Table of Contents

Basic approach

Communication between the CFU members

The CFU members and their position are listed here (please add your name and position) and here under the “Team” tab (please send your biography to to have your name added).

To facilitate communication between the members, we use Pidgin to chat. Information to configure your pidgin can be found here.

To be invited to the meetings and to help organize the team work, you'll need to create a Google calendar and share it with each one of the CFU members following the instructions here. This calendar will also allow you to see the availability of each one if you want to organize a meeting.

To be aware of the work from other members and to know with whom you can discuss any scientific or technical issue in future, please organize a meeting with each one of the CFU members individually for them to present their work. You can send an email to any member using the address:

Meetings are for everyone invited. Please, confirm your attendance and attend the meetings even by Skype. If you don't attend the ones organised for the unit you are expected to have a good excuse. For the experiment meeting, if you can't attend always fill in the calendar notice with your experiments and check the outcome of the meeting in the calendar too; if this is not done you risks of not being allowed to run your experiments. For the unit meetings, if you're not on one of the lists and you think you should, just let Paco know as he might have well forgotten you or used the incorrect email address.

A few available mailing list

You should have been automatically subscribed to the , the and the mailing list that you can use respectively to send an email to all the CFU members, all the IC3 members and all the IC3 staff. If you do not receive those emails, please contact for the first one and for the second and third ones.

If you want to be informed about the actions of the IC3 worker union, you can subscribe to this mailing list:

My first analyses

Before performing any analysis, please read this page: to know how to make an optimal use of the ressources

Then, please download the minimum necessary CFU tools by typing:

 git clone https://gitlab.cfu.local/cfu/autosubmit.git  Directory_where_I_want_to store_that
 git clone https://gitlab.cfu.local/cfu/atmosphere_diagnostics.git  Directory_where_I_want_to store_that
 git clone https://gitlab.cfu.local/cfu/ocean_diagnostics.git  Directory_where_I_want_to store_that
 git clone https://gitlab.cfu.local/cfu/cfutools Directory_where_I_want_to_store_them

The documentation about the post-processing tools (atmosphere diagnostics and ocean post-processing) can be found here:

The documentation to use and develop ocean post processing software is accessible here:

To post process the atmospheric variables (and then be able to use them with s2dverification), you will find the documentation here:

A quick presentation about how to use ocean and atmospheric post processing tools can also be found here: tools_meeting_presentation.pdf

To access the experiments list: http://enterprise:8000/autosubmit_v2/default/index

To realise figure and analysis on an experience you can also use the s2dverification package (climatology, anomalies, bias, skill score…), which has been develop by the CFU team. An overview of the package is available on this presentation:

To start with this package you can start with the two tutorials available here:

The complete documentation to use and develop the package is here:

Running experiments

A simple set of rules to bear in mind when running and analysing your experiments follows:

As for the experiment meetings, there are regular tasks to take care of: