configfile_rrtm_chem.DUST.tmp 32.9 KB
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#####  Grid Specifications  #####

im:  III                    # I gridpoints
jm:  JJJ                    # J gridpoints
lm:  KKK                    # Number of atmospheric layers

tph0d:   TPHD               # Central geographic latitude of grid (degrees)
tlm0d:   TLMD               # Central geographic longitude of grid (degrees, positive east)

wbd:  WBD                   # Grid's western boundary (rotated degrees)
sbd:  SBD                   # Grid's southern boundary (rotated degrees)

#####  Grid Decomposition  #####

inpes:  INPES               # Number of compute tasks in the I direction
jnpes:  JNPES               # Number of compute tasks in the J direction

####  Specify the I/O tasks  ####

quilting:              true    # Do you want asynchronous quilting/history writes?
write_groups:          1
write_tasks_per_group: WRTSK

#####  Fundamental Timestep (seconds)  #####

dt_int: DTINT               # Integer seconds
dt_num: 0                   # Numerator of fractional second
dt_den: 1                   # Denominator of fractional second

filt_dt_int: DTINT          # Filter integer seconds
filt_dt_num: 0              # Filter numerator of fractional sec
filt_dt_den: 1              # Filter denominator of fractional sec

#####  Forecast Start Time  #####

start_year:   YYYY
start_month:  MM
start_day:    DD
start_hour:   HH
start_minute: 0
start_second: 0

#####  Forecast Length / Restarting / Output Frequency  #####

nhours_fcst:      LLL       # Length of the forecast (hours)
minutes_history:  STT       # Frequency of history output (minutes)
nhours_dfini:       0

restart:          false     # True--> A restarted run
minutes_restart:  720       # Frequency of restart output (minutes)

avg_max_length: 3600        # Time in seconds when averaged fields are reset

rst_out_00:          false  # True--> Write 00h history in restarted run
write_last_restart:  true   # True--> Write last restart file

freerun:             true   # True--> Original
                            # False--> 5X divergence dumping in NDAS forec.

#####  General Modes  #####

global:    DOM              # True--> Global ; False--> Regional
hydro:     false            # True--> Hydrostatic ;  False--> Nonhydrostatic
adiabatic: false            # True--> Adiabatic ;  False--> Diabatic
oper:      false

#####  Printouts      #####

print_all:     true        # Print all statements to err file
print_diag:    true        # Print diagnostics (CALL FIELD_STATS)
print_esmf:    false         # Print ESMF return signals
print_output:  false        # Print info on records written into history/restart file
print_timing:  true         # Print timing info (CPU time)
NetCDF_4D_out: true        # Limit NetCDF arrays to 4 dimensions maximum

##### Ensemble #####

ENS_SPS:      false
total_member: 1
PE_MEMBER01:    0

#####  Dynamics  #####
secadv:  true               # True--> 2nd order advection ; False--> 4th order advection

smag2:   0.2                # Smagorinsky constant for 2nd order diffusion

codamp:  9.0                # Divergence damping constant
wcor:    0.2                # Divergence correction factor

idtadt:  2                  # Number of adjustment timesteps between tracer advection calls (normally 1)

#num_tracers_chem:  8        # Number of specified chem/aerosol "tracer" scalars

lnsh:  1                    # Number of boundary blending rows for H points
lnsv:  1                    # Number of boundary blending rows for V points

##### Aerosol - chem species and number of bins #####

num_tracers_chem: NCHEM      # Number of specified chem/aerosol "tracer" scalars

#AEROSOLS (true if >1, false if =0)

num_ash:   0                 # Number of volcanic ash bins
num_dust:  NDUST             # Number of dust transport bins  (only 8 works - 4 also planned) - if num_dust:0 --> don't run dust
num_salt:  0                 # Number of sea salt tranport bins (only 8 works)
num_om:    0                 # Number of organic matter transport bins (only 7 works - hydrophobic/hydrophilic)
                             # 1:POM phob., 2:POM phil., 3:Dentener SOA phob. or not used in Tsigaridis SOA
                             # 4:Dentener SOA phil. or Tsigaridis SOA ISOPP1A, 5:Tsigaridis SOA ISOPP2A
                             # 6:Tsigaridis SOA APIN1A, 7:Tsigaridis SOA APIN2A
num_bc:    0                 # Number of black carbon transport bins (only works 2 - hydrophobic/hydrophilic)
num_so4:   0                 # Number of sulphate transport bins (only works 1 - bulk SO4 aerosol)
num_no3:   0                 # Number of nitrate transport bins (not active - 3?)
num_nh4:   0                 # Number of ammonium transport bins (not active - 1?)
num_unspc: 0                 # Number of unspeciated transport bins (2 planned)
num_aero_uci: 0              # Number of secondary aerosols bins in uci_aerosols (not active)

