MOSAIC 1.0: a global mosaic of regional, gridded, fossil, and biofuel CO2 emission inventories. [[ | Earth System Science Data, 16, 501–523, doi:10.5194/essd-16-501-2024]]. //Open Access// (CoCO2) [AC]   - Urraca, R., G. Janssens-Maenhout, N. Álamos, N., L. Berna-Peña, M. Crippa, S. Darras, S. Dellaert, H. Denier van der Gon, M. Dowell, N. Gobron, C. Granier, G. Grassi, M. Guevara, D. Guizzardi, K. Gurney, N. Huneeus, S. Keita, J. Kuenen, A. Lopez-Noreña, E. Puliafito, G. Roest, S. Rossi, A. Soulie, and A. Visschedijk (2024). CoCO2-MOSAIC 1.0: a global mosaic of regional, gridded, fossil, and biofuel CO2 emission inventories. [[ | Earth System Science Data, 16, 501–523, doi:10.5194/essd-16-501-2024]]. //Open Access// (CoCO2) [AC]
-  - Woolnough, S.J., F. Vitart, A.W. Robertson, C.A.S. Coelho, R. Lee, H. Lin, A. Kumar, C. Stan, M. Balmaseda, N. Caltabiano, M. Yamaguchi, H. Afargan-Gerstman, V.L. Boult, F.M. De Andrade, D. Büeler, A. Carreric, D.A. Campos Diaz, J. Day, J. Dorrington, M. Feldmann, J.C. Furtado, C.M. Grams, R. Koster, L. Hirons, V.S. Indasi, P. Jadhav, Y. Liu, P. Nying’uro, C.D. Roberts, E. Rouges and J. Ryu (2024). Celebrating 10 years of the Sub-Seasonal to Seasonal Prediction Project and looking to the future. [[ | Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-23-0323.1]]. //Open Access// (STARS cofund A. Carreric) [CVC]+  - van Daalen, K. R., N. Wyma, J. Schauer-Berg, I. M. Blom, J. Mattijsen, R. Othman, M. Eissa, R. M. Parks, A. Wyns, A. T. Aboushady, M. Hassan, T. Ezzine, S. Khan, M. E. Zayed, S. Neggazi, L. Alqodmani, and R. Lowe (2024). The global health community at international climate change negotiations. [[|BMJ Global Health.]]. //Open Access// [GHR] 
 +  - van Daalen, K. R., C. Tonne, J. C. Semenza, J. Rocklöv, A. Markandya, N. Dasandi, S. Jankin, H. Achebak, J. Ballester, H. Bechara, T. M. Beck, M. W. Callaghan, B. M. Carvalho, J. Chambers, M. Cirah Pradas, O. Courtenay, S. Dasgupta, M. J. Eckelman, Z. Farooq, P. Fransson, E. Gallo, O. Gasparyan, N. Gonzalez-Reviriego, I. Hamilton, R. Hänninen, C. Hatfield, K. He, A. Kazmierczak, V. Kendrovski, H. Kennard, G. Kiesewetter, R. Kouznetsov, H. K. Kriit, A. Llabrés-Brustenga, S. J. Lloyd, M. Lotto Batista, C. Maia, J. Martinez-Urtaza, Z. Mi, C. Milà, J. C. Minx, M. Nieuwenhuijsen, J. Palamarchuk, D. K. Pantera, M. Quijal-Zamorano, P. Rafaj, E. J. Z. Robinson, N. Sánchez-Valdivia, D. Scamman, O. Schmoll, M. O. Sewe, J. D. Sherman, P. Singh, E. Sirotkina, H. Sjödin, M. Sofiev, B. Solaraju-Murali, M. Springmann, M. Treskova, J. Triñanes, E. Vanuytrecht, F. Wagner, M. Walawender, L. Warnecke, R. Zhang, M. Romanello, J. M. Antó, M. Nilsson, and R. Lowe (2024). The 2024 Europe report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: unprecedented warming demands unprecedented action. [[|The Lancet Public Health.]]. //Open Access// [GHR] 
 +  - Woolnough, S.J., F. Vitart, A.W. Robertson, C.A.S. Coelho, R. Lee, H. Lin, A. Kumar, C. Stan, M. Balmaseda, N. Caltabiano, M. Yamaguchi, H. Afargan-Gerstman, V.L. Boult, F.M. De Andrade, D. Büeler, A. Carreric, D.A. Campos Diaz, J. Day, J. Dorrington, M. Feldmann, J.C. Furtado, C.M. Grams, R. Koster, L. Hirons, V.S. Indasi, P. Jadhav, Y. Liu, P. Nying’uro, C.D. Roberts, E. Rouges and J. Ryu (2024). Celebrating 10 years of the Sub-Seasonal to Seasonal Prediction Project and looking to the future. [[ | Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-23-0323.1]]. //Open Access// (STARS cofund A. Carreric) [CVC, ESS]
 ====2023==== ====2023====
 +  - Hochman, A., T.D., Komacek and P. De Luca (2023). Analogous response of temperate terrestrial exoplanets and Earth’s climate dynamics to greenhouse gas supplement. [[ | Scientific Reports, 13, 11123,]] //Open Access// (MSCA_Paolo) [CVC]
   - Acosta, M. C., S. Palomas and E. Tourigny (2023). Balancing EC-Earth3 improving the performance of EC-Earth CMIP6 configurations by minimizing the coupling cost. [[ | Earth and Space Science, 10, e2023EA002912, doi:10.1029/2023EA002912]]. //Open Access// (OEMES) [CES]   - Acosta, M. C., S. Palomas and E. Tourigny (2023). Balancing EC-Earth3 improving the performance of EC-Earth CMIP6 configurations by minimizing the coupling cost. [[ | Earth and Space Science, 10, e2023EA002912, doi:10.1029/2023EA002912]]. //Open Access// (OEMES) [CES]
   - Adebiyi, A., J.F. Kok, B.J. Murray, C.L. Ryder, J-B.W. Stuut, R.A. Kahn, P. Knippertz, P. Formenti, N.M. Mahowald, C. Pérez García-Pando, M. Klose, A. Ansmann, B.H. Samset, A. Ito, Y. Balkanski, C. Di Biagio, M.N. Romanias, Y. Huang and J. Meng (2023). A review of coarse mineral dust in the Earth system. [[ | Aeolian Research, 60, 100849, doi:10.1016/j.aeolia.2022.100849]]. //Open Access// (AXA Chair, FRAGMENT) [AC]   - Adebiyi, A., J.F. Kok, B.J. Murray, C.L. Ryder, J-B.W. Stuut, R.A. Kahn, P. Knippertz, P. Formenti, N.M. Mahowald, C. Pérez García-Pando, M. Klose, A. Ansmann, B.H. Samset, A. Ito, Y. Balkanski, C. Di Biagio, M.N. Romanias, Y. Huang and J. Meng (2023). A review of coarse mineral dust in the Earth system. [[ | Aeolian Research, 60, 100849, doi:10.1016/j.aeolia.2022.100849]]. //Open Access// (AXA Chair, FRAGMENT) [AC]
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   - Ayache, M., J.-C. Dutay, K. Tachikawa, T. Arsouze and C. Jeandel (2023). Neodymium budget in the Mediterranean Sea: evaluating the role of atmospheric dusts using a high-resolution dynamical-biogeochemical model. [[ | Biogeosciences, 20, 205–227, doi:10.5194/bg-20-205-2023]]. //Open Access// [CVC]   - Ayache, M., J.-C. Dutay, K. Tachikawa, T. Arsouze and C. Jeandel (2023). Neodymium budget in the Mediterranean Sea: evaluating the role of atmospheric dusts using a high-resolution dynamical-biogeochemical model. [[ | Biogeosciences, 20, 205–227, doi:10.5194/bg-20-205-2023]]. //Open Access// [CVC]
   - {{:publications:Bauer_etal_NatRevEarthEnv_2023.pdf |Bauer}}, P., P. Dueben, M. Chantry, F.J. Doblas-Reyes, T. Hoefler, A. McGovern and B. Stevens (2023). Deep learning and a changing economy in weather and climate prediction. [[|Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 4, 507–509, doi:10.1038/s43017-023-00468-z]]. [GES]   - {{:publications:Bauer_etal_NatRevEarthEnv_2023.pdf |Bauer}}, P., P. Dueben, M. Chantry, F.J. Doblas-Reyes, T. Hoefler, A. McGovern and B. Stevens (2023). Deep learning and a changing economy in weather and climate prediction. [[|Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 4, 507–509, doi:10.1038/s43017-023-00468-z]]. [GES]
