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tools:smoothing [2015/05/26 10:07]
tools:smoothing [2015/05/26 10:07] (current)
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 +==== Objective ====
 +This is a package containing bash and R code that produces smoother fields from original ones. This has been needed in the past to produce smoother restart fields when the ocean model couldn't cope with too strong gradients. 
 +  *  [[|Applying smoothing to GLORYS ocean restart files]]
 +==== Description ====
 +=== List of functions ===
 +  *  run_smoothing.bash
 +  *  smooth_fields.R
 +  *  replace_variables.bash
 +==== Requirements ====
 +==== Use ====
 +The smoothing package consists of bash and R code that runs in the following order:
 +1) run_smoothing.bash
 +---> 2) smooth_fields.R
 +---> 3) replace_variables.bash
 +1) The running parameters are set in the bash-script //run_smoothing.bash//. This script launches steps 2) and 3).
 +2) //smooth_fields.R// produces smooth fields from the input fields specified by the variables list //varlist// in step 1).
 +At this moment, the smoothing is implemented in **Loop A**, which corresponds to a coastal region with the continent on the west.
 +The smoothing is performed from the open ocean towards the coast, to bring smoother information into the smaller scales.
 +If smoothing needs to be applied in a coastal region with a different orientation, a different loop will need to be written and a switch implemented.
 +(contact isabel.andreu-burillo (at)
 +3) //replace_variables.bash// replaces the fields in a file by the corresponding smoothed fields, obtained in step 2).
 +For an ORCA1L46 setup, and two start-dates, the script has run on moore in an interactive queue specifying:  qrsh -l h_vmem=20G,s_rt=02:00:00,h_rt=02:00:00
 +==== Repository ====
 +The link to the GIT repository is https://dev.cfu.local/cfu_tools.git
 +==== Contact ====
 +The coordinator of this project is Domingo Manubens Gil <>
 +Any issues, please contact the developer:  Isabel Andreu-Burillo <>
 +As a new user, please register to this mailing list:
 +You'll then have access to the history of all the emails sent to the users and presenting the
 +functions and their available options.
 +==== Development ====
 +=== Package structure ===
 +=== How to develop ===
 +Download the repository folder to your computer ( git clone https://dev.cfu.local/cfu_tools.git <local_folder> ) and check-out to the branch you want to develop in.
 +=== Steps to add a new function to a package ===
 +  *  Put the code of the function in a file.
 +  *  Make sure the code of the function follows the style rules (information below header, history, ...).
 +  *  Fill in the file with the function documentation.
 +==== Style Guide ====
 +You can check the style guide for the Smoothing package [[tools:style_guides:bash|here]] and [[tools:style_guides:r|here]]
tools/smoothing.txt ยท Last modified: 2015/05/26 10:07 (external edit)