bc_aero: false               # Do we have aerosol BC for parent domain on regional runs
chem_mech: 0                 # 0 no gas chemistry 
                             # 1 CB-IV chemical mechanism from KPP 32(gases)
                             # 2 CBM05 chemical mechanism from KPP 53(gases)
                             # 22 CBM05 chemical mech. with EBI-solver from CMAQ 53(gases)
                             # 3  CBM05+NH3 chemical mech. with EBI-solver from CMAQ 73(gases)
                             # 4 gas tracer 1=1(aero)
                             # 6 SU-SOA-GLOBAL MECHANISM 40=16(du_ss)+10(om_bc_su)+14(gas)
                             # 7 NH4-NO3-SO4-SOA-GLOBAL MECHANISM 44=16(du_ss)+10(om_bc_su)+3(no3_nh4)+xx(gases)
                             # 37 CBM05+MECH_7_AERO 107=77(gases)+30(aerosols_bin) 

do_partmc: false             # flag indicating whether to solve chemistry with PartMC-PhlexChem

chem_ste: 0                  # 0 no stratosphere ozone
                             # 1 Cariollev2.9 linear Strt. ozone model
                             # 2 Climatology
                             # 3 COPCAT linear Strt. ozone model

chem_ic: CCCC                # 0 initialize from ideal conditions
                             # 1 initialize from a previous run
                             # 2 initialize from inca chem data
                             # 3 initialize from global nmmb-ctm run
                             # 4 initialize from a previous run of different resolution

num_bc_chem: 0               # Number of chemical species in BC for parent domain on regional runs

nemis:        4              # Number of dynamics timesteps between reads to emission files

nphot:       20              # Number of dynamics timesteps between recompute photolysis rates

idtad_chem:    2             # Number of adjustment timesteps between aerosol/chem advection calls
ngas:          4             # Number of dynamics timesteps between calls to gas-phase chemistry

dcal:   BBBB                 # Dust emission calibration factor
                             # 0.3*2.*0.8*1.6 !Paper Perez et al. (2011) Global 1ºx1.4º
                             # 0.15*1.7   !analysis initial data 0.25x0.25x40
                             # 0.3  !Reanalysis 2 - GLDAS  0.5x0.5x40 vert regional

dcalbin1:   PERT1            # Perturbabion for the calibration factor (dust emission) per bin
dcalbin2:   PERT2
dcalbin3:   PERT3
dcalbin4:   PERT4
dcalbin5:   PERT5
dcalbin6:   PERT6
dcalbin7:   PERT7
dcalbin8:   PERT8

perturb_usth:   PEUS1        #Perturbabion for the threshold on the friction velocity (dust emission)

couple_dust:    EEEE         # True--> dust from history file; False--> no initial dust

couple_netcdf:  true         # True--> history file in netcdf; False--> history file in binary

recycle_soil: true          # True--> smc,stc,sh2o from history file; False--> smc,stc,sh2o from global analysis

num_veg:   99                # Number of landuse types (see vegtypes in dust_start.f)

nhrs_spinup:  SFFF           # hours of spin-up

fecan: FFFF                  # Fecan coefficient (typically >= 1)
smccoef: SMCCOEF             # soil moisture scaling (typically <= 1)
                             # recommended to use either fecan or smccoef and not both at the same time
cthr: CTHR                   # erosion threshold scaling (typically <= 1)
bcl_mp_c:  BMPC              # tuning factor for coarse dust below cloud scavenging (grid scale clouds) 
bcl_mp_m:  BMPM              # tuning factor for medium dust below cloud scavenging (grid scale clouds)
bcl_mp_f:  BMPF              # tuning factor for fine dust below cloud scavenging (grid scale clouds)