 +  - Ballester, J., K. R. van Daalen, Z. Chen, H. Achebak, J. M. Antó, X. Basagaña, J. M. Robine, F. R. Herrmann, C. Tonne, J. C. Semenza, and R. Lowe (2023). The effect of temporal data aggregation to assess the impact of changing temperatures in Europe: an epidemiological modelling study. [[ |The Lancet Regional Health-Europe.]]. //Open Access// [GHR]
   - Baulenas, E., D. Bojovic, D. Urquiza, M. Terrado, S. Pickard, N. González and A.S. Clair (2023). User selection and engagement for climate services coproduction.[[ | Weather, Climate, and Society, 15, 381-392, doi:10.1175/WCAS-D-22-0112.1]]. //Open Access// (PRIMAVERA, EUPORIAS, APPLICATE, MED-GOLD, EUCP, NextGEMS, Impetus4Change, FOCUS-Africa) [ESS]   - Baulenas, E., D. Bojovic, D. Urquiza, M. Terrado, S. Pickard, N. González and A.S. Clair (2023). User selection and engagement for climate services coproduction.[[ | Weather, Climate, and Society, 15, 381-392, doi:10.1175/WCAS-D-22-0112.1]]. //Open Access// (PRIMAVERA, EUPORIAS, APPLICATE, MED-GOLD, EUCP, NextGEMS, Impetus4Change, FOCUS-Africa) [ESS]
   - Baulenas, E., G. Versteeg, M. Terrado, J. Mindlin and D. Bojovic (2023). Assembling the climate story: use of storyline approaches in climate-related science. [[|Global Challenges, 7, 2200183, doi:10.1002/gch2.202200183]]. //Open Access// (EUCP, NextGEMS, Impetus4Change, EERIE, GLORIA) [ESS]   - Baulenas, E., G. Versteeg, M. Terrado, J. Mindlin and D. Bojovic (2023). Assembling the climate story: use of storyline approaches in climate-related science. [[|Global Challenges, 7, 2200183, doi:10.1002/gch2.202200183]]. //Open Access// (EUCP, NextGEMS, Impetus4Change, EERIE, GLORIA) [ESS]
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   - Fletcher, I.K., R. Gibb, R. Lowe and K.E. Jones (2023). Differing taxonomic responses of mosquito vectors to anthropogenic land-use change in Latin America and the Caribbean. [[ | PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0011450]] //Open Access// [GHR]   - Fletcher, I.K., R. Gibb, R. Lowe and K.E. Jones (2023). Differing taxonomic responses of mosquito vectors to anthropogenic land-use change in Latin America and the Caribbean. [[ | PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0011450]] //Open Access// [GHR]
   - Freitas, L.P., R. Lowe, A.E. Koepp, S.V. Alves, M. Dondero and L.J. Marteleto (2023). Identifying hidden Zika hotspots in Pernambuco, Brazil: A spatial analysis. [[|Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 117, 189–196, doi:10.1093/trstmh/trac099]]. [GHR]   - Freitas, L.P., R. Lowe, A.E. Koepp, S.V. Alves, M. Dondero and L.J. Marteleto (2023). Identifying hidden Zika hotspots in Pernambuco, Brazil: A spatial analysis. [[|Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 117, 189–196, doi:10.1093/trstmh/trac099]]. [GHR]
 +  - Gibb, R., F. J. Colón-González, P. T. Lan, P. T. Huong, V. S. Nam, V. T. Duoc, D. T. Hung, N. T. Dong, V. C. Chien, L. T. T. Trang, D. K. Quoc, T. M. Hoa, N. H. Tai, T. T. Hang, G. Tsarouchi, E. Ainscoe, Q. Harpham, B. Hofmann, D. Lumbroso, O. J. Brady, and R. Lowe (2023). Interactions between climate change, urban infrastructure and mobility are driving dengue emergence in Vietnam. [[|Nature Communications.]]. //Open Access// [GHR]
   - Gómez González, C.A. (2023). DL4DS—Deep learning for empirical downscaling. [[|Environmental Data Science, 2, e3, doi:]]. //Open Access// (STARS-COFUND) [CES]   - Gómez González, C.A. (2023). DL4DS—Deep learning for empirical downscaling. [[|Environmental Data Science, 2, e3, doi:]]. //Open Access// (STARS-COFUND) [CES]
