Commit 67df2f0f authored by Muhammad Asif's avatar Muhammad Asif
Browse files

- In order to obtain the following stuff into the COMPLETED files updated the...

- In order to obtain the following stuff into the COMPLETED files updated the autosubmit.conf with respect to REM (remote job being run under some queueing system) and LOC (local job being run without any queueing system):

REM: $job_end_time $job_queue_time $job_run_time $failed_jobs $failed_jobs_qt $failed_jobs_rt
LOC*: $job_end_time 0 $job_run_time $failed_jobs

* For local jobs as considered there is no queueing system so job_queue_time=0 always and also founded that for local jobs counting failed_jobs_qt and failed_jobs_rt not much useful.
parent 2ea48523
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