bcl_bmj_c:  BBMJC            # tuning factor for coarse dust below cloud scavenging (convective clouds) 
bcl_bmj_m:  BBMJM            # tuning factor for medium dust below cloud scavenging (convective clouds)
bcl_bmj_f:  BBMJF            # tuning factor for fine dust below cloud scavenging (convective clouds)

icl_mp:   IMP                # tuning factor for dust incloud scavenging (grid scale clouds)
icl_bmj:  IBMJ               # tuning factor for dust incloud scavenging (convective clouds)

vsed5:   VSED5               # correction factor of sedimentation velocity for bin 5 dust to correct for diffusive scheme    
vsed6:   VSED6               # correction factor of sedimentation velocity for bin 6 dust to correct for diffusive scheme
vsed7:   VSED7               # correction factor of sedimentation velocity for bin 7 dust to correct for diffusive scheme
vsed8:   VSED8               # correction factor of sedimentation velocity for bin 8 dust to correct for diffusive scheme

sedim_type:   SEDIM_TYPE     # sedimentation scheme (0-implicit,1 explicit) both upwind (pretty diffusive)

vdry:    VDRY                # tuning factor for dry deposition velocity (excluding gravitational settling)

src:  SRC                    # 0 Old topographic source from Ginoux et al. (2001) derived at 0.25 degrees (DUSCHEME=0-7)
                             # 1 New MODIS DB C6 based foo derived at 0.1 degrees (both natural and antropogenic together) (DUSCHEME=0-7)
                             # 2 New MODIS DB C6 based foo derived at 0.1 degrees (tagged natural and antropogenic) (DUSCHEME=0-7)
                             # 3 Like #1 to identify the location of sources but like #0 (topo) for the calculation of the vertical flux (DUSCHEME=0,1,2)
                             # 4 Like #2 to identify the location of sources but like #0 (topo) for the calculation of the vertical flux (DUSCHEME=0,1,2)
#                             (#3 and #4 are equivalent to #1 and #2 respectively in the case of DUSCHEME>=3)
#                             (For the options above, in the case of DUSCHEME>=3 (Kok, Shao, Klose), SRC is only used to identify the location of the sources) 
                             # 5 No source based on topo or MODIS (only DMASK) and no tagging
                             # 6 No source based on topo or MODIS (only DMASK) and tagging for anthropogenic and natural based on MODIS DB

dmask:  DMASK                # 0 Standard desert mask based on monthly vegetation fraction (Perez et al. 2011)
#                              (If SRC=0 it uses the fixed and already masked topo source)
                             # 1 Based on MODIS C5 monthly LAI for the specific year (available for 2003 to 2014)
                             # 2 Based on MODIS C5 monthly LAI climatology (2003 to 2014)
                             # 3 Based on Landsat and MODIS reflectance (Guerschman et al. 2015) (monthly data, 01/2001 to 08/2018)
                             # 4 Based on Landsat and MODIS reflectance (Guerschman et al. 2015) (monthly climatology, 2001-2017)

vegf_uni: VEGF_UNI           # 0 Use default USGS climatological vegetation for meteorology and land-surface while using vegetation from DMASK/DRAG_PART for dust 
                             # 1 Use same vegetation (Guerschman et al. 2015) for meteorology and land-surface as for dust (only applies if DMASK = 3 or 4 and DRAG_PART = 4)

szdstr:  SZDSTR              # 0 Emitted size distribution from D'Almeida
                             # 1 Emitted size distribution from Kok
                             # 2 Emitted size distribution from Ginoux et al. (2001) 

duscheme: DUSCHEME           # 0 Marticorena and Bergametti, NMMB default dust emission scheme (Perez et al 2011)
                             # 1 GOCART dust emission scheme from Paul Ginoux using 10 m wind (Klose et al., 2020)
                             # 2 GOCART dust emission scheme from Paul Ginoux using friction velocity (Klose et al., 2020) 
                             # 3 KOK dust emission scheme (Kok et al. 2014)
                             # 4 SHAO (2001), JGR
                             # 5 SHAO (2004), JGR
                             # 6 SHAO et al. (2011), JGR - simplification of #5

