Issues with autosubmit stats
Hello @dbeltran and @bdepaula,
Autosubmit Version
Expid affected(If applicable)
I'll summarize different issues found when running autosubmit stats
Issue 1: IndexError: list index out of range
It happens in many experiments. The pdf
is created and apparently everything is alright, but we don't know if we are missing data.
[mcastril@climatedt-wf AUTOSUBMIT_DATA]$ autosubmit stats a06x
id: ‘eadmin’: no such user
list index out of range
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/appl/AS/4.0.0b22/lib/python3.9/site-packages/autosubmit-4.0.0b0-py3.9.egg/autosubmit/monitor/", line 175, in create_bar_diagram
create_csv_stats(exp_stats, jobs_list, output_file)
File "/appl/AS/4.0.0b22/lib/python3.9/site-packages/autosubmit-4.0.0b0-py3.9.egg/autosubmit/monitor/", line 194, in create_csv_stats
job_names[i], start_times[i], end_times[i], queuing_times[i], running_times[i]))
IndexError: list index out of range
Issue 2: CSV and PDF not copied into ./stats directory
[mcastril@climatedt-wf AUTOSUBMIT_DATA]$ autosubmit stats a06x
Stats created at /appl/AS/AUTOSUBMIT_DATA/a06x/tmp/a06x_statistics_20230727_1930.pdf
Issue 3: CSV and PDF not copied into ./stats directory
Too many results were asked. Autosubmit prints a message, but also an exception is thrown:
The results are too large to be shown, try narrowing your query.
Use a filter like -ft where you supply a list of job types, e.g. INI, SIM; or -fp where you supply an integer that represents the number of hours into the past that should be queried: suppose it is noon, if you supply -fp 5 the query will consider changes starting from 7:00 am. If you really wish to query the whole experiment, refer to Autosubmit GUI.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/appl/AS/4.0.0b22/lib/python3.9/site-packages/autosubmit-4.0.0b0-py3.9.egg/autosubmit/", line 2656, in statistics
monitor_exp.generate_output_stats(expid, jobs, file_format, period_ini, period_fi, not hide,
File "/appl/AS/4.0.0b22/lib/python3.9/site-packages/autosubmit-4.0.0b0-py3.9.egg/autosubmit/monitor/", line 484, in generate_output_stats
create_bar_diagram(expid, joblist, self.get_general_stats(expid), output_complete_path, period_ini, period_fi, queue_time_fixes)
File "/appl/AS/4.0.0b22/lib/python3.9/site-packages/autosubmit-4.0.0b0-py3.9.egg/autosubmit/monitor/", line 94, in create_bar_diagram
raise AutosubmitCritical("Stats query out of bounds", 7061, message)
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/appl/AS/4.0.0b22/lib/python3.9/site-packages/autosubmit-4.0.0b0-py3.9.egg/autosubmit/", line 2660, in statistics
raise AutosubmitCritical(
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/appl/AS/4.0.0b22/lib/python3.9/site-packages/autosubmit-4.0.0b0-py3.9.egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/autosubmit", line 36, in main
File "/appl/AS/4.0.0b22/lib/python3.9/site-packages/autosubmit-4.0.0b0-py3.9.egg/autosubmit/", line 661, in parse_args
return Autosubmit.statistics(args.expid, args.filter_type, args.filter_period, args.output, args.hide,
File "/appl/AS/4.0.0b22/lib/python3.9/site-packages/autosubmit-4.0.0b0-py3.9.egg/autosubmit/", line 2666, in statistics
raise AutosubmitCritical("Stats couldn't be generated. Check trace for more details", 7061, str(e))
[ERROR] Trace:
[CRITICAL] Stats couldn't be generated. Check trace for more details [eCode=7061]