   - Gonçalves Ageitos, M., V. Obiso, R. L. Miller, O. Jorba, M. Klose, M. Dawson, Y. Balkanski, J. Perlwitz, S. Basart, E. Di Tomaso, J. Escribano, F. Macchia, G. Montané, N. M. Mahowald, R. O. Green, D. R. Thompson, and C. Pérez García-Pando (2023). Modeling dust mineralogical composition: sensitivity to soil mineralogy atlases and their expected climate impacts. [[ | Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23, 8623–8657, doi: 10.5194/acp-23-8623-2023 ]].  //Open Access// (FRAGMENT, AXA Chair, FORCES, NUTRIENT) [AC]   - Gonçalves Ageitos, M., V. Obiso, R. L. Miller, O. Jorba, M. Klose, M. Dawson, Y. Balkanski, J. Perlwitz, S. Basart, E. Di Tomaso, J. Escribano, F. Macchia, G. Montané, N. M. Mahowald, R. O. Green, D. R. Thompson, and C. Pérez García-Pando (2023). Modeling dust mineralogical composition: sensitivity to soil mineralogy atlases and their expected climate impacts. [[ | Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23, 8623–8657, doi: 10.5194/acp-23-8623-2023 ]].  //Open Access// (FRAGMENT, AXA Chair, FORCES, NUTRIENT) [AC]
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   - Rocklöv, J., J.C. Semenza, S. Dasgupta, E.J.Z. Robinson, R. Lowe … (2023). Decision-support tools to build climate resilience against emerging infectious diseases in Europe and beyond. [[ | The Lancet Regional Health-Europe, doi:10.1016/j.lanepe.2023.100701]] //Open Access// [GHR]   - Rocklöv, J., J.C. Semenza, S. Dasgupta, E.J.Z. Robinson, R. Lowe … (2023). Decision-support tools to build climate resilience against emerging infectious diseases in Europe and beyond. [[ | The Lancet Regional Health-Europe, doi:10.1016/j.lanepe.2023.100701]] //Open Access// [GHR]
   - Rorato, A.C., A.P. Dal'Asta, R.M. Lana, R.B.N. dos Santos, M.I.S. Escada, C.M. Vogt, T.C. Neves, M. Barbosa, C.S. Andreazzi, I.C. dos Reis, D.A. Fernandes, M. Silva-Nunes, A.R. Souza, A.M.V. Monteiro and C.T. Codeço (2023). Trajetorias: a dataset of environmental, epidemiological, and economic indicators for the Brazilian Amazon. [[ | Scientific Data, 10, 65, doi:10.1038/s41597-023-01962-1]]. //Open Access// [GHR]   - Rorato, A.C., A.P. Dal'Asta, R.M. Lana, R.B.N. dos Santos, M.I.S. Escada, C.M. Vogt, T.C. Neves, M. Barbosa, C.S. Andreazzi, I.C. dos Reis, D.A. Fernandes, M. Silva-Nunes, A.R. Souza, A.M.V. Monteiro and C.T. Codeço (2023). Trajetorias: a dataset of environmental, epidemiological, and economic indicators for the Brazilian Amazon. [[ | Scientific Data, 10, 65, doi:10.1038/s41597-023-01962-1]]. //Open Access// [GHR]
-  - Ruiz, C. G., Dawson, M., Acosta, M. C., Jorba, O., Galobardes, E. C., Garcia-Pando, C. P. and Serradell, K. (2023). Adapting Atmospheric Chemistry Components for Efficient GPU Accelerators. In X.-S. Yang, R. S. Sherratt, N. Dey, & A. Joshi (Eds.), Proceedings of Eighth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology (pp. 129–138). [[ | Singapore: Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-981-99-3091-3 11 ]]. [CES] [AC]+  - Ruiz, C. G., M. Dawson, M. C. Acosta, O. Jorba, E. C. Galobardes, C. P. Garcia-Pando, K. Serradell (2023). Adapting Atmospheric Chemistry Components for Efficient GPU Accelerators. In X.-S. Yang, R. S. Sherratt, N. Dey, & A. Joshi (Eds.), Proceedings of Eighth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology (pp. 129–138). [[ | Singapore: Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-981-99-3091-3 11 ]]. [CES] [AC