vslayer: VSLAYER             # 0 NMMB default with viscous sublayer
                             # 1 no viscous sublayer (only applies for NMMB default dust scheme)

smccor: SMCCOR               # soil moisture correction for threshold friction velocity in DUSCHEMES 0-6 (DUSCHEME 7 has different treatment)
                             # 0 default (2 for DUSCHEME 0; 1 for DUSCHEMES 1-2; 3 for DUSCHEME 3; 4 for DUSCHEMES 4-6)
                             # 1 Belly (1964)/Ginoux et al. (2001)
                             # 2 Fecan et al. (1999) - grav. soil moisture, fixed coefficients (Zender et al., 2003, Perez et al., 2011)
                             # 3 Shao and Jung (2000), Klose et al. (2014) - vol. soil moisture, soil-texture dependent coefficients

dragpart: DRAG_PART          # 0 no drag partition scheme in the emission
                             # 1 drag partition forllowing Marticorena with X parameter = 10.
                             # 2 drag partition forllowing Marticorena with X parameter = 12255.
                             # 3 drag partition forllowing Marticorena with X parameter = 40.
                             # 4 drag partition following Raupach 1993 (automatically chosen for DUSCHEME >= 4) 
                             #   [vegetation fraction product determined by DMASK: DMASK=3-4 -> new Guerschman vegetation; else -> USGS climatology]

ustdp: USTDP                 # 0 apply drag partition to ustt
                             # 1 apply drag partition to ust                             

dext: DEXT                   # 0 default dust extinction (spherical particles) 
                             # 1 dust extinction assuming tri-axial spheroids

##### Aerosol/chem species processes ##############
##### for model testing ########################### 
##### true or false for the different processes ###

diff_chem:     true         # Lateral diffusion for chem/aerosol species
adv_chem:      true         # Horizontal and vertical advection for chem/aerosol species 
sedim:         false        # Aerosol sedimentation (in vertical advection dynamics_grid_comp)
incloud_conv:  true         # Aerosol In-cloud scavenging from convective clouds
bcloud_conv:   true         # Aerosol below-cloud scavenging from convective clouds
incloud_strt:  true         # Aerosol in-cloud scavenging from stratiform clouds
bcloud_strt:   true         # Aerosol below-cloud scavenging from stratiform clouds 
conv_trans:    true         # Convective adjustment of aerosol/chem arrays
vdiff_chem:    true         # vertical diffusion
dry_dep:       true         # Aerosol dry deposition

newsedim:      true         # new aerosol sedimentation in physics_grid_comp
nsedim:        4            #adjustment steps between new sedimentation calls

lchemon:       false        # Turn on gas-phase chemistry
lemis:         true         # Gas-phase emissions
lemiline:      false        # Online computation of biogenic emissions
lcnst:         0            # Constant emissions 0. variable 1. constant
lnewemiss:     7            # 0 Emissions from wrfchem
                            # 1 Emissions from mozart (Emmons et al.,2010)
                            # 2 Emissions from ACCMIP (Lamarque et al.,2010)
                            # 3 Emissions from AQMEII-Phase 2 EU
                            # 4 Emissions from Fukushima
                            # 5 Emissions from ACCMIP BC AND OC
                            # 6 Emissions from CALIOPE-GFAS regional run
                            # 7 Emissions from HERMESv3_monthly-GFAS_daily global run
                            # 8 Emissions from HERMESv3_hourly-GFAS_daily global run
lbiomod:       2            # If online biog emiss 1. simple scheme 2. megan scheme
lconvemi:      1.           # Factor for anthr. emissions input to model
lnum_lay_emiss: 6           # Num. vert. layers in emission file 1. mozart 6. poet
lnum_emiss_vert: 1          # Difusion of 1st emission layer in n first layers
lphot:         true         # Gas-phase photolysis
ldrydep:       true         # Gas-phase dry deposition
lcldchem:      true         # Gas-phase cloud chemistry
lrescld:       true         # Grid-scale cloud chemistry
lconvcld:      true         # Subgrid-scale cloud chemistry
lchem:         false        # Gas-phase chemical mechanism

