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# Nemo modelfactors

Script used to get important metrics from NEMO

# Installation and requeriments
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This script requires Python 3 and relies on
*Extrae*,*Paraver* and *Dimemas* being installed and available
through the PATH environment variable.
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* *Extrae* available at !!! Install 3.7.1 version !!!
* *Paraver* available at
* *Dimemas* available at
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If not already done, install both tools and add them to the PATH environment
variable with:
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export PATH=<extrae-install-dir>/bin:$PATH
export EXTRAE_HOME=<extrae-install-dir>
export PATH=<paraver-install-dir>/bin:$PATH
export PARAVER_HOME=<paraver-install-dir>
export PATH=<dimemas-install-dir>/bin:$PATH
export DIMEMAS_HOME=<dimemas-install-dir>
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Also the different modules needed to compile and execute NEMO should be loaded before the script execution.

* Perl interpreter
* Fortran compiler (ifort, gfortran, pgfortran, ftn, …),
* Message Passing Interface (MPI) implementation (e.g. OpenMPI or MPICH).
* Network Common Data Form (NetCDF) library with its underlying Hierarchical Data Form (HDF)

Additionally, plotting relies on the according SciPy(>= 0.17.0),
NumPy, pandas, searborn and matplotlib (>= 3.x) modules for Python 3.
Furthermore, the gnuplot output requires gnuplot version 5.0 or higher.

# Usage

* Copy all the content of this folder into the folder used to run NEMO, the one that contains the data the namelists and the executable.
* Edit the file config.yaml adding the information required.
* Execute 