 +  - Ryan, S. J., C. A. Lippi, T. Caplan, A. Diaz, W. Dunbar, S. Grover, S. Johnson, R. Knowles, R. Lowe, B. Mateen, M. Thomson, and A. M. Stewart-Ibarra (2023). The current landscape of software tools for the climate-sensitive infectious disease modelling community. [[|The Lancet Planetary Health 7, e527–36.]]. //Open Access// [GHR]
   - Santos-Vega M., R. Lowe, L. Anselin, V. Desai, K.G. Vaishnav, A. Naik and M. Pascual (2023). Quantifying climatic and socioeconomic drivers of urban malaria in Surat, India: a statistical spatiotemporal modelling study. [[ | The Lancet Planetary Health, doi:10.1016/S2542-5196(23)00249-8]] //Open Access// [GHR]   - Santos-Vega M., R. Lowe, L. Anselin, V. Desai, K.G. Vaishnav, A. Naik and M. Pascual (2023). Quantifying climatic and socioeconomic drivers of urban malaria in Surat, India: a statistical spatiotemporal modelling study. [[ | The Lancet Planetary Health, doi:10.1016/S2542-5196(23)00249-8]] //Open Access// [GHR]
 +  - Santos-Vega, M., R. Lowe, L. Anselin, V. Desai, K. G. Vaishnav, A. Naik, and M. Pascual (2023). Quantifying climatic and socioeconomic drivers of urban malaria in Surat, India: a statistical spatiotemporal modelling study. [[|The Lancet Planetary Health.]]. //Open Access// [GHR]
   - {{publications:rsaurral_ijoc_2023.pdf|Saurral, R.}} and F. Piscitelli (2023). Dynamic and thermodynamic drivers of rainfall trends at the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. [[|International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.8233]] [CVC]    - {{publications:rsaurral_ijoc_2023.pdf|Saurral, R.}} and F. Piscitelli (2023). Dynamic and thermodynamic drivers of rainfall trends at the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. [[|International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.8233]] [CVC] 
   - {{publications:rsaurral_TAAC_2023.pdf|Saurral, R.}} and G. Raggio (2023). Changes in stratospheric ozone concentrations shape air temperature distributions on the Antarctic Peninsula. [[|Theoretical and Applied Climatology, doi:10.1007/s00704-023-04598.8]] [CVC]    - {{publications:rsaurral_TAAC_2023.pdf|Saurral, R.}} and G. Raggio (2023). Changes in stratospheric ozone concentrations shape air temperature distributions on the Antarctic Peninsula. [[|Theoretical and Applied Climatology, doi:10.1007/s00704-023-04598.8]] [CVC] 
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 ===== Other publications ===== ===== Other publications =====
 +    - Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) (2024). [[|European State of the Climate 2023. Contributing author]]. [GHR]
 +    - European Environment Agency (2024). [[|European Climate Risk Assessment. Chapter 7: Human health]]. [GHR]
 +    - European Environment Agency (2024). [[|Responding to climate change impacts on human health in Europe: focus on floods, droughts and water quality]]. [GHR]