##### Aerosol/chem species radiation interaction ##########
##### Only works with RRTM new (rrtmn - see below)#########

slfari: 11             # flag for ARI LW/SW calculations (old IAER)
                       #   : 0 -> no ARI
                       #   : 1 -> only SW
                       #   : 10 -> only LW
                       #   : 11 -> LW + SW
                       #   : 1** -> as before + volcanic ash (always from OPAC)
mdlari: XMDL           # flag for ARI module (XMDL in proj_*.conf)
                       #   : 0 -> OPAC climatology
                       #   : 3 -> MONARCH dynamic coupling
mlcari: XMLC           # flag for multiple call (XMLC in proj_*.conf)
                       #   : 0 -> no DRE
                       #   : 1 -> DRE of all types
                       #   : 2 -> DRE of single types (alone) + all types
                       #   : 3 -> DRE of single types (missing) + all types
tblari: XTBL           # flag for optical table (XTBL in proj_*.conf)
                       #   : 1 -> OPAC refractive indices (homogeneous dust components)
                       #   : 2 -> OPAC refractive indices + emission p50 for dust imaginary index in (0.25-2.00)µm
                       #   : 3 -> mineral refractive indices: external mixing
                       #   : 4 -> mineral refractive indices: internal mixing for hematite-clays (Maxwell-Garnett mixing rule)

nspari: 10                            # number of available aerosol species (for allocation of nxbari)
nbnari: 90                            # number of available aerosol types (for allocation of fhbari)
nxbari: 1 64 8 7 2 1 3 1 2 1          # number of available types for each aerosol species
fhbari: 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # ARI configuration for each type
                                      #   : 0 -> no ARI
                                      #   : 1 -> hydrophobic
                                      #   : 2 -> hydrophilic

#####  Digital Filtering Options  ####

filter_method: 0            # 0--->none ; 1--->DFL ; 2---> DDFI ; 3--->TDFI

nsecs_dfl: 1800             # HALF foward filter window (s)          (DFL)
nsecs_bckddfi: 1800         # HALF backward integration duration (s) (DDFI)
nsecs_fwdddfi: 3600         # HALF foward filter window (s)          (DDFI)
nsecs_bcktdfi: 3600         # HALF backward filter window (s)        (TDFI)
nsecs_fwdtdfi: 3600         # HALF forward filter window (s)         (TDFI)

radar_init: 0

#####  Global Summations ####

use_allreduce:  true        # False--> use mpi send/recv for global sums (reproducible results)
                            # True--> use mpi_allreduce for global sums (much faster)
mass_fixer: 0               # impose mass conservation after advection of chem/aerosol tracers
                            # uses mpi_allreduce for global sums in the mass fixer 
                            # 0 no mass fixer applied
                            # 1 based on McGregor (2005) (globally diffusive!)
                            # 2 based on Bermejo and Conde (2002) (quite diffusive too)
                            # 3 similar to Bermejo and Conde (2002) with weights additionally scaled by the total grid cell mass (works)
                            # 4 similar to Bermejo and Conde (2002) with weights additionally scaled by the total grid cell mass^2 (recommended)

###  Precipitation Assimilation  ####

pcpflg:  false                # True--> assimilation on ; False--> assimilation off
pcphr: 6
write_prec_adj: false         # True--> create baseline prec. files ; False--> regular run

###  Gravity Wave Drag  ####

gwdflg:  false              # True--> GWD on ; False--> GWD off

cdmb:       0.1             # tunable parameter for adjusting mountain blocking
cleffamp:   1.00            # tunable parameter, depends on resolution
sigfac:     0.00            # tunable parameter
factop:     0.50            # de-acceleration limiter
rlolev:   500.00            # critical pressure level (check units)
dpmin:      5.00            # minimum thickness of the reference layer (check units)

#####  Physics Scheme Options  #####

shortwave: rrtm             # Radiation schemes
longwave:  rrtm
                                # gfdl--> GFDL (shortwave and longwave)
                                # gsfc--> Goddard shortwave
                                # dudh--> Dudhia shortwave
                                # rrtm--> RRTM (shortwave and longwave)

np3d: 3                  # cloud properties for radiation
                                # 3--> ferrier's microphysics cloud scheme (only stratiform cloud)
                                # 4--> zhao/carr/sundqvist microphysics cloud (now available in the NMMB)
                                # 5--> NAM stratiform + convective cloud optical depth and fraction (GFDL type convective cloud)
                                # 8--> Thompson microphysics and special Thompson rrtm SW radiation

ialbsrc: 0              # albedo for radiation
                                # >0  --> ialb=1 use modis based albedo for land area
                                # <=0 --> ialb=2 use albedo from noah (default)

cldfraction: default        # cloud fraction scheme for radiation
                                # default  --> according to the choice of np3d
                                # thompson --> thompson

co2tf:  1                       # co2tf--> Read (0) or generate internally (1)
                                #          the GFDL CO2 transmission functions

convection:  bmj            # Convection scheme
                                # bmj    --> Betts-Miller-Janjic
                                # bmj_dev--> BMJ (development)
                                #  kf    --> Kain-Fritsch
                                # sas    --> Simplified Arakawa-Schubert
                                #  gd    --> Grell-Devenyi
                                # none   --> No convection

microphysics:  fer          # Microphysics scheme
                                # fer--> Ferrier
                                # fer_hires--> Ferrier operational
                                # kes--> Kessler
                                # lin--> Lin
                                # tho--> Thompson
                                # wsm3--> WSM3
                                # gfs--> GFS microphy

rhgrd: 0.98                 # Onset of condensation
spec_adv:  .false.          # Individual cloud species advected
lmprate:  .false.           # .true.: 4D array called MPRATES containing
                            # 3D microphysics source/sink terms
                            # .false.: One 3D array called MPRATES
                            # with zero values

turbulence:  myj            # Turbulence schemes
                                # myj--> Mellor-Yamada-Janjic
                                # gfs--> GFS PBL

sfc_layer:  myj             # Surface layer schemes
                                # myj--> Mellor-Yamada-Jamnjic
                                # mm5--> MM5 sfc layer

land_surface:  noah         # Land surface schemes
                                # noah--> NOAH scheme
                                # liss--> Janjic LSM

ucmcall: 0                  # Use (1) or do not use (0) the Urban Canopy Model
ivegsrc: 0                  # Vegetation map identifier, 0--> USGS, 1--> IGBP


gfs:  false                 # Select entire GFS physics suite

#####  Shallow Convection Switches  ####

fres:     1.00               # resolution factor for dsp's (default)
fr:       1.00               # land factor for dsp's (dafault)
fsl:      0.85               # reduction factor for "slow" dsp's over land (dafault)
fss:      0.85               # reduction factor for "slow" dsp's over water (dafault)

#fres:     0.80               # resolution factor for dsp's
#fr:       1.00               # land factor for dsp's
#fsl:      0.85               # reduction factor for "slow" dsp's over land
#fss:      0.85               # reduction factor for "slow" dsp's over water

entrain:    .false.         # entrainment
newall:     .false.         # new cloud used at all shallow points
newswap:    .false.         # new clouds at swap shallow points
newupup:    .false.         # new cloud used for both heat and moisture up shallow pts.
nodeep:     .false.         # all deep convection diverted to shallow swap algorythm

#####  Physics Timesteps  #####

nrads:     NRADS               # Number of dynamics timesteps between calls to shortwave
nradl:     NRADL               # Number of dynamics timesteps  between calls to longwave

nphs:       4               # Number of dynamics timesteps between calls to landsurface and turbulence

nprecip:    8               # Number of dynamics timesteps between calls to convection and microphysics

#### NOTE:  User must set nhrs_udef to .TRUE. and set the emptying frequencies (nhrs_*) to the desired values
####        or else all accumulations will automatically be emptied hourly.

nhrs_udef:  true            # User defined when fluxes are emptied.
                            # False--> Auto ; True--> User defined:

nhrs_prec: 24               # Frequency in hours between times when precip arrays are emptied
nhrs_heat: 12               # Frequency in hours between times when heating arrays are emptied
nhrs_clod: 12               # Frequency in hours between times when cloud arrays are emptied
nhrs_rdlw:  3               # Frequency in hours between times when LW radiation arrays are emptied
nhrs_rdsw:  3               # Frequency in hours between times when SW radiation arrays are emptied
nhrs_srfc: 12               # Frequency in hours between times when sfc evap/flux arrays are emptied