 +    - Velázquez, D., Cirés, S., Casero M.C., Rautio, A; Aromäki, M., Ballot, A., Camacho, A., Convey,P., De Los Ríos, A., Diez-Chiappe, A., Fournier, C., Kujala, K.,Lezcano, M. A., Manso, C., Quesada, A., Rødven, R., Terrado, M., Urrutia-Cordero, P., Wilmotte, A., Workamp, K., Wörmer, L. (2024). White Paper: Addressing the challenges of global warming for polar freshwater resources. EU-PolarNet. 21 pp. [[|DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10838764]] [ESS]
 +    - Muñoz, Á. G., González Romero, C., García, A., Campos, D., and Alabweh, Z.(2024). Ecosystems of Climate Services in Latin America: examples from Guatemala and Chile. EMS Annual Meeting. EMS2024-965,, 2024.Open Access (Climateurope2) [ESS]
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   -   Carmen Gonzalez Romero, Angel G. Muñoz, Lisa Goddard, Asuncion Ledas St.Clair, Francisco Doblas- Reyes, Marta Terrado, and Dragana Bojovic (2023) Climate Services Ecosystems: an opportunity to increase optimization. EGU PICO session CL 5.6. [[| Open Access]] (Climateurope2,[KIT-ESS] )   -   Carmen Gonzalez Romero, Angel G. Muñoz, Lisa Goddard, Asuncion Ledas St.Clair, Francisco Doblas- Reyes, Marta Terrado, and Dragana Bojovic (2023) Climate Services Ecosystems: an opportunity to increase optimization. EGU PICO session CL 5.6. [[| Open Access]] (Climateurope2,[KIT-ESS] )
   - O'Neill, S.M., P. Xian, J. Flemming, M. Cope, A. Baklanov, N.K. Larkin, J.K. Vaughan, D. Tong, R. Howard, R. Stull, D. Davignon, R. Ahmadov, M. Talat Odman, J. Innis, M. Azzi, C. Gan, R. Pavlovic, B.N. Chew, J.S. Reid, E.J. Hyer, Z. Kipling, A. Benedetti, P.R. Colarco, A. Da Silva, T. Tanaka, J. McQueen, P. Bhattacharjee, J. Guth, N. Asencio, O. Jorba, C.P. García-Pando, R. Kouznetsov, M. Sofiev, M.E. Brooks, J. Chen, E. James, F. Reisen, A. Wain, K. McTaggart and A. MacNeil (2023). Profiles of Operational and Research Forecasting of Smoke and Air Quality Around the World. In Landscape Fire, Smoke, and Health (eds T.V. Loboda, N.H.F. French and R.C. Puett), [[ | doi:10.1002/9781119757030.ch9]] [AC]   - O'Neill, S.M., P. Xian, J. Flemming, M. Cope, A. Baklanov, N.K. Larkin, J.K. Vaughan, D. Tong, R. Howard, R. Stull, D. Davignon, R. Ahmadov, M. Talat Odman, J. Innis, M. Azzi, C. Gan, R. Pavlovic, B.N. Chew, J.S. Reid, E.J. Hyer, Z. Kipling, A. Benedetti, P.R. Colarco, A. Da Silva, T. Tanaka, J. McQueen, P. Bhattacharjee, J. Guth, N. Asencio, O. Jorba, C.P. García-Pando, R. Kouznetsov, M. Sofiev, M.E. Brooks, J. Chen, E. James, F. Reisen, A. Wain, K. McTaggart and A. MacNeil (2023). Profiles of Operational and Research Forecasting of Smoke and Air Quality Around the World. In Landscape Fire, Smoke, and Health (eds T.V. Loboda, N.H.F. French and R.C. Puett), [[ | doi:10.1002/9781119757030.ch9]] [AC]
 +  - World Health Organization (2023). [[|ZERO REGRETS: Scaling up action on climate change mitigation and adaptation for health in the WHO European Region. Second edition. Key messages from the Working Group on Health in Climate Change]]. [GHR]
 +  - World Meteorological Organization (2023). [[|2023 State of Climate Services for Health]]. [GHR]
 ====2022==== ====2022====
   - Climate Vulnerability Monitor 3rd Edition (CVM3): Planet on fire. Contributions of Rachel Lowe and Martin Lotto Batista (2022). [[| Open Access]]   - Climate Vulnerability Monitor 3rd Edition (CVM3): Planet on fire. Contributions of Rachel Lowe and Martin Lotto Batista (2022). [[| Open Access]]
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