####  Write History/Restart Specifications  ####

nemsio_input: false

write_hst_bin:       false   # True--> Write history files in binary format
write_hst_nemsio:    false   # True--> Write history files in NEMSIO format
write_hst_netcdf:    true    # True--> Write history files in NETCDF format
write_rst_bin:       false   # True--> Write restart files in binary format
write_rst_nemsio:    false   # True--> Write restart files in NEMSIO format
write_rst_netcdf:    false   # True--> Write restart files in NETCDF format

write_nemsioctl:     false   # True--> Yes write ctl for nemsio run history files
write_donefileflag:  false 
write_fsyncflag:     false   # True--> Yes write fsync
write_dopost:        false   # True--> Yes run post on quilt
post_gribversion:   'grib1'  # grib version for post output

netcdf_compression:      2   # level of netcdf compression 0= no compression, 4= maximum compression

hst_name_base:           'nmmb_hst'
rst_name_base:           'nmmb_rst'

####  Nesting Specifications  ####

my_domain_id:      1
my_parent_id:      1
n_children:        0
num_domains_total: 1          # The total number of domains in this run (only needed in domain #1's configure file)

input_ready:  true            # Is the initial condition file already prepared?

nest_mode:  1-way             # Select '1-way' or '2-way' interaction between parents/children

### If any 2-way domains are part of this run then provide the following value.

generation: 2                 # In which generation is this domain?

### If this domain is a 2-way child then provide the following value.

2way_wgt:  0.5              # Fraction of this child's 2-way data values used by the parent (0.-> all parent; 1.-> all child)

### If this domain is not a nest then the remaining variables
### in 'Nesting Specifications' are ignored.

i_parent_start:  122          # Nest southwest corner at this parent I
j_parent_start:  133          # Nest southwest corner at this parent J

parent_child_space_ratio:  3  # Ratio of this nest's parent's grid increment to its own

my_domain_moves: false         # Does this domain move?
move_type: storm              # Type of this domain move (storm, prescribed)
ntrack: 00                    # the number of nphys steps between tracker calls
                              # only innermost domain needs ntrack>0

max_shift: 2                  # Max # of parent grid increments (in I and/or J) this nest can move in one shift (999->no limit)
centers_distance: 6.0         # Grid increments on this nest between its and its inner nest's centers before this nest shifts
latitude_limit: 60.0          # Nests will not move poleward of this latitude (degrees)

ratio_sfc_files: 3            # If domain moves, provide ratio of uppermost parent grid increment to this domain's

sfc_conflict: dummy           # 'nearest' -->  Parent-to-child conflict pts use nearest child pt with same sfc type
                              # 'dummy'   -->  Child uses dummy values for all conflict pts (reproducible results)

nrows_p_upd_w: 2              # West bndry rows of moving nest footprint updated by parent
nrows_p_upd_e: 2              # East bndry rows of moving nest footprint updated by parent
nrows_p_upd_s: 2              # South bndry rows of moving nest footprint updated by parent
nrows_p_upd_n: 2              # North bndry rows of moving nest footprint updated by parent

####  Timing Info  ####

nhours_clocktime:   1        # Frequency in hours between clocktime diagnostic prints.
npe_print:          1        # The MPI task that will provide the clocktimes.

####  Hurricane    ####

run_tc:             false    # true=use hwrf phys

sas_pgcon:          0.55     # convectively forced pressure gradient factor,default=0.55
sas_shal_pgcon:     -1       # convectively forced pressure gradient factor sas shallow conv,
                             # '-1' means sas_pgcon is used
sas_shalconv:       1        # 1=enable shallow conv,better with gfspblhur scheme
sas_mass_flux:      9.0e9    # mass flux limit,default=9e9
sas_mommix:         1.0      # SAS momentum mixing coef
var_ric:            1.0      # 1=use variable critical Ri# in gfspblhur
coef_ric_l:         0.16     # Regression coef for land Ric,default=0.16
coef_ric_s:         0.16     # Regression coef for sea Ric,default=0.16
alpha:              0.7      # adjustment coef for K in gfspblhur
sfenth:             0.0      # GFDL surface-layer enhancement coef
disheat:            true     # true='consider diss heating'